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I was very inspired by your reaction (likes) to this storyd https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-minutes-86227872 and decided to write a longer version of this story. Adding some details ;)


- Fuck! It worked!

Grasping his head, Mike said, shocked by the new heavy weight of his huge chest, hearing an unfamiliar voice timbre and words that were clearly not in English, but in the language of an Eastern European country. Fortunately, there was a mirror in front of him and in the reflection of the girl from the photo, which a second ago Mike saw in front of him in a static state from the laptop screen, now opening her eyes, she also held her hands clutching her head. Her huge breasts attracted Mike's attention from the very first seconds, but the feeling of foreignness and heaviness from the fact that it was now part of his body did not leave him for all subsequent moments.

A couple of minutes passed by the time Mike came to his senses and realized that he had set the remote control timer for 10 minutes and it would be foolish not to use this opportunity. Therefore, having taken a couple of awkward steps to the mirror due to the unusual center of gravity and hight-heeled shoes, Mike slowly, a little hesitantly, began to try to somehow more closely see this incredible sexy body of this women.


This wasn't the first time Mike had tried this strange remote. Previously, he already had experience using this remote when he switched to time with any characters from the series or other TV shows.

The principle of the remote control was quite simple. It was necessary, while watching any TV show, to set a timer on the remote control for the time for which you would like to be in the shoes of a TV show character and just press the button at the moment when the character appeared on the screen.

Now there was an experiment that Mike secretly wanted to do for a long time, but was always afraid. Mike did a cursory search on the Internet for "huge boobs" and found attractive in his opinion women with huge boobs.

Not really understanding who it was, Mike set the timer for 10 minutes and pressed the button, not knowing at all whether it would work or not.

In the photo, this women was in some rich house, but it was more confidence-inspiring than intimidating. Still, at worst, it meant that Mike could end up in the body of some rich trophy wife. At least according to his logic. However, all this did not particularly worry him, because it was only an experiment and only for 10 minutes.


It was a really damn weird feeling for Mike, who suddenly discovered after a couple of minutes that the sight didn't turn him on at all. And it was scary, because before pressing the button on that floor, Mike literally felt like his cock was ready to jump out of his pants, looking at the photo of this girl.

And now it seems like it's all gone. He looked at the girl in the reflection, saw how she repeats all his movements, how her huge breasts dangle and did not understand why he did not experience anything. Moreover, all these movements of this new part of the body, unusual for his brain, seemed to him something foreign.

Everything was really strange, and after a couple of minutes of looking at the body of this sexy stranger from a photo on the Internet, Mike only experienced disappointment and at the same time a great desire to return to his body again.

- What are you doing?

Suddenly, an unfamiliar male voice was heard behind Mike, speaking in the same unfamiliar language, causing him to flinch slightly in surprise and turn towards the sound.

In front of him stood a surprised, unkempt man in a leather jacket and jeans, who was now clearly taller than Mike, even though Mike was wearing heels, or rather this woman, in whose body Mike was now.

Opening his eyes in surprise and surprise, Mike froze in a stupor, not daring to move in the same position in which he stood in front of the mirror. From the outside, it looked like he was showing this stranger his huge boobs, although this was not at all the case.

- Damn it, Marina. What the fuck? I've been waiting for you for 10 minutes on the street, and you're standing here and looking at yourself!

Swallowing saliva, Mike did not know what to do, but this man was clearly not in a very friendly mood, besides, he understood that the 10-minute timer would soon end and he would be back in his body. Therefore, without saying anything, he tried to pull a top on Marina and followed Vlad, Marina's boyfriend. It was really completely useless to argue and explain something now, it was only necessary to wait the remaining couple of minutes and it would all be over.



The alarm clock was loudly screaming in a small but cozy bedroom in a one-room apartment, and if you listened you could hear the sounds of water falling from the shower head coming from the next bathroom.

Slowly opening his eyes, still in a sleepy state, Mike wrinkled his face at the unpleasant sound of the alarm clock and tried to close his eyes even tighter, as if that would help get rid of this annoying sound. But it really worked! At least it looked like that, because the alarm clock stopped ringing according to its configured program.

"What a strange dream... oh my god, my head," lying on his back and pressing his head to his hand, Mike thought to himself, feeling a severe headache from the hangover that his body was experiencing. There was also a feeling of some kind of dry desert in my mouth, but weakness from a hangover and a sleepy state took all my strength.

However, the desire to drink water and quench his thirst still overpowered Mike. Feeling some strange weight in the chest area, Mike intuitively tried to remove this "something" that was pressing so hard on him and felt as if someone or something was lying on him. But instead of being relieved that Mike had thrown off this burden, he only felt his hand touch something soft and large, at the same time realizing that it was part of his body.

Instantly opening his eyes and almost forgetting about the headache, Mike first stared at the ceiling, and then, turning his head in fright, began to study the unfamiliar furniture and the room around.

"It wasn't a dream!?" Mike thought fearfully. Images of yesterday flashed through his mind. Here he is leaving that apartment with that stranger, then he is already driving somewhere in the car, waiting for all this to end and realizing that 10 minutes have already passed two. Further, he already understands that he needs to somehow maintain a dialogue with Vlad and understands that this is the boyfriend of the girl Marina, whose body he now had. After a moment, he realizes that he is somewhere in Eastern Europe in the early 2000s and that he speaks a language he does not know as if it were his native language.

After a few more flashbacks, Mike understood why his head hurts - after all, yesterday, having been upset and having arrived at the apartment in which Marina lived with Vlad, he decided to get drunk when he saw alcohol on the shelves in this apartment. And he got drunk to such a state that soon he could not stand on his feet, and then everything was already in a fog.


Slowly trying to get up, Mike again felt the heavy weight of these monsters pulling his skin down and again experienced the same emotions that he experienced at the very beginning, being in Marina's body and looking at her reflection in the mirror. All this was just as unpleasant, uncomfortable and alien.

Of course, the headache did not disappear anywhere, and the feeling of anxiety only intensified, but Mike, taking air into his chest, nevertheless overcame himself and was able to kneel on the soft bed to look out the window.

Through the glass of an old wooden window one could see some five-story small panel houses in the style of Eastern Europe, which only meant that all his memories of yesterday were really true and it was really not a dream at all.

- No no no....

Mike muttered softly, hearing unfamiliar and still unaccustomed to his ear words in a foreign language for him and the same unfamiliar and unfamiliar female voice accompanying all his words and coming out of his mouth.

His theory that he accidentally chose not minutes, but hours failed miserably, because, taking into account the night, more than 10 hours have already passed. He was already sure that, in a fit of excitement, he had inadvertently touched the knob on the remote control, which was responsible for how long Mike would stay in the chosen role.

"That means not hours" Mike understood with horror, guessing that now this one would be at best 10 days, and at worst ... he didn’t even want to think about the fact that he could accidentally choose "years"

- Oh, you woke up.. huh... "Mike" yes, so should I call you Marina now?

For some reason, blushing with shame, Mike saw naked Vlad in front of him, coming out of the bathroom and looking at him with a smirk, and immediately remembered his drunken conversation yesterday that he was not Marina and about the remote control ... It was superfluous and Mike understood now that it was not necessary to do so, especially considering that he would need to somehow survive here for 10 days.

- Let's get dressed. Are you filming today?

- Filming?

- God, Marina, what's the matter with you? Work, work, work (Vlad said with a smile). Your boobs bring us a great income, especially useful now, while I'm looking for a job. That's it, stop looking at me like you really are "Mike is an American guy from the future" (Vlad said with a funny parodying American accent) ahah, go get ready already. The alarm clock has already rung three times.


Struggling to keep his balance in high heels, Mike tried to maintain the image of "Marina" as much as possible on this shoot. But in fact it turned out really very very badly and the director was not happy with today's shooting.

- Damn, Marina, what kind of circus is today? People want emotions, joy, happiness! Where is your smile? Why are you walking in heels like you're wearing them for the first time in your life! And damn it! You're not here to wash the car! Turn to the video camera and show your boobs! Why do I have to explain this at all?!

Mike really got into washing the car at some point, thinking that it somehow distracts him from all the humiliation that is happening to him now. And turning to face the camera in the same clumsy form stared into the lens

- Eh...

Only the director said, putting his hand on his face, until Mike, not knowing what to do, just froze in place, feeling the huge boulders of breasts hanging down and pulling his skin all in the same unusual sensation for him.

"How did I even agree to this..." Mike thought to himself looking at everything that was happening and feeling the tension of the beautiful straps of this uniform for shooting, which, for the first time in his hands, Mike did not even know how to put it on properly.

He was well aware that he looked too ridiculous with these two tails of hair and in these clothes. Waking up in the morning, still in the body of "Marina", he could not even imagine that he would soon be on the street in this "clothing" and would try to pretend to be a fashion model.

"You just had to somehow live these 10 days and everything will be all right," Mike tirelessly repeated to himself throughout the day. First in the morning, then in the car, and then when I arrived at this film set with a rented expensive car for a photo shoot. I understood that it was better to follow and try to pretend to be Marina, so as not to create any random historical anomalies. After all, he really ended up in the past, when Marina was actively working in the industry of films and photos for adults


After 9 days of life as "Marina" Mike has even partly begun to get used to everything that was happening now in his life. But still he knew perfectly well that all this was fundamentally wrong. Even in the first minutes, he noticed that these huge boobs did not excite him, and only then he realized that he received from Marina, along with her body, not only her knowledge of another language, but also her sexuality.

Despite all the resistance, it was difficult for Mike in Marina's body to fight the new sensations of desire for intimacy with men, although all these 9 days he succeeded perfectly. Yet he did not want to later, returning to his usual body, recall this experience. He wanted to keep his male part as masculine as possible. All Vlad's attempts to have sex have always ended in failure all this time, because of which some tension has already begun to arise between "Marina" and Vlad. However, every day Mike realized that it was becoming harder and harder to restrain the impulses of Marina's female body to have sex.

Mike had no doubt that today's video and photo shoot was supposed to be the same as it always is these days. The most difficult part has already been passed and he resigned himself to the fact that at these moments he should try to somehow smile and wear this frankly humiliating women's clothing for his male part. However, he convinced himself that it was necessary and that you just need to endure. Although of course it was possible to notice that even a smile looked artificial.

Sitting on the stairs in a rich house rented again for filming and exposing his large breasts, Mike suddenly froze and opened his eyes when he saw naked Vlad in front of him, who also participated in these shootings. It was also unexpected because there had never been any men in the frame with him and on the video

- Get closer to her.

The director ordered the smiling Vlad, who did not specifically remind "Marina" that today there should be video shooting of a real video for adults, and not single photo shoots that Mike is used to these days.

Mike's heart was beating so hard, like it was the biggest shock of his life. However, the body reacted very differently. His mouth filled with cold, excited breath, and between his legs it felt like a fire had been lit. And when Vlad got closer, then "Marina" herself, with great desire and fear in her eyes, reached out to his excited penis


When 10 days have passed and nothing has changed, Marina nevertheless decided that she needed to somehow change her tactics. After all, if she was not mistaken, now she would have to live like this for at least another 10 months, which meant that she needed to somehow try to adapt to this life. And if she could not change anything with her body, then at least she could change her status and find another job.

It was only then that she decided to go online and was even more shocked when she found out that everything was not at all as expected. It wasn't just the past. Marina did not understand this and thought that she had fallen into the past and therefore did not want to try to change anything.

Everything turned out quite differently. It was like some completely different alternate reality. The country of Eastern Europe was called Markuria. Marina did not know that such a country did not exist. Mike had little interest in geography before, so he knew that there are strange countries with strange names and did not attach any importance to this. But sitting in front of the computer, Marina understood that there was nothing at all like the geographical names she was used to. There was no USA, no England, no Russia, no France ... nothing familiar. Even the continents were arranged differently.

At first, Marina thought that this was some kind of mistake, but no. Everything was true. Apparently, the remote control created some other parallel reality, similar to ours. But what Marina did not know was that all this time the remote continued to create this reality, based on her thoughts and knowledge.

So, in the beginning, there was nothing here but that room. Vlad emerged from Marina's fears that she might have a boyfriend. And this city also appeared, which was also based on what Marina was thinking about when she left that apartment. The remote simply realized Marina's thoughts, and her thoughts were that she was afraid. She could be anyone here if she knew it, but because of her fears and thoughts about this fear, she became a porn actress. And even her attraction to men appeared because of her fear and thoughts about it.

The thought here was really material...



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