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Epilogue of: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mob-wife-63926057


Who would have thought that fate would decide this way? Who would have thought a few months ago that I am Roger Franklin - one of the best police officers, a man who was in Iraq and fought there, would end up in the body of the wife of my main enemy and be forced to pretend to be her!?

But as it happened, it just happened. For a long time, Lucia and I could not understand why and for what we did all this and decided that it was important for both of us not to spoil each other's lives. Even though I hated Tony and all his criminal activities, I still...hell, I don't want to think about what I did during those terrible times. Every time I felt uncomfortable touching his hands on any of my body, and even more so kissing and something that is usually done with a mouth with such plump lips ... Damn it, I still remember every time, every humiliating time when I gave a blow**b to this fucker.

And when Lucia said that she finally learned some kind of body-swapping spell, the fact that I was happy to hear it was not even those words. I was very happy that I could finally return to my normal life, to my wife ... Get rid of this terrible uncomfortable body with this huge ass and big breasts, soft skin and plump lips that I was forced to see and feel every day. And I’m still silent about Lucia’s humiliating and uncomfortable clothes for me ... Damn, how happy I was at that moment

But of course, everything went wrong, otherwise it would have been ... Otherwise, I wouldn’t be walking along this catwalk now, trying to portray a normal gait and realizing that everyone is looking not at clothes, but at my huge ass and how it sways with every step I take my breasts and that uncontrollable big ass.

Lucia's spell worked in a strange way. She suddenly began to think that she had always been me! And despite all my attempts to tell her the truth, she just laughed and did not understand anything, thinking that I, Lucia, had lost my mind or this was some kind of cunning plan by Tony to fool the police. In any case, I eventually realized that she was not joking.

And then... then my former colleagues came here to Tony's villa and arrested him. I saw Lucia's joy in my body and contentment in myself. Of course, she immediately arrested Tomy as soon as she began to think that she was me! After all, she received all the knowledge of Lucia and now, taking advantage of this, she finally sent her "enemy" and my "husband" to prison

While the trial was going on, I tried to somehow prove the truth to my wife, children and colleagues. But it was all in vain, no one believed me and it really sounded very delusional. So I had to admit that it was better to shut up again and pretend that I was Lucia.

Somehow, while sorting through the mail, I saw that Lucia had been called to work as a model for a long time, and this was perhaps the best that I could find from a possible income ... Still, there were not so many alternatives, besides, officially I was still a "wife" Tony, who was sentenced to death by electric chair.

But I didn’t care about Tony’s fate, I was even glad about it, although during the time we spent together, apparently the part of Lucia that was in me felt a little sorry for Tony. Thus, between the alternatives of becoming someone else's wife, going into an escort or starting a job as a model, I chose, it seems to me, the only right decision ... But damn it, how unreal it all seems until now when I remember my life even a few months ago. The way my wife and I hunted Tony and the way I studied his case looked at the photo of Lucia and thought about how you can live with such forms and asked others a lot of questions both related to Tony's case and not ... Oh, damn... gotta work on my walking, I almost fell when I was turning on that stupid podium 



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