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Trevor stared in shock at the reflection in the mirror in the bathroom, but still did not believe in the reality of what he sees and feels. It was all kind of absurd and unrealistic. Even this apartment in which he was for the first time in his life, although he came here himself, being sure that he was going to his home.

In the morning Trevor had a man's body with pumped muscles, biceps and abs and it was the exact opposite of what he had now. Tits, vagina, those fat deposits and of course it was obvious that he was several years or decades older.

It all started a few hours ago at the food court in the mall, when Trevor unceremoniously walked past an old gypsy woman, hitting her and almost knocking her off her feet. Despite this, he did not even want to apologize and help her up, but simply walked by and grinned. Perhaps this was what caused the gypsy to lie on him with a temporary curse, although Trevor did not immediately understand this.

First, while sitting at the table and finishing his lunch, Trevor heard one of the women sitting next to him complain to another that she "would give anything to have an athletic body" and when Trevor turned his head in her direction to look at that woman, then saw an athletic woman and could not understand why she was complaining.

As he continued to eat his lunch, Trevor did not notice at that moment that his body had already changed and he had lost all his muscles and became fatter.

Some woman, at another table, complained that her tyrant husband was constantly mocking her and that she regretted her marriage, that she had given birth to three children and now she had no time for anything. Unbeknownst to Trevor, a ring appeared on his still masculine hand and information appeared in the passport that he was the father of three children and was married to some Charlie Swenson, at that moment the tone and conversation of the girl on the phone changed dramatically and Trevor did not even hear her, because she began to speak more quietly and cheerfully.

The changes only became apparent to Trevor when, scrolling through his Instagram feed, Trevor stumbled upon a rails in which the girl cheerfully talked about how she would like to have a male body. The changes were instant. Trevor just blinked his eyes and saw in this video that instead of a girl there was a guy, albeit with a chalky female face. At first, Trevor decided that this was a gluing in the video, but when he first turned it on, he realized that from the very beginning there was a guy, not a girl, and he was saying something completely different.

It was only at that moment that Trevor realized that something was clearly wrong. There was a strange new weight in his chest area and something was pressing very hard on his shoulders and pulling under his armpits. Looking down, Trevor was shocked that he saw a neckline with large female breasts and it became clear to him that the discomfort was from the bra and its straps.

Quickly getting to his feet, Trevor felt his new chest sway, but was even more shocked by how much he had changed. Instead of his sportswear, he was wearing a tank top and a tight skirt that hugged what seemed to be a huge ass. Because of his chest, he could not even immediately understand it. Taking the phone and turning on the front camera, he found that his face had not changed, but he was wearing female makeup and a hairstyle in the form of a bun of hair.

Realizing in an instant that it was all some kind of curse and that it was all somehow connected with the complaints of the people he heard, Trevor quickly ran home, feeling shame and humiliation, every moment closing his ears and trying to quickly return to his apartment. And of course, he did not expect that he would not be at home, but in a completely unfamiliar apartment, but he already wanted to go alone faster, so he decided not to think about it, entering this house and undressing in the bathroom, closing himself from unfamiliar children who for some reason called him mom and asked where dad was and why she came alone.



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