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While painting lips in the staff wardrobe, Malcolm still had a hard time believing he was doing all this. This ridiculous outfit was part of the waitress uniform at this establishment, where Piotra Kowalski, a young emigrant from Poland, worked before Alt Shift.

If not for this stupid government law obliging everyone to accept their lives as they were before Alt Shift, then Malcolm would even be able to face the fact that he was no longer a big black gang rapper. Although this, too, would have been extremely difficult for him.

Just a couple of weeks ago, he thought getting Petra's body was the worst thing that could happen to him. However, he, like many, believed that scientists would find a way to change everything.

During the Alt Shift, Petra slept at home in the afternoon after the night shift, and Malcolm found himself at her house on the outskirts of the city in a cheap apartment in her body and realizing that this was not a dream, he immediately returned to his expensive apartment in downtown Manhattan. He was lucky that his friend who he kept spare keys believed him.

The first thing he did was shave his head to get rid of that long hair, which he cursed while he was in Petra's body in the first hours. But the plump lips and pretty face were still extremely feminine. This body was completely opposite to Malcolm's. Instead of 180 cm with trained biceps and abs, he was now 153 in a skinny thin body. Missing his own big black cock, he now gazed for hours into the gap between his legs and at his boobs, which, although they were not large, did not cause him anything but upset now.

Until everything is cleared up, he simply closed in his apartment and did not leave there watching the development of events and reading the news on the Internet. There were enough like him to make this event unnoticeable. Everyone was shocked after the government recognized this phenomenon as a massive hallucination and mental confusion.

He had no idea who the asshole was in his body. But when, after the news of the new law, the cops knocked on him, he saw his former body for the first time since Alt Shift. The man pretended to be Malcolm and the police were very polite to him when he entered the apartment under Malcolm's shocked look.

Despite all Malcolm's assurances that he was him, the police behaved very differently with him and did not stand on ceremony. They forcibly kicked Malcolm out of his apartment while even apologizing to the fake Malcolm for the inconvenience and took him to the distribution point to be identified there.

Hopes that he would still be able to use his money and live in his apartment collapsed in the same distribution point. This delusional law seemed to Malcolm to work and he had to accept Petra's life and pretend to be it, or go to a conversion camp to "fix it."

Both the police and the rest of the employees of the distribution point did not care who Malcolm really was. For them, he was just another chick who had to be told all the rules or arrested. 


It was with great difficulty that Malcolm realized and adapted to the fact that his life as a famous rapper was finally in the past. It did not fit into his present pretty head. Life as a short, weak white girl was completely different from what he was used to. He was no longer surrounded by crowds of fans and he no longer had his own money. Now he did not have that sycophancy from people who wanted to get money from him. Everything was just the opposite. He had to smile at various unacceptable personalities at work and listen to their "compliments" about his pretty appearance. Attempts to get to know each other and take him to bed became regular and he could not do anything about it. Even just hitting the impudent person was difficult in this body and, moreover, reckless.

Besides the fact that he had to do the work of a waitress and pretend to be Petra, he soon learned that Petra had a limited work visa and if he did nothing, he would have to leave for Poland.

Almost everyone was required by law to have a curator. For those who did not have close relatives who were not affected by Alt Shift, friends were appointed as curators. In Petra's case, Malcolm's boyfriend was appointed curator.

Due to the large amount of work the Alt Shift bureau did not always consider in detail each person. Therefore, although Petra met with Greg only once before Alt Shift and did not plan to become his girlfriend, he was appointed as the curator for Malcolm. It was an obvious deception on the part of Greg, who, being cunning, quickly realized that he needed to take advantage of the situation and told the agents who called him that he was her boyfriend.

Of course, Greg was embarrassed by the fact that there was a guy in Petra's body and not just a guy, but some dark-skinned rapper, but soon he didn't care. When he realized that he could manipulate "Petra" by threatening to turn her over to the police for "non-compliance", it ceased to matter.

Greg was completely satisfied with such a relationship. In his presentation, "Petra" was the ideal girl, although they hardly communicated. They had only daily sex and other pleasures, which became a humiliating tradition for Malcolm. After half a year, it was already just a shameful duty and he prayed to God that all this would end as soon as possible. He even already agreed to the life and body of Petra, if only Greg would cease to be his curator. Even shameful work as a waitress and excessive male attention there seemed to him better than being next to Greg.

But as time went on, everything only got worse. Malcolm's hopes that the government would relax and change the law were not met. On the contrary, there were more and more reports of violators and tacit information on the Internet about the horrors of the conversion camps.

Meanwhile, Petra's work visa was drawing to a close. The thought of marrying Greg made him disgusted and horrified at what might be in the future. But at the same time, the thought that he would have to go to Petra's homeland in Poland terrified him no less. It was an impossible choice and Malcolm hoped to the last that he would not have to choose between these two bad options. 


After checking in his luggage and waiting to board the plane, Malcolm looked at Greg and hoped that he would never see this man again.

- What are you looking at? Did you decide that exactly?

Malcolm didn't want to answer anymore. These half a year were too terrible and humiliating in his life, so that now, having made this difficult decision, he continued to pretend that he is Greg's girlfriend and that he likes it

- OK OK. I understood. I will miss you too, just like you are sweet. I believe you told the truth in the bureau. Moreover, there was so much between us ... I ... I will think of something to bring you back. Trust me. Do you believe me? ... However, you may not answer. I even think about flying over to you ... Oh, your plane ... Okay, baby, come here ...

Greg hugged Malcolm, thrusting his tongue into his mouth and pressing tightly at last, feeling his ass and chest. Moving away from him, Malcolm wrinkled his face in spite of looking back and hoped that it was the half-last kiss in his life with Greg and with a man in general.

This decision was made with great difficulty for Malcolm. But the prospect of getting rid of the need to serve this asshole Greg was much more pleasing.

He sat at the airport, waiting to board a one-way flight to Krakow. Not knowing Polish and what he was going to do in a foreign country, he was nevertheless glad that he finally managed to eliminate the misunderstanding by the name of Greg from his life.

Of course, Greg tried to fix everything and called the Alt Shift department. But the law is the law. Petra's work visa was coming to an end and she had to decide for herself whether to try to renew it or not. During the observation of Petra, the department had no questions and they allowed her to make a choice on her own. In addition, on the contrary, it even played into their hands, because now their Polish colleagues would have to deal with Petra, which means they will have less work.

After reading her story, people in the department chuckled a little about the indicated reason that Petra "missed home" and, of course, did not believe it, knowing who was really in Petra's body. But officially this flight was nevertheless allowed despite Greg's requests.

Pretending that Malcolm would still consider Greg his "boyfriend" and would "miss" him at the bureau, he worked the last shift at the waitress job and got his last money in the US. 



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