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- Fuck! It worked!

Grasping his head, Mike said, shocked by the new heavy weight of his huge chest, hearing an unfamiliar voice timbre and words that were clearly not in English, but in the language of an Eastern European country. Fortunately, there was a mirror in front of him and in the reflection of the girl from the photo, which a second ago Mike saw in front of him in a static state from the laptop screen, now opening her eyes, she also held her hands clutching her head. Her huge breasts attracted Mike's attention from the very first seconds, but the feeling of foreignness and heaviness from the fact that it was now part of his body did not leave him for all subsequent moments.

A couple of minutes passed by the time Mike came to his senses and realized that he had set the remote control timer for 10 minutes and it would be foolish not to use this opportunity. Therefore, having taken a couple of awkward steps to the mirror due to the unusual center of gravity and hight-heeled shoes, Mike slowly, a little hesitantly, began to try to somehow more closely see this incredible sexy body of Marina.


This wasn't the first time Mike had tried this strange remote. Previously, he already had experience using this remote when he switched to time with any characters from the series or other TV shows.

The principle of the remote control was quite simple. It was necessary, while watching any TV show, to set a timer on the remote control for the time for which you would like to be in the shoes of a TV show character and just press the button at the moment when the character appeared on the screen.

Now there was an experiment that Mike secretly wanted to do for a long time, but was always afraid. Mike did a cursory search on the Internet for "huge boobs" and found Marina, a porn model from Eastern Europe who once had a lot of fans a long time ago.

Not really understanding who it was, Mike set the timer for 10 minutes and pressed the button, not knowing at all whether it would work or not.

In the photo, Marina was in some rich house and Mike did not think about


"Holy crap... they really are just fucking monsters, and so fucking heavy... I never thought I'd be able to get a closer look at boobs like that ever in my life... Oh my god, I can't imagine how you can even live with.... THIS"

Finally lifting Marina's top up, Mike thought to himself, experiencing the strange sensation of fabric recoiling against sensitive nipples.

- What are you doing?

A sudden unfamiliar male voice, speaking in the same unfamiliar language, spoke behind Mike, causing him to flinch slightly in surprise and turn towards the sound.

In front of him stood an untidy man in a leather jacket and jeans, who was obviously taller than Mike now even though Mike was wearing heels, or rather Marina, in whose body Mike was now

- Why are you staring at me like that, whore!? Get dressed up fast! We have to go, I'm not want talk to the boss if we're late because of you!

Swallowing his saliva, Mike did not understand what to do, but this person was clearly not in a very friendly mood, and besides, he understood that the 10-minute timer would soon end and he would again be in his body. Therefore, without saying anything, he tried to pull Marina's top back on and went after Vlad, not knowing that he was going to a p**n studio where Marina worked in those years, having signed a contract for work for several years in advance.

And what a surprise Mike was when he still remained in Marina's body both after 10 minutes, and after 20 minutes and even after an hour, when he already realized where he was. But there was no breakdown, the remote was set up correctly, only Mike, in a fit of excitement, accidentally chose not minutes, but years.



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