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Part 2, 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/life-is-like-rpg-98378100

Part 4-7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/life-is-like-rpg-98637334


"Damn it ... fucking big... dangled... tits ..." Phil thought to himself as he made his way through the thicket of the forest in search of prey, clumsily cutting the spear he found a couple of hours ago in the hope that the rustle he heard a few seconds ago was the sound of some wild animal.

His stomach really felt very hungry, because in the last 48 hours, Phil was at best able to eat some wild berries he found here and drink some dirty water, but he got a slight poisoning of the gastrointestinal tract, which only made it worse.

As if it wasn't enough that Phil's wish that "life was like an RPG" moved him literally immediately to a computer game that was running on his computer at that moment and Phil found himself in some unknown forest, still dressed in his school clothes, but not understanding where he is at all.

"What the hell..." was Phil's only thought as his body began to transform and his clothes became translucent. All this went on exactly until the moment when Phil was already completely naked in shock, looking at his huge breasts and literally feeling how they were pulling his skin down, feeling it all as something foreign and alien, while the long hair that had grown during the transformation tickled him shoulders and partially blocked the view.

Even looking down at that moment, Phil already understood that his cock had also disappeared, although this was not visible due to the large breasts. He knew immediately that he had become Marissa, the female character in the medieval survival game he was playing.

Everything became obvious, because it was in this state that the characters appeared in the game at the maximum difficulty that Phil chose for the new round - without clothes and any help.

At the top left, there were always health, hunger and magic bars in Phil's field of vision, exactly the same as in the game, and squinting his eyes, Phil saw all Marissa's character characteristics that he created for her, and now cursed himself for having decided everything in this round start points to use for "charisma", understanding why he now had such huge breasts.

After a few hours of wandering around an unfamiliar place, Phil can find this wolf skin, which at least slightly covered him below the waist and a useless necklace, but still put it on, realizing that it might come in handy someday when meeting with some merchant.

The spear was a great find, but it was still a little suspicious and intimidating. apparently there were other people here, and meeting someone who might see Phil like this scared him. After all, it was a very elaborate game even when it was just a game - almost everything was possible in it, if played well enough and indeed even as a game it fascinated many online players.

Phil was well aware of his current position and that with his characteristics, the best place to earn money for him was a brothel, but he was not at all going to follow this path. And he also perfectly understood that he could meet with some bandits, which did not bode well for him, especially considering that everything was now real and in this case, in the end, he could completely be in slavery and he would be lucky if he master will be a good man.



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