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When the Global Head Swap (GHS) happened, Stephen was at a meeting in Poland where he almost negotiated that his Polish company would buy the parts it needed to make it. He will forever remember that moment when, looking at Alexander, whose company he wanted to buy, and suddenly, instead, he was in the next room next to the coffee machine in the process of making coffee. There were no more his colleagues and Alexander, the director of the company, whom he disliked from the very beginning because of his very unpleasant appearance and bad character.

Although he was partly glad that he no longer sees this vile mug, at that moment, like many, Stephen experienced fear and horror that instead of his body below his head he had the body of an elderly secretary and part-time wife of the same director. who almost sold his company to him. Her long hair gently touched her ears and he did not immediately notice that even his eyesight became worse only thanks to the glasses, which were now, along with her makeup, on his face.

Of course it was a global event, but the world was divided into two sides only due to the fact that those who did not exchange heads simply did not notice any changes and it was very difficult to prove to the rest of the world the truth of this.

For example, Lena, who just as suddenly ended up in Stephen's body, tried for a very long time to prove to her husband that she was really his wife, but Alexander was adamant - for him she was the same hated American businessman who, with his monetary machinations, forced him to sell your company. In addition, Lena and Stephen, like everyone else, received not only the bodies of other people, but also their basic knowledge - language, education and other skills that people have acquired during their lives. And most likely, everything would have remained unknown to the general public, if some influential and very rich people had not also got into such a situation.

Of course, the negotiations were completed immediately after Lena and Stephen began to prove to everyone who they really were, but it looked at least stupid and strange for everyone else here.

A month after this event, Stephen still could not fully accept the fact that he would have to live the rest of his life like Lena Stankovitski. He no longer argued so much with Alexander after he was amazedly looking through old family and wedding photos in which instead of Lena's face was his face. In addition, then he already realized that he had lost all his knowledge about his business and could not even speak English without an accent.

Lena, too, not of her own free will, but in agreement with Stephen, decided to continue living like Stephen until everything was cleared up, and of course they helped each other at first. She did not buy Alexander's company out of love for him, although Stephen, even in his new position, insisted on this.

She went to America, and he stayed here. Then the conclusion was not made public that all this was not only with them and therefore they decided to support everyone's life as much as they could ... But at first Lena began to talk with Stephen less and less often, and then disappeared altogether. The independent GHS research team has created a form on their website so that anyone can register and everyone will know how many people have been exposed to GHS. Lena was not even on the lists of people ... She just did not register there, although they discussed it with Stephen. 



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