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Start: https://www.patreon.com/posts/role-playing-too-56869321

Two men sat at a table in a filthy Wild West tavern. The bartender glanced at them pretending not to look, and one of the employees of the establishment went down the stairs with one of her clients, who hugged her around the waist. Otherwise, there was no one else in the institution, only the pianist was slowly playing some music

- But ... But Miranda! This is all wrong!

- Shh ... don't call me that ... Stacey, there are people here ... What can they think?

Sheriff Burns looked up at the passing couple and nodded his head to them not to pay attention to Stacey's stupid joke.

`` Um ... yeah ... yeah, okay, Sheriff Burns. Sorry.

Stacy leaned closer to the sheriff, straightening a long strand of hair and continued in a calmer voice, almost a whisper.

- I can't stay here. Do you understand? Help me. You have the power.

The sheriff quickly looked around and making sure that no one was looking, answered in the same whisper.

- I can not do anything. And our meeting is now only because we were once married. I can not...

He stopped when that girl with a client passed by. She had already let go of the client and while walking she wanted to overhear their conversation. The sheriff silently watched her and, making sure that she had gone a sufficient distance, continued

- I can not do anything. Your husband...

- Um .. no! He's not ... oh ...

Unable to contain her emotions, Stacey shouted but immediately fell silent, realizing that she was again attracting unnecessary attention from her colleagues.

-... In general, your husband ... Chet ... he won't let me help you, even if I want to

- Duck put him in jail. You can

- How? What are these stupid thoughts? I can't just go and put a man in jail

- Listen. He makes me work here .. and ... when he comes back and finds out that we talked, then ..

- I'll be far away Stacy

- Enough! Mi ... sheriff. You can't do this to me. Take me with you...

- I already said that I cannot. Chet will definitely find us and kill us, this is a complete thug

- Yes, and he is also the owner of this brothel and I ...

- Shhh ... I know ... I understand you ... Jack ... Stacy ... But these are our lives now and we need to accept it ...


It's been a month since Jack and Miranda are stuck forever in the past in the Midwest in these bodies and lives. Their hope of returning to their real bodies and their time was shattered with a pistol shot by Stacey's husband, who did it in a fit of jealousy.

It was difficult to explain to him why the police chief was fucking his wife and of course they couldn't do it. Miranda was lucky and she quickly escaped from this room under shots from a pistol. However, Jack in Stacey's body was unable to do so and Chet easily held him back.

Calling him a "fucking ungrateful whore" Chet was trying helplessly to figure out why Stacey did it. But in a fit of rage, he had to do something. Still, he was not stupid and understood that killing the sheriff was a stupid idea. But since he was angry, he fucked his wife all evening despite the fact that she did not want it.

For Jack, that evening had gone from heavenly pleasure to nightmare. He tried helplessly to free himself from the strong hands of the dirty cowboy, but in the end he simply stopped resisting in the hope that it would quickly pass.

For the Sheriff, Chet could not come up with a plan of revenge for a long time, so Miranda in the Sheriff's body was safe and agreed to a job offer to move to another city without delay.

But for Stacy, Chet quickly came up with a punishment. More precisely, he did not even think, it was obvious. Chet was the owner of a brothel and made Stacey work in it with the words "If you want to fuck with everyone, now you will!" 



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