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- You don’t need this look. I gave you everything you asked for. Now go and live before I change my mind! Oh ... I see that you do not understand ... okay, then it will have to be different

- Differently?

- Yes!

Claping his hands, the wizard disappeared, leaving Bernie alone in the empty room in which the wolveshenik used to live. Instead, with the wizard, everything that was inside disappeared and it was terrible. Terribly wrong.

Bernie knew he was in a very bad situation when he approached this man. But now ... Now everything has become somehow very strange.

He knew this guy could do anything. But I could not even imagine how much. Bernie got into trouble because of the doping scandal and the fact that he was selling drugs for muscle growth and not only to other guys in the gym.


A few hours earlier


The door to the wizard's room was opened abruptly and a huge, pumped-up guy burst into it.

- You. Your name is ... In short, you must help me

- Um ... somehow you entered the wrong way, if you need my help ... But apparently you are in trouble

- In trouble!? Yes, they can jail me! I know that you can prevent them from finding me! I know that for sure and don't ask where. Here. Here's the money

He threw a decent amount of bills on the table to the surprised wizard and without noticing him continued

- You have to ... No! You have to help me. And then I! Or else you will regret it

This is not the first time the wizard has encountered such assholes like Bernie and has already ceased to react to them as angrily as before. He just got to his feet and calmly gave the already prepared potion

"What ... what is this?"

- You want not to be found?

- I don’t want to die from your poison. To me. I need a different name and other documents! It is advisable to send me to another country or something similar!

- Something like that ... of course something like that. Trust me. They won't find you. And you don't even have to travel to another country. Just drink while this ... sedative

- To hell with him! Although .... I'm really excited

Having drunk the potion, Bernie instantly felt like a fire started all over his body

- What ... what are you ... what have you done with ... oh god, how hot

The whole body began to change and Bernie felt it all until a few seconds later he passed out.


Opening his eyes, Bernie saw the wizard brewing coffee and felt a strange touch of hair that touched his face

- I see you woke up ... Oh ... wait until you get up. You will still have time. Yes, yes, the voice will return in a few minutes. My potion also needs to work with your bundles ...

Trying to get up, Bernie fell again, but he already clearly saw that his hands became much smaller and that below he was wearing some kind of pink blouse under which he definitely saw two small bumps. The fact that at the same time he felt the pressure of the bra limbs on his shoulders frightened him

- Do not be afraid. Things are good. And ... And when you look in the mirror too. Unfortunately, you didn’t finish my potion and your face is still yours ... But it doesn’t matter, I worked with it a little while you were passed out.

- M .. mmm ... my ...

- I’m saying don’t try to talk. Your vocal cords are still changing. Basically I think a little makeup and everything will be fine. After all, not everyone can be pretty. But don't worry. Your husband loves you for who you are. In general, all your documents in the name of Barabra Brown are already in your pocket. So are your house keys.

- Stop! Stop!

Bernie finally stood up, feeling his voice very, very high. But he couldn't stand it anymore

- What have you done?! Why the hell did you turn me into a fucking chick?

- You don’t need this look. I gave you everything you asked for. Now go and live before I change my mind! Oh ... I see that you do not understand ... okay, then it will have to be different

- Differently?

- Yes! 


Bernie will forever remember that evening with the wizard who so radically changed his life. All this seemed like some kind of nonsense impossible to understand, but it was difficult to argue with his new sensations of his body. He closed and opened his eyes several times, hoping that all this was just a play of imagination, but he remained in the same empty room in which all this happened and saw that nothing was changing

Having found the documents, as the magician had promised, in the pockets of his women's jacket, he saw his face in his passport ... More precisely, it was his face, but with a woman's bright makeup and a smile. Same face and same age ... Everything else was completely different. Starting with the "gender - female" column. Biatrissa Stevenson - even the name was different. Looking at his little hands with long nails on his fingers, he could not help but notice this hollow ring, which fully corresponded to what was written in the passport and what the wizard said about her husband ...

From the fact that he would have to live with it, Bernie was not himself. A big strong man who was a favorite of women and was engaged in sports all his life and sometimes earning money on selling drugs ... Now Bernie could not believe that this was all in the past.

Having hardly reached the address indicated in the documents, Bernie looked in shock at this apartment building, which was located in some kind of ghetto ... Although of course it was not a ghetto, but just the outskirts with the usual terrible high-rise buildings, but Bernie was not used to it ... After his large apartment in the center, it seemed to him like some kind of trash heap.

But there was no turning back. The police were looking for him and he could not go to his old apartment in any way ... It was strange, but he thought that he might be recognized due to the fact that he still had his own face ... Having checked on the Internet, he found information about that the police are still looking for him. Therefore, he had to go to the address indicated in his new documents.

The apartment was quiet ... but as soon as he entered, he heard someone walking towards him from the next room. At that moment, he first met Henry - Beatrice's husband, according to the documents from the passport. Immediately pushing him away and his attempt to kiss, he locked himself in the bathroom without explanation, looking at the strange reflection in the mirror with his face and this weak little body. Especially everything became wild after he washed off this makeup and saw himself in the reflection with this ridiculous bob hair and a woman's body below the neck 


The wizard knew his business and knew people like Bernie. Therefore, he had already prepared that potion in advance and a few more in case someone like Bernie broke into his place of residence.

That night, Bernie locked himself in the bathroom of this wicked little apartment and thought the worst had already happened. But for Henry - husband of Beatrice and now Bernie, this behavior of his wife did not suit him at all. He silently looked her up to the bathroom door and patiently waited for her to leave it. Everything inside him was already boiling and seething with indignation. He didn’t understand why his cute little fairy wife behaved like that with him. All thoughts were directed in that direction, and only the worst thought that she had cheated on him was in his head.

Yes, the potion worked as intended. It created a completely new person from the already existing one. The potion created a woman out of Bernie and adapted reality a little. A few hours ago, before Bernie's transformation, Henry lived alone in his small apartment. Due to his nasty and jealous nature, he could not find himself a normal girl. But now, thanks to the potion, it was not like that. He was married to Beatrice and in his memoirs too. In his memories, she loved him and endured all his stupid character traits from which he became even tougher. Yes, he didn’t like her face without makeup because it was too masculine and she knew it, so she always, even at home, tried to look beautiful.

Therefore, leaving the toilet in strange thoughts, Bernie truly did not understand what this stranger had been waiting for so long and why his face was suddenly so twisted with anger.

That evening, for the first time, he realized what it was like to be in the place of a weak woman, a husband who is very jealous and very temperamental. Trying to act like normal and thinking that he was still a strong beefy guy, Bernie only made things worse and received a few blows of "nurturing" from Henry.

He could not call the police for anything like that, although he realized that everything that was happening was illegal. But there were already too many events that evening and it was all too strange.

Life as a famous athlete came to an end that evening. No one knew Beatrice from Bernie's former friends and it was impossible for him to prove otherwise. The only attempt to prove something was to his best friend, but even there it didn’t work.

Despite the fact that he still had his face, he had a completely different life now. Weak and unable to defend herself, Beatrice could not resist anything against Henry, whom, when she was Bernie, could easily have been put on his shoulder blades and beaten. She had to learn how to quickly use women's cosmetics and ... and ... learn to satisfy her husband in bed, despite all the hatred and feelings of humiliation that she experienced at these moments. 



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