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Most people in the world could only envy people like Mark Wahlberg. Yes, and he himself perfectly understood that at birth he received everything thanks to his father's money. So he had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted.

He was always haunted by the thought "what if" throughout his life. Despite the fact that he had everything, Mark was unhappy inside, but he could not even recognize and understand this himself. Trying in many ways to find inner peace and escape from some strange inner shame that he has everything, and many, most people in the world did not. He chose different ways - from spree in bars to the gym and even charity.

And finally, a new goal - research. He was immersed in this new world and he imagined himself as Indiana Jones, although he had nothing to do with this fictional character. He did not explore the caves and did not even experience any difficulties in his research, because everything could be bought.

"Dak means this is really a magic ring" was all Mark had time to think when he received one of the artifacts that he bought and put on the ring, when suddenly he heard someone's voice in his head

- Yes, sir, I will fulfill your every wish.

Frightened, but without showing any sign, Mark raised his hand up and, not believing in all this, decided to ask the same question, because there was no point in thinking of something else - Mark already had everything he wanted

"What if my father hadn't gotten rich? What would my life have been like then?"

The ring lit up to Mark's amazement and fog began to appear around it, covering everything around. Putting his hands down, Mark tried to figure out if this was someone's joke and prank, or if this was really happening. But still, he was inclined to answer that this was someone's prank and was already planning how to react to this - punish the joker or be loyal and laugh, and only then punish. After all, his pride was hurt.

Suddenly, something touched his shoulders, like the touch of long hair, which was strange, because Mark was in a shirt, and it felt like his shoulders were without clothes. His hands felt a slight chill at the same time as his legs, as if his pants were now off him and he was standing bare-legged.

Finally, the fog dissipated and Mark opened his eyes in surprise, realizing that he was now not in his rich apartment, but in some small room, apparently the kitchen. Unfamiliar new sounds were heard from everywhere - a baby crying from the next room, the sound of a football match on TV from another room, two men talking about a football match and the sound of running tap water next to Mark

- Wish fulfilled

The same voice uttered in the head of Mark, dumbfounded by the changes, who had not even realized that now his life would never be the same again and he would really know well what would have happened if his father had not become rich and instead of a son he conceived a daughter from a completely different woman



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