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- So... you... are you really a real genie? Is it really all real?

Robert spoke in a quiet, calm voice, knitting his masculine eyebrows and narrowing his eyes. Yes, and without further ado, it was easy to understand from his face that he really was amazed by what had happened.

His hands had just dropped from his new female soft and very weighty chest, which until recently was in his graceful palm, on which hair was now completely absent, which was already very unusual for Robert's body, which had had increased hairiness all his life.

- Well, of course, silly, I told you right away. And was it really incomprehensible by my clothes? God, what kind of people...

Said the girl Jinn, distracted to heaven, in an oriental dress with an open stomach, looking like a typical genie from fairy tales.

The skeptical Robert was still in doubt - is this true or just some kind of hallucination. However, it was hard to argue with the new sensations of his body - this new volume in the chest area, which stretched his men's T-shirt so that Robert even felt some discomfort due to his men's T-shirt, unadapted to such female forms, which barely held back his chest and was on the brink of breaking. In addition, he very well felt how his male boxers pressed his new vagina with a seam in such a way that it felt very uncomfortable.

- But... why... why are you...

- What "Why?" You yourself wished it! What don't you like about this body?

- No! Are you fucking kidding!? I just said that I came here to share my health and I want a healthy body! What the hell are my boobs!? And I look like some kind of freak with this body!

- Well, actually you have a healthy body and...

- No! Enough!

Without letting Jeanne finish, Robert interrupted her, imagining at that moment how he was trying to return home to London and was walking to the train. He remembered that he was a foreigner here and remembered the locals, who already looked at him not very approvingly, and now he generally had a strange look, and if one of the locals saw him then ... Standing on his feet and feeling the discomfort was even stronger from his clothes, he spoke loudly, for the first time not holding back his emotions, including due to the large number of female hormones that his brain was not used to working with yet

- Yes, local uneducated rednecks will simply beat me here! Fuck! I didn't want this! How will I get home!? How to live with all this!? You have to fix everything! Make me look normal!


...Robert really came here out of desperation in the hope of curing his illness in this outback to the Polish healer, who was advised to him by someone once. And the meeting with the genie was really a complete surprise, and could it be believed that somewhere in the Polish outback in some village one could meet a real oriental genie from fairy tales?!

- oh...why shout like that... you should have specified when you made your first wish (Ginn snorted, clicking her fingers and added)... and actually you have a really healthy body now..

With a barely perceptible sad smile, Genie said, turning her head to Robert who stood up, but then turned away again and stared at the sky, as if thinking about something of her own and snapped her fingers.

- Oh no, no, no, no

Robert screamed, realizing that the genie again understood everything in his own way, when he saw that his clothes began to change and the discomfort that he experienced from his man's underpants and the T-shirt pressing on his new chest began to disappear along with his clothes, which transformed into a sports women's top and leggings.

- What... what are you... fuck! My clothes!

- Well, what's wrong again? You said you wanted to "look normal" and, if I understood correctly, that the local rednecks thought so too.

- What?!

Surprised, Robert grabbed his head and felt in his hands a strand of long hair, which was now instead of his bald head, and touching his face noticed that his beard and stubble had also disappeared - as if his face had never had beard hair.

The tight leggings pressed tightly against the woman's thighs of his body, unusually tight to his body, but it was much better than what he had experienced a second ago from his usual clothes. The changes this time were noticeable to Robert and literally before his eyes the last element on the leggings, reminiscent of men's pants for attaching a belt, disappeared, while long hair gradually settled into a ponytail.

- Why are you doing this to me?! Just zmień mnie z powrotem! Cholera! Co jest nie tak z moim głosem!? I dlaczego mowię po polsku?! (...change me back! Fuck! What's wrong with my voice!? And why am I speaking Polish?!)

Squealing in a female soprano, dumbfounded Robert clutched his neck, noticing that his Adam's apple had become smaller and even to the touch his face was now different.

"So you want to use your last wish on this?" Oh...Sorry, ahem... więc chcesz użyć swojego ostatniego życzenia w tej sprawie (means you want to use your last wish on this)


(further all conversations in Polish)


- No! What does last wish mean? Are you kidding?

- Of course not, Roxana.

- Roxana?! I'm Robert! What did you do again?!

- Well, of course, you were once Robert, but I'm afraid your second wish changed everything a little (Ginn said slowly, wearily, twirling some kind of weed in her hand and also not looking at the frightened girl). You wished that you looked normal and talked about the locals ... Everything is now as you wished and for them you look normal. They all know about you, because this is your house, your village and you have always lived here.

- It is not true!

- Now it’s true, you yourself will see for yourself, by the way, your husband will be back soon and ...

- Husband?! Oh no, no, no! I am an English man! Maybe not as influential, but I have money! I make good money from my job as a lawyer! And trust me, my friends can help me!

- Oh... your friends, unfortunately, will not remember you now, Roxanne.

Having calmed down, Roxanne closed her eyes, still experiencing unusual sensations from her new body and clothes. The situation was indeed a stalemate, but she did not want to spoil the last wish just like that. I had to focus and make the right decision

- Roxanne!

Said a male voice from behind

- It looks like he did come back (Jinn said with a smile, this time already sincerely amused and looking at the new girl, who uneasily turned her head in different directions, periodically not forgetting to feel her body)

- He? Who?

- Yes, your husband, stupid. Who else .. I guess I'll disappear for now, while you think ..

- Fuck! No! Stop! Just... just... (it was necessary to make a decision quickly, Roxanne's heart was beating so hard that it seemed to jump out of her chest now)... I want to... (there were thousands of thoughts in her head from wealth to fame, but all she did not want to remain a woman, but on the other hand, there was such a temptation to make any wish and stay in this body. It was necessary to come up with something universal and very urgent) ... Make it so that ...

- Well... (said the nearly disappeared Genie)

- Make me happy!

- Hmm... it's complicated, but I think I understood you.

Snapping her fingers lastly, Genie said, finally disappearing completely while Roxanne, waiting for something to change, began to look around, expecting to be somewhere else, becoming rich, famous and having everything she could wish for. After all, that's what she meant when she talked about happiness.

But instead, she felt her stomach begin to swell, becoming so big in just a few seconds that she could barely keep her balance, while everything around her remained the same as before.

- Nooooo!

Roxana cried out desperately, feeling a new life emerging inside her and realizing that the Genie again misinterpreted her wish for happiness.



Lord Kun

Yes, this is a great example of what I was talking about: a progression of miswishes, or wrong wishes, is precisely my absolute favourite theme for a tg trasformation! I just haven't understand why he/she lost all her hair for the first wish, though: he wished for a healthy body and the jinn granted just the basic aspects of an healthy female body on his original male body structure, right? So why lose all the hair? The other two wish results are perfect: she couldn't live alone in the woods as for a female it was not perceived as normal by the polish villagers, so an husband was mandatory. And I always love when they end up pregnant! Keep up with these kind of stories, I can't wait to read the next one!


This is not the case about losing hair. I wanted to show that the men were bald and a healthy body is not a face, but a body. That's why he remained bald as he always was.