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"Wow, what an interesting effect"

Roger thought while looking at the laser show with the effect of three-dimensionality on the advertising posters of New York. It was his last day here after long negotiations with business partners, and before leaving for the airport, he wanted to finally get acquainted with the sights of this big famous city more closely.

The plane to London was supposed to take off in a few hours, so he had enough time for this. Despite his wealth, Roger strangely realized that he was here for the first time in his life, although in his 40 years he traveled to a large number of countries both for tourism purposes and for business projects.

And here, as in many other countries, Roger decided to walk these few hours around the city not in an expensive car, without security guards - just like an ordinary citizen.

"Does no one notice this or is it normal for everyone here?"

Thought Roger, fascinated by the effect, seeing how the effect with the advertising output seemed to envelop him and not noticing that his body and clothes were already transforming with every second. His hands still hadn't changed color and he was still wearing his business suit, but the skin of his face had already completely changed and became much darker. The hair, which had grown almost to his waist, was not yet felt by Roger. However, there was still some strange feeling of fullness in his chest, which Roger wrote off as a deep big breath, not realizing that at that moment his chest was slowly swelling.

The lobes of his ears seemed to be given a slight electric shock, and at the same time, metal elements began to appear with a faint sheen, gradually increasing in size, while the skin color became darker and darker, as if pouring paint all over Roger's body from top to bottom.

Finally, this three-dimensional effect disappeared, and only at that moment Roger noticed something was wrong. His body seemed to be wrapped around something that looked like thick duct tape, but he could still move. The touch of his new long hair became as obvious as the strange new weight in the area of his chest and lowering his head Roger felt heavy metal large earrings pulling his earlobes down as he stared dumbfounded at his large chest and dark skin

- Hands up!

The male voice in front made Roger distracted and look up, realizing that he did not feel anything between his legs and the fabric just as tightly fits his flat crotch. But the main shock was that he saw himself in front of him

- Haha! Gotcha! How long have I been looking for someone like you!

It was spoken in the voice of a man who looked exactly like Roger

- Um... what?

Hearing his high female voice for the first time, still not understanding what was happening, Roger said, while the stranger narrowed his eyes as if trying to find out about something, suddenly opened his eyes sharply and spoke.

- Wow! Yes, it's a jackpot! And... fuck! Looks like I'm about to fly, so it looks like I won't explain anything to you. In general, you are now Latisha Smith. The rest is in this bag.

And throwing a small woman's handbag into Roger's hands, the stranger ran away to the side, while Roger, realizing what was happening, decided to chase after him and fell due to the unusual new center of gravity and high heels that were now worn on his feet.



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