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Jake looked skeptically at his high school friend Mike, who stared at him open-mouthed.

- You... you really don't notice anything?

Finally, Mike stopped talking about his shock and seriously asked Jake, who did not understand anything.

- Nothing has changed, Mike!

- Changed! You even sound like Mrs. Jacobs Jake! Is that.. is that you!?

Stop joking, it's not funny anymore.

They both looked puzzled at the remote, which was in Mike's hands, but each with his own thoughts. Jake thought that maybe the device had electrocuted his friend and he was now really crazy, and Mike was trying to figure out other buttons on the device, on the screen of which was written "Julia Jacobs" by Mike earlier.

- And, probably, you need to click on the "Apply" button.

Without thinking about the consequences, Mike quickly pressed the button and again pointed the device at his friend. And this time, Jake really felt a slight tingle all over his body, similar to goosebumps from the cold.

Moving his head slightly, Jake felt something touch his shoulders and almost immediately felt the rest of the change. The strange weight in the chest area was as unusual as the long hair, which was now apparently long and black. Instead of his jeans and t-shirt, he was now wearing tight lingerie. Her legs were covered in stockings with stiff elastic bands above the knees.

- What the....

Jake said softly, aghast at his new female voice.

- Now you see?!

With a big smile said pretty Mike! Jake, meanwhile, recovered a little from the shock and took a couple of steps towards his friend, feeling his new big ass shaking and his new breasts dangling ridiculously.

- Give it to me!

Adjusting his long hair, Jake grabbed the remote control and almost took the device away to figure it out himself and change everything back, but at that moment one of the two of them pressed the "adaptation" button.

Everything went white for a moment to Jake. He literally for a second was in complete emptiness. However, after a second everything went dark. Jake felt with his hands something soft, like the fabric of a bed, and at the same time something appeared in his mouth that completely filled him and Jake could not utter a word.

Being in a strange position, Jake felt at the same time that someone was holding his head and that for some reason he automatically moved this head up and down.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Jake suddenly realized that what was in his mouth was nothing more than a male erect penis, which actually belonged to her husband. And as soon as he tried to get up and get out of an uncomfortable position, he felt how the hand above his head only pressed him tighter and at the same time something slimy flew out of the penis.



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