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Richard tried to maintain a relaxing atmosphere in honor of the "exchange" day, which is in the company due to the innovative thoughts of Richard's father and part-time owner of the company. Although, of course, he did not really like the choice of the random role of the young Hispanic secretary Louise, which for him, under the laughter of his father, was chosen by the program in the computer. Louise herself got the role of a sales manager in another department, and so it was with all the employees in the company who agreed to this. Yes, and it was hard not to agree to this simple fun, because the director promised to pay a bonus to everyone who participated.

But Richard, as the son of the director, already had a fairly loyal job in the company and received a lot of money, so now his participation was more likely not because of a salary increase, but to "be on the team" as his father told him last night in private, when Richard wanted to give up this "bullshit"

As if it wasn’t enough that Richard would work today as a secretary, but no - the meaning of the “exchange” day, according to the director, was precisely to understand everyone in the company and it was necessary to fully accept the role that the computer randomly chose way.

Unfortunately for Richard, he actually had to show up this morning in this ridiculous woman's outfit in a long pencil skirt and blouse, which Louise, also a little discouraged, handed to him, of course after washing them and getting the information that the company would refund the cost of these things. Richard even put on these earrings, thinking to himself that he had at least managed to immediately stop the laughing father's attempts to force Richard to do makeup in the bud. It all looked so terribly ridiculous, but still, as a person who is very cheerful and loves variety, he generally tried not to show it and tried to play this role as much as possible

Looking now at Jacob, head of purchasing and Gloria's boss, Richard was surprised to say the least. He guessed earlier that Jacob, who did not agree to participate in the experiment, had an affair with Louise. However, why the hell is he, the person who refused this performance, now saying this to him - the director's son ?! And it didn't seem like he was going to stop.

"Perhaps this dupe also got hit with static electricity, like Richard was a few seconds ago and it affected him in this way? No, this is just ridiculous," Richard thought to himself without interrupting his subordinate and continuing to pretend as if he really was Louise.

- Yeah... Oh... Today is a very hard day... and this meeting with these idiots... I really urgently need a blowjob right now.

Trying to feign a smile, but a little embarrassed by Jacob's behavior, Richard raised an eyebrow up and smiled his signature smile, decided to end this stupid joke, which seemed to become not even funny, but too strange and drawn out, when Jacob was already closing the front door to their office on the key and began to reach out with his hands to the belt on his pants

- Dude, this isn't funny anymore.... FUCK! What the!?


- Dude, this isn't funny anymore.... FUCK! What the!?

Initially surprised by his voice, Richard was instantly taken aback when he looked down and saw suddenly two large mounds sticking out from under the blouse that Louise had given him. long dark hair curled around these bulges and from this angle it was obvious that it was his hair. But how is this possible? The wig that someone, perhaps as a joke, put on him from behind, Richard could somehow explain, but how did THAT come about? And what happened to his voice!?

Without even having time to think of a huge number of new sensations, they suddenly began to appear one after another. First it was pressure from the bra straps suddenly appearing on his shoulders, and then a new strange heavy weight from the large breasts that Louise had always had, and now it seemed to be part of his body! The long hair didn't feel like some kind of wig and was held tightly to his head as Richard examined himself and turned his head in different directions, feeling their touch and noticing how Louise's bangs, which she always wore, now periodically fell into his eyes and interfered with the review. !

Pressing as usual and biting his upper lip a little, it became obvious that his lips seemed to be swollen and now they tasted like some cheap lipstick, apparently the same red and bright one that Louise liked to paint.

- Is something wrong?

Jacob slowed down as Richard stood up, barely holding on to the high-heeled shoes that suddenly appeared on him, feeling himself balanced with a new center of gravity and trying not to fall, but found only the soft flesh of a woman's breasts, whose nipples, even under her bra, seemed sensitive from his touch. .

Lowering his hands from his large chest and looking at Jacob, who, as if not noticing anything, continued to remove the shawls, Richard wanted to stop him and shout angrily

"Everything is wrong! This is some kind of fucked up! And what the fuck are you doing!?" Richard wanted to say, but at that moment the same discharge of static electricity swept through his entire body and instead, for some reason, he simply fell silent, now standing confidently on his heels and not staggering and able to make only an embarrassed face, opening his eyes looking at Jacob's cock, who had already sat down on the sofa and stroking the place next to him, slowly said wearily

- Then come on....come here to me... and please take your time when you suck... oh... what a hard day...


- Then come on... .come here to me... and please take your time when you suck... oh... what a hard day... let's maybe have a little striptease first

Jacob said slowly taking out his phone and turning on the ringtone. It might seem that Jacob wanted to humiliate Richard even more, but he really wasn’t joking or trying to somehow take revenge on the director’s son, who, in his opinion, was only making things worse for the company, especially when he offered stupid ideas, which Jacob then had to release, looking for the necessary unique materials on the market for the implementation of these projects. Jacob was just being normal with his secretary.

Despite all the internal resistance and reluctance, Richard began to slowly move his ass left and right, wriggling his body, feeling how unusually large breasts were pulling his skin from gravity under the weight of gravity, barely restrained by a bra under clothes. And yet, for some reason, he still did not object, but on the contrary, he slowly began to take off his outer clothes, for the first time seeing Louise's large female breasts, dressed in sexy black underwear, which he really now had on. He couldn't even check to see if his cock was still there, the urge to get naked and get closer to Jacob was much stronger than anything else and literally now it seemed that was the only thing that mattered.

Looking at Jacob's contented face instead of an evil grimace, Richard only smiled broadly, gradually sitting down on his knees and holding out his hand to Jacob's penis, only wide-open shocked eyes betrayed Richard's emotions at least to some extent, understanding perfectly what the fuck is going on and what it is urgently stop, but feeling how his mouth is filled with greedily saliva and his whole body begins to tremble with excitement just at the thought that Jacob's cock will be in his mouth and how those big sexy lips will slowly kiss him.


Jacob, like everyone else in the company's office, despite the fact that he did not participate in this "exchange" day, nevertheless participated, of course without knowing it, like the director himself, who signed a contract for the use of this software with a group of programmers, who developed this software. After all, everything had to be official and according to the law, besides, it was recommended to him by very important and influential people from the government, whose favor he wanted to earn using this software.

Software at launch and after generation was already in all electrical smart devices, not only computers, and the so-called static electricity, in fact, was not such. The first wave worked great and everyone who received new random roles in just a few seconds received all the necessary changes in their body and clothing, most did not even notice the moment of transformation, just like Richard. Those who did not participate in the experiment simply simply forgot that today is the day of the exchange and for them it was a normal working day.

The second wave, the shock of static electricity that Richard received and after which he could not utter a word, was already working on neural connections in the brain and exchanging all knowledge, fears, desires in the participants of this day of "exchange", but in fact a secret government experiment


Finally leaving Jacob's office, Richard, feeling a great sense of shame, anger and humiliation, slowly walked through the familiar office space. The noise from the click of his high heels echoed throughout the room, and many of the employees periodically looked up at him, but after a moment, as if making sure that everything was in order, they returned to their office affairs.

All this was damn strange for Richard, who himself, for some reason at that moment, could not even utter a word about the fact that all this seemed to him some kind of madness. Although he really wanted to shout about it to the whole office, however, it was like a barrier inside and every moment when he just wanted to say a word, everything inside him seemed to shrink so that it was difficult even just to open his mouth and say something about that all this seems to him to be complete nonsense.

From the outside, it all looked like an ordinary office day, and all the employees in their bodies were at their workplaces, as if there had been no "exchange" day at all. Richard managed to easily take his own phone, which was left lying on Diana's desk, however, he could not remember his own password and the face ID did not work, so this phone was not actually of any use to him.

It was necessary to do something, to tell someone about this madness, and the first thought was to send him to his father, who started all this, forcing Richard to participate in this masquerade.

Hatred overwhelmed him, but it was difficult to read it on his face, which did not betray such emotions. Well, inside it was like that and he wanted to say so much to his father when he saw him that his whole head was filled with only angry terrades.

Of course, he wasn't about to tell his father about what had happened in Jacob's office. He himself still did not believe in it, but it happened and it was true. His mouth and lips still felt the phantom taste of Jacob's cock, which he periodically even licked with his tongue, so that he himself was in shock then and now, how it all came to his mind at all. But it was really a professional blowjob, which for some reason Richard made absolutely voluntarily, obeying some internal sudden desires of his new body.

- Louise...

Richard instinctively stopped in disbelief. It was Richard in front of him. More precisely, of course, his copy, but outwardly this man looked exactly the same as Richard. Opening his eyes and swallowing a sip of saliva, Richard stared dumbfounded at himself, still not understanding anything.

- My phone! Where did you get it from?

"Richard" turned to "Louise" himself, as if in disbelief.

- I... found it... on my desk, Mr. Brown.

Why the hell was this still going on and why did Richard call himself by his last name, referring to this stranger?! It was as if they were both surprised at the same time, judging by their open eyes, but nevertheless continued to act as if they were the real Richard and Louise.


Finally, having only reached the toilet with the humiliating "Female" symbol for Richard, he was left alone for the first time. And only at that moment, part of the barrier, which seemed to block his emotions, collapsed and he looked at his reflection in shock, in which the same dumbfounded Louise completely repeated all his movements, confirming only the fact that Richard somehow got Louise's real body instead of his.

It was all too obvious and true to think that it was a hallucination or some kind of substance that made the brain think and act as if it were Louise. No, the weight of big breasts and even the feeling of emptyness between the legs with a sensitive vagina - all this was really true and it was his body, or rather her body. Richard became Louise both in appearance and even in behavior, judging by what he did with Louise's boss Jacob and how he behaved while walking to the ladies' room after he changed his mind about going to his father after meeting "Richard".

This meeting seemed to put a huge fat cross on Richard's hopes at that moment, especially this strange dialogue and his behavior at a time when he even internally felt fear of a big boss, feeling with his whole body that he needed to be good, diligent and maximally helpful to "Richard".

Even his hands were trembling when he gave his phone to "Richard" and had strange thoughts that he would not want "Richard" to somehow scold him for somehow having, just a simple secretary, turned out to be the phone of the son of the director of this company.

But soon even this behavior in the toilet began to seem abnormal to Richard. Questions suddenly appeared in his head about why he was so surprised at his body in general - after all, this body was always there throughout his life and he was always Diana. It was some kind of complete absurdity, but these were his thoughts, and he really thought that about himself now, knowing full well that all this was not true.

Finally, after a few seconds, Richard frightenedly remembered that he had forgotten that he was going to make coffee for his boss Jacob, who asked him to make a cup of coffee for him, not forgetting to periodically say how tired he was and, of course, thanking "Diana" for her "support" she gives him.


Behind the transparent large glass windows of the expensive office of the company, whose heir was soon to be Richard, the son of the director, the sun was no longer visible, which meant that the working day was already coming to an end.

In the office kitchen, preparing another coffee for Jacob "Louis" doomedly looked back at another exclamation from one of the employees of the company, who praised her appearance and that she looks great. Although inside "Louise" from these words and experienced a certain feeling of joy, because her appearance was praised, but still she was sure that this was just a mockery of someone who, like her, received because of the day " exchange" another body.

She realized this a long time ago, looking into the eyes of the people who work here and realizing that they were just the same hostages of new roles that they received due to the random choice of the program that the director used yesterday to select the roles of his subordinates for this day

But in spite of all this, a small embarrassed smile appeared on her face, again because of the alien thoughts already familiar to her during the day, but on the whole coming from the same thing - "Louise" now, like the real Louise, was dependent from the opinions of others and it really mattered to her what they think of her, so every time, despite all the internal resistance, she thought about how to make a person think only good things about her.

And yet it was better than being at her workplace, although she liked it, but still Richard's voice inside was very strong and Richard did not like all this madly.

It seemed that this day would never end and this flow of new knowledge, feelings and sensations that "Louise" received during this day. She really now even thought of herself in the feminine gender, although she understood that this was wrong and humiliating for her.

In the hope that after the working day it will all be over, she accepted this role of a secretary for herself today and really experienced completely in her own skin what it means to be Louise, dreaming only that all this would really end when this day of "exchange" ends. and already planning how angry she would be and how she would fire the hell out of this Jacob when she became Richard again.


In a secret government agency, they carefully and carefully observed the progress of the experiment on the use of this software and, of course, during the day all this was recorded on all secretly installed video cameras in all rooms, and even more so from all webcams that were on laptops in the building. It was a difficult day not only for the participants, but also for a large number of people who were closely watching this, of course, who signed a document on non-disclosure of state secrets.

The experiment even exceeded expectations. No one thought that the effect would be so significant and that most people would "get used" to their roles so quickly. There were even interviews with some of them, of course, mostly with those who were satisfied with the result. For example, with "Richard", which was one of the cleaners, who, of course, was embarrassed, but very, very happy to get Richard's life and, of course, gladly shared his feelings.

And of course, if you asked "Louise" whose life the real Richard now got, then she would tell the same thing. The effect of this procedure and the use of software was really strong. “Louise” understood this literally immediately, as soon as she received the second wave of “static electricity”, noticing even at that moment that her body no longer seemed alien to her. Only in her memories at the moment of transition between the first and second waves did she feel the alienness of everything, but then her breasts, her clothes and even the pressure from the thong between her ass began to seem to her something that she had experienced all her life and was very familiar.

"Louise" knew perfectly well everything about her life and even about her past, her parents, her first kiss and even her first sex. Although, of course, all this for her was like memories of a film in which for some reason she was the main character. Her real memories of life as Richard hadn't vanished from her mind, and in fact she knew what was true and what was fake memories and could easily separate them. However, the barrier that stood in her head did not allow sharing memories of life as Richard, only data about Louise and her past life was available for dialogue with anyone.

On the very first day, she realized this, trying to talk with her father and the director of the company, who seemed not to even know about the day of the "exchange" and pretended, in her opinion, that he did not understand anything. And she, to her great regret, also could not say anything about it, instead, despite all attempts, she, at best, mumbled indistinctly incomprehensible words.

After a week of life, "Louise" began to understand more and more that there is no turning back, looking at her large breasts in the reflection and staring at those plump lips in the reflection in the mirror, still understanding that this girl is not her, and at the same time knowing that this is her life and for everyone around her, she was a real Louise, a secretary and a secret lover of a jerk Jacob, whom for some reason she now loved with all her heart and at the same time every time she felt disgust and humiliation during sex, unable to fight with her great desire to please him and become his wife and real girlfriend someday, in the hope that Jacob will leave the family for her.



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