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Brian in horror, not believing his feelings, looked at the grinning man in front of him, who literally in a moment brought Brian to this apartment and changed his body beyond recognition. Balancing on his heels and holding on to the window sill, Brian felt the warmth from the heater on the skin of his legs, on which now there were no men's trousers.

- Who ... who are you?

Brian spoke with a trembling high.

- I told you that I ... in short, it will probably be easier for you to say that I am just a wizard. OK?

- What?! What how? How did you do this? Why me ... why ...

- Look, it's okay. I understand that you are worried. Not every day comes to your house .. ahem .. a wizard and fulfill your cherished desires

- But I ... I ?! This ... I didn't want this? Why me...

- Female? Oh Brian. You are not just a woman, you are a whore.

- What?!?! No! I didn't want this! You ... you ... no, no, no ... it's just some kind of nightmare. This can't be ... this

- No Brian, or rather Britney, how can this be a dream? Don't you notice any changes? Are you still in your country house? Is there your kids running around and your wife walking around here in this little motel room? And in the end, can't you feel ... well ... this

The stranger drew a silhouette around his chest as if he had female breasts and grinned

- Feel! And this is awful! This is all wrong! I am a man! I shouldn't feel the boobs and ... and .. (Brian ran his hand down the smooth crotch between his legs) .. Oh my God! He's not there ?!

- Is that a question? Of course not. I've told. But you react somehow strangely to the fulfillment of your dreams

- I didn’t dream about it! Change me back whoever you are!

- So stop. First, it is impossible. Secondly, I couldn't be wrong. You are Brian Denver, 42 years old and your nickname is DeviantArt "Nick43343".

Brian's eyes widened even more at that. He never spoke to anyone and even to his wife about his secret fantasies with the aim of realizing which he sometimes visited this site. It was a huge secret, and the fact that a stranger from somewhere knew his nickname already indicated that he could know and much more.

- I don’t ... it’s not me!

- No no no. It's you. I checked everything. You've made repeated inquiries to the men-to-women storytellers to turn you into a whore, and I know you enjoyed (he winked) that when you read the end result.

- But this ... no! I don't really want it! It ... it wasn't me!

- Oh ... well enough Britney .... I thought for a second that you were really upset. However, I checked it again and now I am sure that it is just from happiness.

- No!

- What is not? Listen, you don't have to thank. It's just my job. By the way, your client is about to get out of the shower, which means I have to go ?!

- What? No!

Brian wanted to abandon the man and grab his hand, but at that moment the stranger evaporated and Brian just grabbed the emptiness, looking in madness as the door from the shower room opened. 



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