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The sound of a flying helicopter attracted all the natives of the Aka-Raka tribe, who live on a closed to visiting modern tourists. Access to this reservation was impossible even for scientists, who themselves adopted this resolution. The young girl Karkara, who woke up from a dream a few minutes ago and heard the noise of a flying helicopter, also ran out of her hut and screamed in fright, looking up

- Stapa Ram Kuru! (Stop Flying Bird!)

Touching her smooth skin and face with her hand, she looked dumbfounded and frightened at what she called the "Flying Bird" and understood all the stupidity of her phrase. There were no words "helicopter" in her head, although she knew for sure that it was not some kind of magical or deity. After all, just yesterday, Karkara herself flew here in this helicopter as a member of the research expedition of Robert Blown.

The “flying bird”, of course, did not hear him and continued to move farther and farther away, until at last it disappeared from the field of view of the natives and Karkara, who was trying to calm down and not pay attention to her native women's clothes, the strange weight from her large breasts and the touch of long unusual hair.

- Karkara bura mum krum pravakolo (It's all right, Karkara, it's already over)

Approaching, an unfamiliar native man uttered, gently embracing her by the shoulders and taking her by the hand.

- Var Karkara boom boom burkamrock (Var will calm Karkara in the hut)

Taking the hand of the still surprised girl, her husband led her to the hut, until Karkara, with difficulty, but still remembered the cave in which everything happened!

Thoughts of the strange stone-carved deity entered Karkara's mind as her husband led her to the hut. And, trying not to think about the strange sensations of dangling large breasts, she recalled how yesterday, while still being Robert, she made a wish that she would like to stay on this island more, realizing that this was impossible due to time restrictions for researchers . And yesterday she definitely went to bed in her tent like Robert Blown.

Waking up as if from a dream after that, she stopped abruptly when she almost entered the hut with her husband and abruptly pulled out her hand and shouted

- Neta! Karkara nimar proshakara (No! Karkara needs to go to the cave!)

- Stapa! Neta vamen! Vamen proshakar neta! (Stop! No! Women are not allowed in the cave!)

And realizing that this was nonsense, Karkara now herself understood that she should not go to that cave, despite the fact that she thought that this was her only way out of here and the way to return to her usual life as Robert Blown. She had all the memories of her life as Robert Blown in her head, but in a strange way, she now also knew everything about local rules, laws, place in this tribe, and even that this man was her husband.

However, everything was not so simple. After Robert made his wish, the deity from the cave heard him and found a suitable candidate in the form of a local woman Karkara, who also wanted to leave this land on a "flying bird". The real Karkara was now in Robert's body, no less embarrassed, but having received all of Robert's knowledge, pretended to be him and, in anticipation of the wonders of the new world, flew to meet adventures.


With difficulty believing that all this was really happening, Robert, or rather Karkara, just as hard accepted all the changes that had so radically burst into her life and made her a tribal woman on a closed and forbidden to visit island remote from the modern world. Of course, she, or rather Robert, was always interested in exploring the life of various unknown tribes that inhabited the planet and the Aka-Raka tribe was one of the most curious for him.

Now, after a week of living here, Karkara dreamed that all this was just her dream. She woke up every morning in the hope that now she would be back in her comfortable bed in London and her routine boring life as a research scientist would again become a reality. But every morning she only felt again and again the still unaccustomed weight from her chest and the discomfort of the hard bed she shared with her husband.

Every day seemed like an eternity, despite the fact that she perfectly knew her duties and affairs. Her memories of how she was here before, before the body swap, were closed to her and all she remembered was Robert's memories.

Such an interesting tribe to her a week ago, now it seemed to her some kind of hell and nightmare. Her tribesmen also noticed that Karkara's behavior had changed, although, as she found out, she had previously been a secretive girl. But now she seems to be lost. Daily dances for different gods, cooking and wearing this strange unusual clothes for her - all this seemed to be familiar to her from childhood, although she found out only a week ago. And life like Robert every day more and more began to seem to her her fictional invented story, which never happened.

But she knew that this was not so, and with all her thoughts she tried to stop thinking of herself in the feminine gender and to tell herself who she was as often as possible. She needed to get back into that cave forbidden to women, despite all her fears, which now held her back from even trying to get to that cave.


In the dense thicket of the jungle, among the shadows of the trees, the singing of birds and the chirping of various insects, a rustle was heard from the steps of a frightened young girl, slowing down every few steps and periodically turning back in fright. It was obvious that she was scared, although there was not a soul around and she had nothing to be afraid of, but still, despite this, sometimes she stopped, biting her plump lip and turned back, taking a few steps in the opposite direction, and then, as if by an effort of will she stopped herself, looked down at her breasts and again accelerated her pace towards the forbidden cave.

Finally Karkara made up her mind. She overcame all her fears and prohibitions of the local tribe, which were so deep in her head, and got out of the tribal village, definitely knowing where to go, because she was taken here several times, judging by her knowledge, which she received along with the body. And each time was very meaningful. But never, never before has a woman gone inside this cave. Of this she was absolutely certain, and she knew it.

Always realizing that this belief sounded stupid, yet she now believed that the forbidden cave for women was indeed forbidden for a reason. And a woman who violated this ban for life could receive a curse from Takhtamona, the main deity who was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Aka-Raka tribe.

The fear of getting cursed and becoming an outcast in her own tribe was very strong, besides, she was afraid that someone would notice her. But everything went exactly according to her plan today, when she left the village to collect tropical fruits growing near this cave.

Finally, reaching the entrance, she felt how often her heart was beating, her whole being screamed that she should leave here and never come here alone again! Moreover, it was impossible to go inside! And almost succumbing to another even stronger urge, Karkara nevertheless plucked up courage, strength and spirit, once again lowering her head down and looking at her large breasts, still unusual for her, and took a step forward into the darkness of a large cave.



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