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- You will not believe! They... They invited me to their party! Yooooooo

Mark with strange sensations and emotions looked at his joyful son, who had just returned to the room. He couldn't understand that his son was too easy to accept the fact that his father suddenly turned into a young beauty with large boobs. It was now obvious that for Stanley, Mark's son, it was more important that the tough kids from school finally recognized him and invited him to their party.

- You, you think this is a good idea?

- What? Dad, of course! And.. and you should go too.. they said it was a prerequisite for my participation.

Stanley looked pitifully and with a smile at the embarrassed girl, who convinced him that she was his father, and he was skeptical, but agreed with this. Although he still had some doubts about the veracity of what she said until the end. However, her reasoning and her behavior were indeed similar to his father's, so he decided to go along with it.

Mark, having experienced and already accepted the new situation, simultaneously understood the emotions of his son and at the same time still felt horror and fear from his new situation. Discomfort from large breasts that constantly swayed and the absence of the usual dick between his legs, along with his new youth and femininity, caused shame and some kind of shame from the new situation.

Crossing his arms on his knees, Mark tried not to notice the look of his son, who, although he tried, was still staring at his boobs, and this made Mark even more humiliating from the situation, that even in his own house he could not calmly collect his thoughts and think, what to do next.

Thoughts about his business and the fact that he was a leader and owner of a successful business for several more hours faded into the background after he suddenly turned into a busty young girl right in the middle of a working day in the office.

- You... you will come with me?

Stanley continued to insist without even trying to understand what his father was now. 


It was the usual hectic day of the head of a successful business - many calls, constant negotiations and other necessary actions that Mark performed daily to maintain and develop his business. Therefore, at first, Mark did not even understand what had happened.

He just went out to smoke and discuss an important deal on the phone, and as soon as he finished his conversation, he returned to his office. His secretary Margaret, who always greeted guests, looked at Mark in a strange way at that moment and said

- Good afternoon, are you looking for someone?

Wrinkling his surprised look at her, Mark looked at her in disbelief, expecting that this was some kind of joke, but Margaret was not going to continue and laugh. She looked just as seriously and with a more distrustful look at Mark, who, in surprise, even stopped in the doorway.

Suddenly, Mark suddenly noticed something strange. Something in his chest was pulling his skin down and his legs seemed to be no longer wearing his jeans. Not having time to answer Margaret's "joke", Mark looked down and was horrified to see a tight top, under which were two hills of a woman's breasts ... his woman's breasts! His hair touched his shoulders, and under the short skirt he could feel the thong panties. Slightly staggering on his heels, he leaned against the door and almost fell.

- Miss, are you all right?

Realizing that Margaret saw the same thing, Mark quickly realized the first thing that came to his mind.

- I'm to Mark ... I ... I'm his ... niece ... But I ... I'm already leaving

In shock, leaving the door to the street and barely balancing on high heels, feeling a new center of gravity and how his new big chest was trembling, Mark tried to understand at least something. How did it happen? And only Margaret sees it.

Therefore, looking around, he saw the glances of men passing by and one of them was an employee of his company, who looked at Mark strangely and with a smile, as he had never looked at him, as if he saw him as a sexual object

The only explanation for this was that warlock's book that he and his son saw in that strange store. Yesterday his son Stanley recited some kind of spell as a joke and wished to be the cool one at school. Stanley remembered how ironically then he answered that he would like to help him with this ... and that's all, because they left there and did not even take it seriously.

But now it was the only logical explanation for his transformation, and as quickly as possible, clumsily and suffering humiliation from the looks of passers-by, Stanley ran to his son's school. 


- What?! Not! You can't go like this!

- What do you mean I can't? I already agreed to go to your party because you asked me so much. Do you think I really want this?

- But dad! It is important! You... you know that I want to be cool and you... you have to dress accordingly! They should know that I have a cool cool sister.

- Heck! Not! I...

- But dad!

Stanley was already almost crying looking at his father, who dressed as modestly as possible and, of course, was not even going to do some kind of makeup. But he couldn't let his son cry

- No... listen, Stanley, this is all very strange. They boys, you know, they shouldn't...

- Enough! I don't want to hear it!

- OK OK! I understand that you would like to have a cousin with such a... with such a body and maybe because of her you would be more respected in school. Yes, I would also like to dress more promiscuous, but this is already too much, okay... son? Good?

Stanley looked attentively at his son, who already wanted to cry, but suddenly his expression changed and he looked pitifully with the last hope at Mark and said sympathetically

- Well .. Your business is how to dress. Indeed, you are right. thank you

Mark exhaled with a little joy that his son still obeys him and he has power over him even in such a strange situation and keeps the situation under control. In addition, he decided that this party was a good way to remember his youth and school and meet his son's possible new friends, whom he did not treat very well yet.


Mark didn't even think about going to the party. It happened spontaneously when he found his son near the school and started telling him the truth. To his surprise, his son quickly believed him, although this seemed impossible. But many arguments about his son's life convinced him, and especially the fact that they talked about together and especially yesterday in that store with the warlock's book.

However, while they were talking, two guys from his classmates approached them, who wanted to bully Stanley, but suddenly they saw such a beauty and when asked about who it was, guessing what the son Mark would answer, shouted loudly drowning out the son

- This is my girlfriend

- SISTER!!...cousin from Japan

Apparently, the negotiations with the Japanese made themselves felt, and therefore Mark unconsciously quickly said this nonsense.

- Are you Japanese? (said by one of those guys)

- I! Yes! I even speak Japanese! Ha! It's like you can't see. Mei Li, nice to meet you.

But still, those guys now invited them to this stupid party, which Mark now had to go to for the sake of his son. The store with the warlock's book was already closed, so Mark decided that he needed to help his son, and tomorrow go to that store again and sort everything out. 


Loud music drowned out the loud conversations of drunken youth who had gathered in this house of one of Mark's subordinates. He wondered if Fred, his subordinate and the father of the son who organized the party, knew about what was happening in his house, while he and his wife left for a small business trip, in which Mark had sent him.

There was complete chaos, as it happens at such parties. Someone was already sleeping on the couch, someone took one of the girls to the bed in the bedroom upstairs.

Mark stood and watched as his son wandered around alone among various "cool" guys and girls and tried to talk to them to no avail. He was angry that they treated his son like that and it was not cool at all. But his son insisted that he wanted to hang out here and that his "sister" was not around all the time, so Mark let him go and stepped aside. Thanks to his modest clothes, he successfully managed to get lost among these people and he quietly and peacefully waited at the wall until everything was over, enduring only the discomfort of a huge chest and regretting that he had not put on a bra... although even the thought of it was strange, but that's it. same.

Suddenly, he felt the wall behind him vibrate from a sharp b**w and smelled a sharp smell of alcohol. Turning his face straight, he saw, a few centimeters away, the face of Fred's son - John the organizer of the party.

- And why is such a beauty bored here ... (burp) ... alone?

- ここから出ていけ! (Koko kara deteike! - get out of here!)

Mark did not understand that he was already speaking Japanese and of course he understood very poorly what John was saying, but at that moment he decided that John was just drunk. Pushing him aside and taking a couple of steps away from the wall, Mark began to look for his son's eyes, but suddenly noticed that John's hand was touching his skin in the waist area and trying to hug him. It was strange, because Mark was wearing a sweater and pushing it away again, he already noticed another change that had now taken place.

Instead of modest clothes, he now wore an indiscreet outfit with an open stomach with a pierced navel. The short skirt barely covered his sexy ass, and the stockings reached to the knees and, of course, he was wearing heels again. 


Mark was sitting at home on his home office chair, reclining and opening his chest. He still couldn't help but rub his new boobs while he was alone at home waiting for his son to come home. It was already 11 pm and the party was supposed to end, but his son was still not there.

Mark was not happy that he had to leave that party, but the situation was completely strange. For some reason, somehow, right at the party, he changed again and this change caused even more shock and misunderstanding in Mark. Not only did his clothes get too slutty and make-up appeared on his butt, but now his face has changed and taken on Asian features! But even this was lost against the background of the fact that he soon realized right at the party that he was speaking and thinking in Japanese, because in order to speak English he had to remember English words in his head.

Having found his son at a party, he could hardly communicate with him in English. But whether his son was already too drunk or completely insolent, but he did not even try to talk normally with Mark - his father! He spoke to him as if he were really his Asian cousin Mei Li.

Mark said that he would punish him as soon as his son returned home and left this stupid party. I locked myself in my room and began to search the Internet for answers, but finding nothing I could not ignore those huge tits and a vagina that craved attention.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened. Mark was too engrossed in exploring his new body. But what he saw was even more shocking. It was he! More precisely, it was the same Mark that he had been this morning and all his life, only now he saw himself from the outside.


- Mei Li! What the hell?!

Said Mark, who entered the room after seeing his niece in an obscene form

Mei Li somehow ridiculously and quickly began to cover her huge boobs with a T-shirt, which her uncle should not have seen. Surprised and as if bewildered, she sat down on Mark's work chair and stared at him in surprise.

- What'ze hell?

Mei Li spoke loudly in her Asian accent as she looked at her uncle.

- I want to ask you, what the hell? Why are you sitting in my office and... ahem... doing obscene things here? And... and where's Stanley?

- Stanley's at ze paty, but'... what' ze hell... how is zat' possible... I... I just' don't undestand'...

- What?! Did you let him go to the party? May! You were supposed to follow him, and instead you... you... Damn, I should call him. Where is this party?!

Mei Li stared dumbfounded at Mark, not knowing what to say, and just as modestly sat on her uncle's chair. 


Mei Li looked sympathetically with the hope that her boyfriend was talking to some people who in the evening suddenly knocked on the door to the apartment in which she now lived. She only hoped that they were not from the deportation bureau... But she was wrong, because although she did not know English well, she heard in the distance that the words "illegal" and "deportation" sounded among different words. Her boyfriend turned his head at her after these words and stared in surprise for a few seconds and let them into his apartment.

It's been quite a while since Mei Li was in that warlock store while still being Mike and a successful business owner with his son. The very next day, she managed to find out about that store owner that Stanley had cast a powerful spell to change reality. Unfortunately, at that moment there was no way back and the store owner was furious that without his knowledge they used this spell.

According to the spell, everything that Mei Li said that day became the truth. And she walked out of that store in horror, uncomfortable with her weak new appearance and especially her breasts. She could not imagine that when she, being Mike, joked then told her now cousin, Stanley, that she would like to help him. Her ironic answer "I would like to help you, but I'm not a busty beautiful chick" was fatal for her and the next day the spell began its work, exactly one day after activation.

How she regretted her arrogant habit of responding sarcastically to everyone. The fact that she was now really from Japan and her name was Mei Li was only her fault when she herself said so on the first day. But at the party, after she became dressed slutty because of her own words, various teenagers began to actively flirt with her and she sent them off as best she could.

She recalled with horror how she told one of them that she had a boyfriend and that she lived with him in his apartment on the other side of the city, in order to make it clear that that annoying guy at the party would leave her behind. As she answered one of them, that she had to fly to Japan tomorrow, and if she didn’t fly away, then people from the deportation bureau would come for her...

All this became a reality... A new reality for Mei Li, who now tried her best to somehow seduce and force her new boyfriend to marry her for the sake of citizenship, in order to stay here, overcoming her male pride and hatred for what she I had to do it for this...

But it was all in vain now. People from the deportation bureau were now standing on the doorstep and entering the apartment behind her... She did not even want to imagine and think that she would have to live in Japan, in a foreign country, away from her son and hometown... In addition the thought that she told one of the guys at that party that she worked in Japan in p**n really scared her ... 



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