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Leaving the confused Michael alone with his strange body, which he again received, he could not understand anything. Why was this nurse calling him Sophia? Why was he in a woman's body again? Is this part of the experiment again or is it some kind of bug? The doctor or someone who was supposed to come, according to the nurse, should have told him everything.

Michael was already terribly tired of all this and infuriated. He terribly hated the day when he agreed with his mother to participate in this experiment, the fate of which he had no idea. Everything that was in that terrible place, as it seemed to him, he just wanted to forget and return to the once hated, and now seemingly the best place on earth, school and to his home to his game console and friends, forgetting forever about the experience of life as adult woman in this experiment.

Without thinking twice, out of a habit acquired during his life in the "Town", he took the clothes lying nearby and easily put on a bra, feeling the need for this in order to get out of here and talk to someone. While he was getting dressed, a man in a jacket finally entered the room, holding a folder with documents at hand and looked at Michael with a smile, immediately averting his eyes, making a shy look

- Excuse me, Mrs. Brown, I'll wait for you in the corridor. Come out as you dress.

And quickly slammed the door on the other side. It was evident that the man really did not expect to see Michael in this form and the sight of an adult woman dressing very confused him, although Michael experienced the same feelings, only along with another embarrassment and strangeness about why everyone calls him by a different name


Sitting in front of the man in the jacket and awkwardly holding onto the nylon pantyhose, Michael didn't really care about how he looked from the outside and the fact that the man in the jacket looked into his neckline and could see what was under the skirt. He just looked at this man in surprise and discouragement.

- Excuse me, that is... that is, you think that you are Michael Thompson 12 year old boy?

- Certainly! I'm Michael! Where is my mom?

The man was already carefully looking at the database on the computer, putting aside the papers with data on Sophia Brown and searching, but could not find anything about Michael. Some time later, he left Michael alone and went out to "find details from colleagues."

A completely different person returned, all in the same black jacket, but with a more serious and calm face.

- I'm sorry my colleague. He was not aware of some of the nuances. You see Sofia...

- I'm Michael!

- No, that's just what you think. We have all the papers and your consent, which you signed, that there may be some changes in the process of the experiment. And, unfortunately, this affected not only your face, but also your mind. You just think that you were a 12 year old boy

- I am a 12 year old boy! Stop talking nonsense already! I can't live like some grown woman.

- Listen, Mrs. Sophia. Your husband and children are already here in other rooms. Think what they will think when they hear these words. In addition, you signed a non-disclosure agreement and this will be punishable by a large fine or even prison. In addition, we will deny everything and you may be considered crazy.

- But I... I

- Think again Sophia, you should go back to your old life and try to start living there, for your own good.


For all Michael's reluctance, he couldn't change or do anything about what the "smart adults" he so trusted had done to him. Damn those stupid scientists made a mistake when they made Michael's transformation to participate in the "Town" experiment and didn't want to admit it, doing everything to hide it and not jeopardize the whole experiment.

That's the only reason they forged documents and made it so that Michael was now like Sophia, explaining to both him and Sophia's family that the changes and memory loss were side effects of Sophia's participation in this experiment.

Despite the fact that Sophia/Michael received a large amount of money and could no longer work, scientists and doctors strongly advised her and her family to try to live as before, including her work as a waitress. Officially explaining this by saying that it will help restore memory, but in fact they only tried to hide their mistakes even more.

Michael was trapped with no way to tell the truth and no way to influence the situation. Of course her "old" family was upset that their mother and wife didn't remember them and especially the change in her face. For them, she literally became like a different person, although she retained her entire body. However, they tried to remind her as much as possible of her past life and what she was and what she did. 



Mindy Murdoch

Excellent story! I love that the organization needs to cover its mistake. So much fun!