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- Why are you smiling, you old idiot?

- Because it's funny

- Funny!? It's funny that I'm going to fucking kill you here?!

- Oh, I don't think you will.

Marcus was in anger, not understanding why this old mad scientist is absolutely not afraid of him. Being the head of a mafia gang of Latinos, he always inspired fear, especially for such old weaklings as this scientist. Even just his appearance was intimidating. The inflated male muscular body is almost completely in different tattoos, which he did not just like that, but in honor of his criminal victories. Yes, even the fact that he had a gun in his jacket pocket should have scared this grandfather. Nevertheless, he behaved as relaxed as a minute ago.

Marcus rose from behind to look menacing and leaned closer to the old man.

- You are dead.

He said softly with a smile

You don't even notice anything.

What should I have noticed? What... what the?!? What did you do to me!?

In shock, Marcus looked down as he said those words and stared in amazement at cleavage female breasts that he had never seen from this angle in his life because those boobs were now part of his all-female body. He even felt their new unaccustomed strange weight, just as he felt the touch of long hair on his neck and face. Instead of his sportswear, now he felt like a tight, uncomfortable corset tightening his waist, and instead of pants, now only the tight fabric of panties pressed against his crotch under a loose long skirt.

- Did you do that, you old asshole?!

Looking up, Marcus was already planning to raise his hand and hit this scientist, however, the scientist had already pressed the button of the invented device aimed at Marcus discreetly and pressed it, making the final gesture to say goodbye to Marcus.

- There's no one there, who are you talking to, baby?

A sudden male voice spoke loudly and angrily at his right ear and Marcus felt someone touch his right shoulder. Marcus still saw the old scientist in front of him, but what he saw gradually blurred and instead of the table in the restaurant where he had just been, now he could see old sailing ships moored in the port and the sea, he began to smell the sea from the cool breeze .

Turning his head in the direction of the outgoing voice, Marcus saw in front of him a man dressed as a sailor in a pirate hat. Where the scientist sat was now the sea, and Marcus leaned against the wooden railing.

- What the hell?! Who the hell are you?!

The surprised man was stunned by such impudence and slapped Marcus for such words. The old pirate passed by and just kindly asked this port whore, who was shouting something into the void and, of course, was not used to hearing such things from the port whore in his address and was not going to lose honor, deciding that he would rape her today and then give her back to her. team.



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