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While Marcus was lying in bed in the evening texting with Clarissa, he was suddenly distracted by a sharp noise outside the door of his room. It was very strange because he was alone and did not expect any guests. Only his parents had spare keys to his apartment, but they certainly could not come here. Firstly, it was already almost 23-30, and secondly, they were at that moment in another city.

- Damn it!

An angry male voice was heard behind the closed door and the sound of boots hitting the wall, which the stranger threw from his foot to take them off, was brought to Marcus.

Out of surprise, Marcus didn't even notice that while he was looking at the door everything in his room had changed, including himself. Instead of his strong, big-muscle 24-year-old boy, he now had a weak body and two boobs with matching red lingerie that were just the size of his new breasts. The make-up on the face was perfect and in line with his new look, the ring finger had an inexpensive wedding ring on a finger with a long nail.

Finally, he still noticed the changes in the room, but at that moment the door opened and an unkempt man of about 40 years old entered. A dirty T-shirt and ripped jeans, along with his weekly stubble, gave off the image of an unpleasant person.

- What are you looking at, bitch? Are you working ?! (hiccupped)

- WHAT!? WHO?! .... WHAT THE FUCK ?!

Suddenly, at the same time from all the new discoveries, Marcus in shock tried to get out of bed, feeling the new weight on his chest and the pressure of the bra straps on his shoulders. Long hair was pulled back and touched the back, and he did not even notice that the correspondence with Clarissa was no longer open on the laptop screen, but the site "WhoresWebCam.net" was opened with an active session


Samantha didn't see it all, but there was a huge smile on her face as she saw Marcus's Facebook page disappear and checking more and more information about him that was nowhere to be found. She understood that her spell worked as she wanted and was very sorry that she could not see how Marcus - the former main athlete and a bully in her university, who left her for some whore, will now be in the role of a "webcam whore and the wife of a stupid, stinking, rude asshole, "as her spell said. Of course, she wanted to write even more about Marcus's new husband, but she calmed down in time, anticipating a moment of revenge. 



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