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"Holy shit, this is so realistic...."

The sensitive huge breasts really felt very natural and realistic, despite the fact that Gregory understood that this was just a new generation of virtual reality, which he was connected to as a beta tester a few minutes ago.

And Gregory was really sure that he would only need to spend a few minutes in this body. He knew that the developers were watching him, but he was not going to resist the opportunity to get new sensations. In addition, it was directly discussed that Gregory should use all the sensations from the female body in which he found himself in this testing ... And Gregory was not against it.

Having closed his eyes in the cryopod with wires connected to his entire body, he had already opened his eyes here. Everything seemed to be real and he did not even hear the sounds from the laboratory, the conversations of scientists and anything else. It was quiet and calm here.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a ceiling with an old stylish chandelier and yellow light from the lamps. The furniture and walls of this room immediately caught my eye, everything was quite decent and stylish and beautiful. And a little afraid that it was all imagination, he nevertheless decided to get up, thinking that he would hit his head on the lid of the cryochamber. But slowly getting up, he thought less and less about the fact that he could hit his head on the now invisible cover of the cryochamber. His sensations and thoughts switched to the huge heavy weight in the chest area of ​​his new soft flesh.

- Fuck

Gregory couldn't take the surprise. This huge soft tender flesh completely blocked his view, so that he could not even see what was below and could not understand whether his penis was still there or not. Though it was expected, his heart pounded in surprise. He did not expect that the breasts would be so huge and that the sensations would be so realistic, especially when he was already standing and trying to keep his balance trying to add himself to his pussy ... sensitive, tender and easily excitable pussy. As he did so, he couldn't help but feel a rush of desire and a burning sensation in his groin area as he lightly touched the sensitive nipples of that huge breast.

- What the hell is that?

A male voice spoke in front of Gregory in what was obviously not English, but Gregory easily understood it and at the same time was amazed that he understood words that he did not understand and did not know before the village.


The experiment was not entirely about virtual reality, and this was the main thing that scientists wanted to study. The task was completely different, namely, how a person can adapt to a completely different culture, a different body and a different life if he ends up there.

Gregory and Roxanne were not chosen by chance and Roxanne knew perfectly well what she was getting into, unlike Gregory, who thought that he would just experience a new virtual reality for 5 minutes. But instead, by some mistake, Gregory was taken to the wrong room and became a member of the body swap experiment between countries and will now be forced to try to understand that this is all real, and that he is stuck as Roksana - a Czech p**n model



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