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Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/special-contract-83546721

Part 5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/special-contract-83665843

People in white medical coats were talking about something among themselves in an easy manner, looking at me a little and from their intonation I understood that they were talking about some everyday things. I could have been angry with them, but I couldn't, so I just looked sad. In the end, I did not understand them, although they spoke my native language.

However, after a lot of thought, I made this decision and decided to terminate the contract, while signing a new one, and now I already knew that after the reverse change procedure, my life would never be the same again. But I won't be a woman! And I will finally get rid of these unbearably heavy huge breasts constantly dangling without control. Even now, lying on a hospital gurney, I still knew that I would not miss these sensations.

Let me owe a lot of money, but I will become a man again. Even though these assholes made me sign a state secret agreement at the very beginning and I won't be able to tell anyone about what happened here.

They gave me no guarantee that I would be myself again! This is just bullshit! And to hell with it .... although I still hope, I really hope that everything goes well. But looking at these relaxed doctors or lab assistants, I'm a little embarrassed that they seem to be reckless about my reverse change procedure.

Goodbye Jamila Karim, forgiving those huge hateful boobs! God, how I miss my dick... I can't think about anything anymore... it seems the narcosis is starting to take effect... what's that strange sound... hey... hey...


Jacob tried to pay attention to the sound of the alteration device malfunctioning, which he heard, but the careless lab assistants who were only supposed to connect Jacob to the machine paid no attention to it, continuing their funny dialogue among themselves.

But for Jacob, it proved fatal. They found out about the error only after the procedure was completed and only then it reached the management, it was already too late ... Irreversible changes happened to Jacob and not at all like he expected.



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