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Accustomed to solving cases quickly and clearly, Joseph again decided to quickly deal with one of the debtors from Chinatown, who owed money to his boss.

The menacing appearance of a huge black guy under 2 meters tall frightened anyone and Joseph was sure that he would easily take money or anything valuable from this decrepit Asian old man. He was not embarrassed by the fact that he was no longer the first of his gang this month to try to repay the debt from Li Feng. It didn't bother me that they were all missing.

- What the fuck are you looking at me, motherfucker?

- Oooh.. wait a bit

Joseph was not going to wait for anything, his eyes were looking for something that could be picked up in this junk shop and his eyes caught on a beautiful expensive vase, and then on some expensive jewelry that lay on the shelves.

- You say you don't have anything and you don't owe anything, but I see that you have a lot of interesting things ... what ... what the hell did you get

While Joseph was looking at the store in search of valuables, the old man had already taken out his old camera and pointed the lens at Joseph. The old man's face was tired and a sly, barely noticeable smile.

* click

Joseph did not understand anything, but immediately noticed that everything around him seemed to have become larger. But for an outside observer, it was obvious that in the place of Joseph in his cool gangster clothes, there was now a small, fragile Asian girl with a very pretty face, on which surprise and discouragement were read, despite the fact that Joseph still did not feel any of this inside her.

The Asian looked ridiculously huge clothes of Joseph, which almost immediately began to fall off him. The jacket hung from the hands and was like a bag, and the jeans almost immediately fell to the floor.

- 什麼鬼?(Shénme guǐ - What the fuck?)

The young lady shouted, and immediately amazed at her voice and the strange, incomprehensible words that were uttered to her, she opened her eyes in fright and stared at the old Chinese, who said nothing had happened, that she would not be afraid and would soon be at home in China, but asked her in Chinese where she would prefer to be - a farmer's wife or a city prostitute

The new girl tried to menacingly come closer and somehow scare, hit the old man, but entangled in her clothes, she fell, feeling the floor touch her naked pussy.

- 我想你會是個好妻子... (Wǒ xiǎng nǐ huì shìgè hǎo qīzi... - I think you will be a good wife...)

The old man said and pressed the button on the camera again

* click

Opening his eyes, Joseph did not immediately realize that he was already in another place. But it was obviously not a junk shop. Something soft was under his hands and, rising, Joseph realized that he was on a soft bed.

On all fours and feeling the strange new weight on his chest, it wasn't hard to figure out that it was a woman's breast... his woman's breast that was pulling the skin down. Long hair touched his neck, and the delicate fabric of a woman's blouse gently touched his new white skin.

For a short time looking at his new little manicured fingers, Joseph did not have time to come to his senses when he heard Chinese words again. This time it was no longer the old man's voice. It was a man's serious, very loud commanding voice. Judging by the intonation, this man was angry

- I want to eat!

A man shouted in clear Chinese, and looking up, Joseph saw a weak, skinny man in front of him. He hated weaklings like this guy and never thought that any of them would even dare to say a word to him. And now this impudent, skinny weakling was yelling at him and demanding something.

It was easy to read displeasure on Joseph's face and he was about to answer, when he suddenly felt a slap on his face

"Don't you dare look at me like that, woman!"

Woman... blow... Joseph already felt that he was about to explode




She will eventually learn to accept her role as a wife and a mother of many children.