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- I'll probably lie down here a little, do you mind, baby?

Feeling Frank's head on her shoulder, the girl looked at him in bewilderment. Her long hair slid down and touched her neck a little. She awkwardly tried to pull it away, but instead just squeezed her palms together clumsily squeezing her size 3 breasts under the black tee.

The loud bass of the nightclub sounded almost every second to the different groovy music of the local DJ. As always, there were a lot of people in the central club of Mexico City - the capital of Mexico. Through the crowd of people, the local photographer did his job with a smile on his face.

- Foto? Tomaré una foto?

But it was a standard problem, of course the photographer immediately took a photo. Only the light from the flash showed the whole picture, which he did not immediately notice in the dim light of the nightclub. These two Americans were very drunk and one of them almost fell asleep on the girl's shoulder. Only the girl between them looked at him with a slightly strange look.

- Tonterías. Estos definitivamente no pagarán. Aunque puedas conseguir su dinero, cariño (Silly stuff. These will definitely not pay. Even though you can get her money, baby)

Winking at the embarrassed Mexican, the photographer disappeared again into the crowd of dancing people, walking to another table.

- Ohhh ... looks like we have to go, right Juanita or whatever your name is?

- Mike, ¡no te entiendo! Estás borracho y ... maldita sea ... Despierta, Frank (Mike, I don't understand you! You're drunk and ... damn ... Wake up Frank)

- Oh god, what are you fucking talking about in your fucking Spanish? My head. Hey, Frank, we gotta get out of here.

Mike got up staggering, continuing to scratch his head and began to wake up Frank, who was really sleeping on the shoulder of this chick

- Hey! Bro! You can't sleep here! Let's go to the hotel!

- Esto es una especie de pesadilla. ¡Tenemos que salir de aquí y arreglar las cosas! (This is some kind of nightmare. We need to get out of here and sort things out!)

- Oh baby, will you come with us? (drunk Mike looked at the frightened Latina and gestured to show his words. She seemed to understand this when she nodded after saying

- ¿Eres un idiota? Por supuesto que iré contigo. ¿Dónde más debería ir? ... Fak. (Are you an idiot? Of course I will go with you. Where else should I go .... Fac.)

- Fuck! Oh yes, yes, of course ... just let's get to the hotel 


The morning was not at all kind, lying on the bed and opening his eyes Roger tried to find a blanket to hide, but he could not feel anything with his eyes closed, only a strange vibration from his movements in the chest area embarrassed him a little. Opening his eyes, he realized that he was in a triple hotel room, which he and his friends rented for an overnight stay in Mexico City.

- What a strange dream ...

Roger whispered softly to get out of bed. But instantly I felt something in the chest area pulling his skin down, and something touched his back and shoulders. Biting his lip, he tasted lipstick from makeup that hadn't been washed off the day before, and hoop earrings dangled strangely in his earlobes. Literally in a second, the realization came to him that this was not a dream at all.

- Hey! Guys! Are you here?! Where are you? Hey...

While trying to find his friends, Roger found the empty room in which he was now. He already understood that he was still in this female body and also spoke Spanish. They had to solve everything and find a way to get everything back! Why did he end up alone here.

In my head there were only fragmentary memories of what happened after they left the club. He remembered how difficult it was for him to walk in this body, feeling how freely this chest dangled under a T-shirt and how often he had to straighten his long hair. Walking in heels was very difficult and his gait was more like a hippopotamus than a graceful female gait in heels. In addition, he had to carry a drunken Frank to a taxi on his fragile shoulders with Mike.

It was scary and at the same time strange to understand that he could no longer understand the English speech of his friends and, on the contrary, listen to the conversation of the taxi driver who was joking at Roger about the fact that these stupid Americans would now pay him well and he would not even have to fuck with them.

Having barely endured this trip, they finally arrived at the hotel room. The cousier at the entrance strangely watched the three of them, especially looking at the immodestly dressed Roger in a short black leather miniskirt with bright makeup balancing on heels.

Mike went into the shower to revive Frank, Roger naively assumed. Out of frustration, he decided to drink a large dose of alcohol in one gulp and passed out, waking up only in the morning, already naked and alone in this room.

- Who, who is there?

Roger frowned at someone trying to open the door, but after his words, he first stopped, and then again continued to pick the key in the lock. 


- I swear to you that I live in this room! You have to believe me! It's … it's incredible, but I'm actually an American and a man! My name is Roger Smith! 

- A strange name for a Mexican woman! Huh, you're crazy. God, why am I even listening to this nonsense from a whore so early! Dress quickly and get out of here before I call security! 

- Please. I have nowhere to go. My friends… 

- Your clients have already left the room and I came here to clean and saw you naked sleeping on the bed! What the hell are you doing here I? You should havegone! 

Things only got worse for Roger by the hour, although each time it seemed like it couldn't get worse. He and his friends Mike and Frank came here for the weekend to hang out in the clubs in Mexico City for an interesting experience and of course take a walk around the city. 

Having bought some souvenirs during the day at night, they certainly got to their main goal - the central famous club in Mexico City. 

- It seems that they are pouring something into the local drinks, mine - Mike said, of course, loudly because of the loud music 

- You understand that old man? What was he talking about there? - answered Roger to his friend, while Frank was already dancing with might and main on the dance floor

- What? Have you decided to remember this now? Let's get to know some Mexican chick better? 

- Yes of course. Just look at this. (Roger handed the strange coin to Mike). It just doesn't get out of my head. It would be great if this coin really fulfills a wish. 

- Oh, what a bore you are. If so, then I wish there was some Mexican chick with plump lips and excellent breasts here instead of you. 

- Haha very funny! Devuélveme esta moneda. Qué … qué … mis manos … mi voz … mi cabello … tetas !! (Give me that coin back. What … what … my hands … my voice … my hair … boobs !!) 

Looking in dismay at Mike Roger, it was obvious that Roger had not noticed anything. Everything seemed to be normal for him. 

- Juhu! Mexico City! We are here! Yeees! 

- Mikel Que demonios ?! Dónde está la moneda? Qué estás haciendo, Mike ?! No no no! (Mike! What the hell ?! Where is the coin ?! What are you doing, Mike ?! No, no, nol) 

To Roger's horror, Mike swung and threw the coin straight into the crowd of dancing people, like throwing a coin into a fountain to return. 

Frightened, trying to get up and stop Mike Roger immediately sat back, not expecting that instead of sneakers he was wearing high-heeled shoes. And at that moment I heard Frank's voice, who laid his head on his shoulder 

- I'll probably lie down here a little, do you mind, baby?


- I'm an American citizen Roger Smith! You have no right to do or talk to me like that!

- Maybe already enough to say this garbage baby ?!

- I will complain! My friends will help me!

- Your friends? These are the guys you were fucking with in your hotel room without paying me for a permit to work as a whore ?!

- What?! Not! I didn't fuck with them! You're an idiot?! I am a boy! This freaking coin did something to me and I need to find them!

- Oh, this bullshit again! Listen to me honey. Your nonsense sounds not only like nonsense, but also completely ridiculous. I don't believe a single word you say. I don’t know what game you play, but any whore who works on my territory should work for me, is that clear to you, bitch ?!

- I do not...

- Shut up! I didn't finish ...

Roger realized that he shouldn't have started all this when he went after the hotel to the place where they bought those souvenirs, including that same evil coin of desires.

After that disagreeable conversation with the cleaner of the rooms in the hotel, he could not stay there. Putting on the clothes that he could find, he did not put on tights and washed off the makeup in the bathroom, leaving those stupid hoop earrings there, which he barely removed from his earlobes. It was difficult to do it with trembling hands and because of ignorance of the mechanism of the earrings, besides, the cleaning lady constantly rushed him, calling him different names and threatening to call the police. Even after washing off the makeup, Roger saw in the mirror the same sweet little face with plump lips, and there were excellent breasts hanging below, as Mark had wished at night in the club.

He himself was disgusted to wear this short skirt, which barely covered his Latin ass, but it was the only thing besides the thong panties from the available clothes. After hesitating a bit with his heels, he left the room just as absurdly balancing on them cursing everything that was happening to him.

Hector found him at the souvenir shop, who was already aware of illegal prostitution from the hotel maid.

- First, this old man tells everyone that he has magic coins. Did you know about this?

- I don't care what he says! It's true!

- I said without interrupting me stupid chick! Second, you now have to work for me. I understand that you have no documents?

- Um ... yes. I ... I forgot them in the room! This stupid maid hurried me and I forgot them!

- There was nothing in the room. She already told me everything. OK. Your situation is not the best in life right now. You must understand this. I don't care who you think you are, but you are now my property. OK. This is clear?

- What the fuck ?! Are you kidding?! I won't work for you! I am American! My name is Roger Smith and I ...

- Oh ... okay, Roger. Huh. I think I have a right to think of a name for you, right? Roger somehow doesn't fit such a cute face, and who wants to fuck Roger? Ro ... Rose ... Smith? Hmm, no, S ... Santiago is more appropriate? Rose Santiago! Beauty! Great name! Much better than Roger Smith. Hmm ... Rose Santiago! Even the sound of this name is exciting! I think you will be a great slut! Never came up with names. Wow, what an interesting life at times ... Okay, Rose, that's better, isn't it?

- Fuck you! I'm not Rose! What a stupid name!

- That's it, the conversation is over, ROSE! I have nothing to talk to you about. Rodrigo ... Take her and take her to the other girls ... 


- You look hot baby. What ... what is that expression on your face? Don't be shy and don't think bad. It could have been worse for you, you know that? It's a good job for someone like you. Besides, such a pretty face does not need to be spoiled with sadness, okay.

- Why are you talking to her Carla! This whore worked on our territory and is now pretending to be crazy! Who knows how many clients she stole from us? This could be our money

- It seems to me that you are not fair to her. Rose may have done it, but most likely because of ignorance, right, pretty girl?

Roger realized too late that he was trapped. These conversations of his new colleagues did not calm him in any way. Of course Karla took pity on him and helped with makeup and handed out the clothes calmly and without unnecessary comments, but no one believed in his story. And he himself understood how crazy it sounded, considering how he looked now and what he spoke in Spanish.

Sitting in these ridiculous clothes that reveal his new boobs, he seemed to be in a different place, although he realized that this was not so. All his thoughts were directed at how to be now and what to do now. To be stuck for the rest of my life as a Mexican prostitute was too strange, impossible, humiliating and horrible at the same time. He already guessed that with his appearance he would definitely have clients and the thought of having sex with a man was even strange in his head, not to mention the realization of it.

Without documents and the opportunity to get out, he could not resist in this weak body Hector's henchmen. Although when he was still himself, he was most likely able to easily escape from the hands of this Rodrigo.

Roger rarely liked to use his natural strength when he was a guy, he was more interested in books. But when it was necessary, he could easily overcome someone like Rodrigo, simply coming closer with his height of 1 meter 90 centimeters and with one hand knock this person to the floor. Now it was problematic in this weak female body with a height of only 1 meter 59 centimeters.

 If Roger knew that his friends, waking up early in the morning with a hangover, did not find their friend nearby and immediately rushed to look for him, taking his things and their own, then he probably would have behaved differently. But despite the fact that they talked loudly when they were getting ready, Roger then slept soundly, not knowing that at these moments his chances of a normal life, even if only in this body, disappeared with every second of his sleep.

The damned alcohol did its job. Back then, in the club, Mike really believed in magic when he threw this coin away. In his head, he only remembered the moment of this desire and the fact that Roger had disappeared where. He was sure that Roger had just left and that this weird chick just wanted sex. Arriving home after a shower and finding her sleeping drunk Mike undressed her, but he could not finish started due to strong alcoholic intoxication and fell asleep next to her. 


Life as Rosa Santiago was very different from what Roger was used to. Another country and another culture also imposed their own on his adaptation to which he did not strive at all. Even just being in a sexy weak female body was already a test for such a guy who was used to having strength, and even more so to immediately fall into the trap of Hector and become a prostitute. It was really possible to go crazy here.

Nevertheless, Roger was able to keep his sanity and after several clients and several nervous breakdowns, it became easier to relate to this while continuing his search for his old life.

This was "helped" by the fact that somehow, in a few weeks, reality had adapted to Roger's new life. At first, he noticed that he had documents with a photograph of a smiling Rose Santiago with the same plump, painted lips. He thought that Hector had prepared them, but that was not the case.

Then, when he was finally able to find access to the Internet, he could not find his page in the name of Roger Smith on the Internet. Everything looked as if it never existed now. And this was confirmed by his friends, to whom he was able to write with the help of a translator.

Then it got worse. Everyone, even Karla and the other girls, were now sure that he, that is, Rosa, had been working as a whore here not for several weeks, but for many years. No one remembered how she started working here, but even Hector was sure of it.

Many clients who came to Roger also, judging by their behavior, knew Rose for a very long time. Once there was even a guy who said that he studied with Rosa in the same class.

Everything looked so that reality really adapted to the life that Roger "chose". For the coin of desires, it was not important how to fulfill this desire. It is just a magical item that grants wishes.

If Rosa became a secretary or began to pretend that she was the President of Mexico, then she would be so. Unfortunately, neither Roger nor his friends knew all the details of this powerful artifact. 


Soon, trips to the old man in the souvenir shop were more than usual. Unfortunately for Roger, all the coins he bought, which were also "wish coins" according to the seller's assurances, turned out to be bullshit. And the old man sold him these coins at exorbitant prices! The fucking merchant knew his business, he saw that Roger was addicted to these coins and although he did not believe in the story of the crazy girl Rose, he still increased the price especially for her.

It seemed that the coin was gone forever. But by chance, Roger was able to find her in the same club where it all happened!

Now standing and in disbelief in his eyes, he again saw his friends in front of him on the same sofa and innocently talking to them ... himself! But he still stood in the same place in the club. His Latin boobs were held up by a tight push-up bra to make them even bigger, and his legs were still licked by tight leggings!

It happened in an instant. When he held the coin and said once again, like a prayer, the same words "I want to be myself again," but nothing happened and he already thought that the coin was not working. Going to throw her out of anger and another disappointment, he said "I wish I had never traveled to this fucking country! How I wish I could fix everything!"

At that moment, looking at the same sofa, he saw himself and his friends sitting there. Not believing his eyes with a confident step with a graceful gait on the already familiar heels and not noticing the weight of his chest already, having accepted it as something normal, Roger went there.

- Hey, Roger, look what a chick came up to us!

- Man, stop it, I haven't finished talking about the coin!

Seeing the coin in Mike's hand, fear filled Roger again and he realized that this must be stopped! That is why he was here! That found coin was real and now it was again in the hands of Mike, who, with his stupid desire, ruined Roger's wonderful life

- Devolvérsela! ¡Dámelo! (Give it back! Give it back to me!)

- Damn, what a crazy chick ?! This is our coin! Get out of here!

- Detener! ¡No entiendes a Mike! ¡Esto es peligroso! ¡Estos no son juguetes! (Stop! You don't understand Mike! This is dangerous! These are not toys!)

- Damn, I don’t understand you, Roger, hold her. Looks like she needs this coin you bought. Like this? A coin of desires, huh? This is a stupid cheap souvenir! Why the hell did she stick with us 




Walking slowly through her small room, Rosa yawned and looked at the clock. It was already 11-00. She usually didn't sleep that long, but it was a tough night. Her ass was aching until now, and from trying to speak and straining her tongue, all desire to do it disappeared. She has never done so much mouthwork in her career as she did tonight. But nevertheless, there was a semblance of a smile on her face from these memories.

Stroking her pregnant belly, she began to prepare breakfast. The unexpected baby seemed to scare away the clients and she wanted to have an abortion. But when she found out about this, she was already four months pregnant and it was already too late and very expensive to do anything. She couldn't afford the luxury of an abortion.

Nevertheless, there were some admirers of pregnant prostitutes and the flow of clients did not change at all. She put on weight, but looking at her plump lips, she recalled with an incomprehensible irony this Mike, her former friend, because of whom she was stuck in this life.

When she regained hope with that magic coin to return to her normal old life, she almost immediately lost it. She unconsciously made it so that now the real Roger lived and existed normally, and she remained for everyone Rosa Santiago - a prostitute from Mexico. But nevertheless, she tried to make sure that Mike did not ruin the life of the second Roger! And she succeeded, but at what cost ...

Then the coin ended up in the hands of a stupid guard, and then Hector, her pimp and the local leader of the bandits. He talked to her for a long time about this incident and at the end made this stupid wish

- You stupid girl who believes in superstitious shit! This is not how you deal with potential clients! Damn, you know what I want? So that you finally become as before! I always remembered you as a great whore, what happened to you? God, Rose ... I remember how your eyes burned when you told me about your clients and various cases with them. What happened to you?

Without noticing it, Hector activated this coin. Now Rose really began to love her job. Although Roger was still inside, who hated it all, but her desires to suck dicks and fuck men in different positions for money were now in the first place. 




que gran historia