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In a panic, Frank flicked his fingers to find anything that looked like a cancel button as the changes to his clothes continued inexorably in front of all the people in the mall who didn't seem to care about this absurd weirdo spectacle.

But for Frank, all this was too strange, frightening and incomprehensible. How is that even possible? Why is this happening to him? And how to stop it? These are just a few of the questions that visited him in those minutes.

However, panic seized him more and more, and it was difficult to think at all at least something at such moments. The thought of calling the technical support of this application for the phone was a lifeline, especially at the moment when, in some of the menus, Frank finally found this phone and quickly pressed the "call" button by pointing his finger at the button, noticing at that moment that his finger seemed to have become a little thinner, but decided that this was just an optical illusion

- Hello, you called the technical support "Try something new", to contact the operator, press "1" to...

- Of course "1" damn it! Faster!

- You are 5 in line

Said a friendly female voice

- Like 5?! Are you crazy?!

Frank shouted loudly and only by this he only made a small impression on the people around him, but judging by their reaction, they were only surprised at the loud abusive words from the stranger, which, however, did not prevent them from going further about their business, while Frank's clothes changed more and more and now This was not just about clothes.

Suddenly, the long hair, which in the process had already lengthened so much that it began to block the view of Frank's view, was now obvious and he had to make an unusual gesture with his head to push back the strands of hair so that they did not interfere with the view.

- Fuck this shit, are you kidding?!

Frank shouted just as loudly and without hiding his shock and anger, at the end he already noticed that his voice began to resemble a woman’s voice more than a man’s, when he saw that his clothes had already practically changed and his bare stomach was visible without a hint of at least some hair that were all over the place before on his body and was very flat handsome.

- HEY! Your fucking app made a fucking chick out of me!

-... You are 2 in line, please wait for the operator's response

- You fools! Stop turning on my cevaplama makinesi! Hepsini durdurun! (answering machine! Make it all stop!)

But the waiting music had already turned on in the phone, and Frank did not yet understand that he had already spoken the last phrase in Turkish.


- Derhal durdurun! (Stop this immediately!)

Frank continued to shout furiously, not noticing all the same that he was speaking in Turkish, but nevertheless he became more and more angry with his new voice and with new strange sensations of the heaviness of his chest and the touch of this humiliating, as it seemed to him, women's clothes of a belly dancer, without noticing that the mall around had already changed and Frank was now in a different place


It actually happened quite quickly after he pressed the "activate immersive mode" button while using a new game that a strange advertisement suggested to him.

At the beginning, this application for the phone seemed to be bored in the mall while waiting for his girlfriend Frank, who was really very tired from going to the store with her and was waiting for it all to end.

"Try everything! Everything you ever wanted to be embodied in this game! These are new opportunities! You've never seen anything like it!" and other flashy slogans appeared on the screen in bright letters while the phone was running ads while he was playing match-3.

After learning that the game is free, Frank decided to try it and immediately got into the character selection menu. He may have been inspired by the series "Magnificent Century", which, although he did not want to admit, but captivated him. Although, of course, he told himself that he was just watching this because of his girlfriend and to spend time together with her in bed, lying down and sometimes having sex.

Character - "Turkish belly dancer"

Period - "Historical"

Surprisingly, the application instantly showed a pixelated, but quite detailed image of a Turkish woman who even moved like a real belly dancer, in a beautiful bra and bare stomach, periodically wriggling and shaking her hips to the music on the phone.

Looking around that no one was looking at his phone, Frank with a smile pressed the "activate immersive mode" button at the bottom of the screen and in just a few seconds noticed that his clothes seemed to move.

However, this movement was nothing more than a transformation of his clothes, which slowly changed second by second, and after a minute it already looked like Frank was wearing something in between his jeans and a skirt on which some kind of jewelry formed, and the T-shirt shrank and became more like a short top with an open belly, which already looked ridiculous, but as if no one noticed this in the mall ...


The changes did not end and the people around really did not notice this and just walked around Frank as usual, while the changes with him continued and continued not only with clothes, but now the hair was getting longer and began to lengthen.

Not knowing what to do, Frank very quickly found the technical support phone for this application and, trying to get through, noticed that the changes were becoming more and more noticeable.

When he was 8 more in line, he already felt new long hair that touched his face and sometimes blocked the view, as well as a strange sensation of swelling in the chest area under what could no longer be called a T-shirt became more and more noticeable and more pronounced and heavy , which did not please Frank, who was then already dressed entirely in the clothes of a Turkish woman belly dancer, which looked very ridiculous on his still mostly male figure.

Finally, when he managed to hear the operator's voice, speaking in an unfamiliar language to Fatima, she was already in a completely different place, more like some kind of courtyard of a historical oriental palace with a pool, birds and a lot of trees. Around her, there were already several concubines of the Sultan like her, and the whole place was very well guarded by guards.

The phone disappeared from her hands and this was the last change for the dumbfounded Fatima, who will soon have to learn and start belly dancing very well if she wants to remain the Sultan's concubine, and not fall into slavery to one of the less noble masters. And of course, to study all the subtleties of pleasing your master in order to "immersively" immerse yourself in a new life and go through this game to the end in the hope that it will all end.

And the hope for this was and was real, because literally in the very first minutes the game gave a training task that only Fatima saw in the sky, in the form of symbols from clouds, which were difficult to confuse with something, since there was actually the text of this task - "pour water for the guard", which seemed like an easy task and of course it was, as it should be for the first tasks, but it was only the beginning. Soon, for Fatima, this hope became some kind of curse and hopelessness, when one after another these tasks began to appear in heaven and each new one seemed more and more difficult and of course humiliating, but this was her only hope to finish this "game" in the hope that she would return to her own time and her male body, not knowing that these were not assignments, but adaptation assistance from the magical beings who created this phone app for fun.


Fatima hardly accepted over time the fact that this game was over and she, despite the fact that she followed all the instructions that appeared in the sky every time, still remained here. Now, there were no new inscriptions, in the sky there was only a kind of mockery, the barely perceptible inscription "congratulations" in heaven, of course, is visible only to her.

Everything has already been in the past. All these trials were now part of her full-fledged life as a concubine of the Sultan, for which she undoubtedly experienced joy from time to time, knowing full well that in this world she was in a very precarious position and, at the behest of strong men, could be in another place. The Sultan was now the most important person in her life, who ensured her a fairly good life by the standards of that time, and she really worried that something might happen to him during his military campaigns.

Of course, for this she had to learn a lot while performing the very tasks that she performed with great difficulty, anger and an inner sense of humiliation, now remembering this time as some strange period of her life.

Already many nights have been spent together with the Sultan in his bed and many bed scenes of their sex life have been played out there. However, now it was a part of her life and she even learned to enjoy it, adding a lot of new things from her experience and knowledge from her past life as Frank, which Frank emphasized mainly from various erotic films that he once liked to watch.

Frank's life already seemed to her something that seemed to have never happened to her, a lot of time had passed since that moment, but she always knew this truth, knew who she was and how difficult it was for her here and now.

Her hope that this "game" would someday end was gradually fading, but still lived inside her. Sometimes she thought what would happen if she suddenly turned out to be Frank again in the same place where she missed her so unhappily, waiting for her girlfriend. These thoughts only led her to some kind of despair, and she tried to drive it away, knowing full well that this was no longer possible. But still... these dreams... dreams about her past life... about phones and computers... about her being a man... all this remained in her life from time to time, but then she woke up and realized that it was all just a dream.



Lord Kun

Amazing, one of your best! I hope that you will apply this slow AI generated transformation some other time: I found that it really works, especially as the ex man tries to undo all the process as it happens and only make it worse!


Thanks a lot! It's insanely nice! Please clarify what you mean? under "I found that it really works, especially as the ex man tries to undo all the process as it happens and only make it worse!" Is this for future stories or... ? Not very clear =)