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The smoke gradually disappeared from Craig's field of vision, and he was finally able to vaguely but distinguish the outlines of the room. And it was not at all like his rich house, in which he was spending his 65th birthday in the circle of his heirs, who were just waiting for their grandfather to die to share his inheritance.

This room was nothing like the one he was in when he found this present from one of his grandsons, Brian. There were red and blue padded walls, and in front of him a man in a denim suit and a cowboy hat was sitting in a chair of some sort.

A strange chill covered Craig's body at these moments and, looking down, he could hardly make out, but still gradually saw the outlines of his new body and female breasts, which were so unusually attached to his chest and hung down under the action of gravity. Automatically clutching his boobs, Craig felt how sensitive the skin of his chest was now, and especially in the area of ​​​​the nipples, because even from this touch, it was as if an electrical discharge ran through his entire body.

He tried not to attach too much importance to it, but he twitched a little and staggered, noticing that he was wearing high-heeled shoes with straps, and curls of long hair flowing down his back.

Finally, the picture became clearer and clearer and the rhythms of melodic music were already audible, against the background of which a male voice, coming from a perfectly clearly drawn figure of a man

- Is something wrong, baby?

Raising his head up at the voice, Craig tried to figure out what had happened.


Meanwhile, at Grandpa's birthday party, Brian was rubbing his hands in anticipation of the realization of his cunning plan. He was very pleased with himself and even delighted when he found out that all this was possible and after he realized it. He had already seen how his grandfather's behavior had changed, which meant that the stripper Angela was already in his grandfather's body and now it was up to the small.

Brian believed that all ways to wealth are good. And he was sure that his rich grandfather was in no hurry to die, let alone write his will. How glad he was that he found such a stupid simple Angela, who agreed to his plan, according to which, after exchanging bodies with his grandfather, she would write to give him all the grandfather's money.

But he wasn't completely honest with her either. He knew that the body exchange spell only works in one direction, but nevertheless he deceived the poor girl and said that after this exchange, she would return her body and together they would be happy as a married couple. 



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