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- Samantha. Enough! It's not funny anymore

- Haha ... What are you talking about ?! I think this is very funny. You just can't see yourself! Your face and this body! How do you feel pregnant !? I was always scared to imagine myself with such a belly

- So take this for yourself! Change me back! As long as I .. ooh ... god, this belly

- What? Is the kid kicking? Hahahah ... You should have seen yourself ... Ksati you have become much prettier with this makeup and hairstyle

- What? What you?!

Mike grabbed his head and, instead of his short hair, now felt and touched long curly hair, and slightly brushing his lips noticed that there was now a trace of lipstick on his manicure fingers.

“This ... this is all wrong. What ... what are you doing? Um ... my voice! Samantha is enough! This is no longer just a head swap, this is more! We have not tested this. Press the return button

- This one? This button?

Samantha playfully showed and ran away jokingly from Mike laughing at his ridiculous movements in this body

"Don't you think Gloria is shocked that she has my body?" And ... that's enough ?! Enough!

- She doesn't know about it! Haha. I used the exchange of lives and I ...

Samanat did not speak and did not notice how, running away from Mike, she hit her head on something. The remote control jumped out of her hands and hitting the wall shattered to smithereens

- What?! What?! Samantha .... oh shit ... Samantha ...

Mike absurdly straightening his long hair and trying to squat down in unsuccessful attempts due to a huge belly tried to wake up Samantha and after several unsuccessful attempts he was about to call 911 when suddenly the door to their apartment opened and two entered it.

It was Gloria, whose body and life he received and her husband. It was strange to see Gloria's face on his own body, and her behavior in the first and subsequent minutes was especially strange. She was sure she was Mike. And Gloria's husband ... he was beside himself with rage.

Gloria rushed to help Samantha and called 911 while Mike tried to escape from the clutches of Gloria's husband, who grabbed his hand and took him out of his own house, naively believing that he was his pregnant wife. It was almost impossible to fight this strong, big, arrogant man, whom Mike despised and feared at the same time. Especially in this weak body and this big belly. Lame and staggering because of the new center of gravity and heels, Mike could not help it and walked instead with her husband Gloria to her house.


Despite attempts later to tell the truth, Mike nevertheless remained always in a stupid position. From hitting the wall, Samantha completely lost her memory and did not know anything about the fact that they found this remote control several months ago. She didn't even remember how she met Mike a year ago. Only due to the fact that Gloria received Mike's body and life, Samantha now perceived her as her boyfriend ... And she did not even recognize Mike in Gloria's body, because at that time they did not know each other and did not live here as neighbors.

For everyone, Mike was now Gloria ... Even family photos of her husband and her childhood photos were replaced by Mike's face. It was horrible, strange and wild at the same time. Especially considering the fact that inwardly he was still himself and did not know anything about Gloria's life and was the same heterosexual man.

He had to completely independently study the peculiarities of Gloria's life. Waking up in bed with this asshole in the morning, going to make breakfast and then putting makeup on his man's face ... Even her children thought that he was her and her husband ... It was a terrible goat that forced Gloria ... and now Mike looked like some kind of housewife and treated him like they lived in the 1930s, completely not listening to the opinions of Mike / Gloria and who believed that the place of women in the kitchen and with children. 



Lady Stardust

great face swap story. to be fair i wouldn't mind if my face got swapped onto a MILFs body, just gotta hope i wouldn't ended up in a bad situation like poor Mike here.