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When I decided to visit this "body shop" I could not even imagine that there would be a buyer for my body. Heck. I was broke. I needed money and until the very last moment I didn’t want to go to that damn laboratory doing god knows what. You know ... I don't approve of people who want another body. But the freaking creditors got me.

By signing the consent, I was sure that if someone wants my body or even my life, then at best it will be some teenager who wants to be an adult. Who else needs the body of a grown man?

I read the post several times and was very surprised to find a buyer for my body and even my life! Imagine my shock when I learned that the offer came from a woman! Nobody answered my questions why she did this. Although I didn’t want to agree, the fee was quite impressive.

She wanted to get my body and life for a month and at the same time I would earn as much as I could not earn in several years! It was necessary to decide quickly and this was one of the conditions. I only managed to find out that she lives in one of the expensive houses outside the city and judging by the photo she had an excellent body.

Of course, I did not see her face and this was one of the important points of any agreement. This is because the exchange of bodies took place precisely through a head transplant. A month to live like a busty rich chick, or again to make ends meet. It wasn't such a difficult choice either. Moreover, lately, I almost did not communicate with my friends and acquaintances, so no one would even know this.

The procedure was successful and, according to all the conditions, I even received new documents. They transplanted my head onto her body, changed my vocal cords to make me sound like her, and even extended my hair as long as I didn’t ask for. Let's just say it was the standard procedure for transferring body and life.

I never imagined that I would ever say this, but I don't like big tits. After waking up, I was uncomfortable with their new weight in the chest area. It was as if something shapeless and soft was bulging out of me and dangling uncontrollably. Even when I just tried to climb, they clumsily pulled down and stretched my skin.

I was taken to her mansion and, as required by the contract, they left me there with the keys to the front door and all the documents in my purse. I thought that I would have to somehow explain to everyone who lives in this house why I am here. But despite the fact that I still had a face that was probably different from that of this girl, they all pretended that nothing had changed.

I saw that the workers of the mansion at the first meeting looked at me strangely, but then they smiled and behaved as if I had always lived here, and someone just averted their eyes and left to do their own business.

In the house, I immodestly decided to undress and watch my new body. Previously, this was not even possible for me. Under the girl's clothes was a swimsuit that did not hide her large natural breasts at all. While I was looking in the mirror, the owner of the house appeared in the house. I was warned that someone else lives here besides the servants, and this was to some extent logical. However, it was strange that when he passed me he did not say anything, although he definitely saw my face and should have known for sure that I was not the woman who was here in this body this morning. It was a grown man of almost the same age as I was, namely about 35-40 years old, in a business suit. After walking a couple of meters, he nevertheless turned around and said

- Something happened?

I looked at him incredulously. Can't he see? It's obvious that something has happened.

- I mean why are you standing here? Heck. Gloria. Are you back for the old?

- Um ... what?

- Just don’t pretend you don’t understand me. I hate to explain the rules every time. Time for the evening "oral" payment. Oh .. Don't make me think you forgot ... 


I could hardly understand in the first minutes of being in this house why everyone sees themselves so strange. To be honest, there is still no complete answer to this question for me. However, it is obvious to me that the owner of this house is a complete asshole. And especially his so-called "payment rules".

I had absolutely no intention of living under these conditions. I remember how everything inside me shrank from his words "oral" payment on the first day of being here. I immediately told him everything about the "body shop". However, he stubbornly continued to call me "Gloria" pretending not to notice any changes. My story about the "body shop" was not at all interesting to him and he claimed about some kind of contract!

Damn it! How could I know that this stupid cunt signed a contract with this guy on the basis of which she was obliged to comply with all these "payment rules" in return for her stay here ?! I thought she was at worst the wife of some rich man and planned to tell him everything. I was sure that any normal man would not want to have any sexual relations with me after my story.

But I was wrong. This ... this asshole, asshole ... asshole, ugly ... he ... he just doesn't care about it. All my words about "body shop" were just empty words for him, as if I were talking about some uninteresting nonsense. It was only important for him to comply with the terms of Gloria's contract.

I understand now why she paid so much money to leave here. Apparently she made a huge mistake. Her contract was signed for 5 years. In the event of a termination of the contract, Gloria must pay huge compensation, which she certainly did not have. According to the "rules of payment" Gloria performed morning and evening bl*wjobs every day. At the request of Ben (the owner of the house), daily sex at any time convenient for Ben. Also, at his request, sex in the ass three times a week on a pre-planned schedule.

I don't know why or in what state she signed it, but now I was trapped by her stupid contract! Because she prepared for a contract with me! In the agreement I signed in the "body shop", she and I were obliged to keep each other alive for a month and not change anything.

All my requests and pleas were not heard by Ben. Coming here I thought that I would only have to put up with constantly shaking big tits. I thought it was going to be a big problem this month and was already thinking about how uncomfortable it would be to sleep with it. However ... it better be the biggest problem right now. I don't even want to think about what happened this week. 


I thought this awful month would never end. It is impossible to describe in words what I experienced during this month. I have cursed myself a million times for this stupid decision to make an agreement in the "body shop". I hated everything. Hated this house. Hated this stupid body. I hated those huge boobs and the fact that I had to dress like Gloria in her dresses and clothes that did not hide, but on the contrary emphasized her ... or rather my new assets. It was also part of this stupid contract between Gloria and Ben. She always had to look feminine in Ben's villa.

I will not wish this on anyone. But I could take it all. I was still ready to live in a female body, and even if all of the above was required to be done. But these "payment rules" ... It was driving me crazy. Ben demanded that I did it well. But even just the thought that I would have to suck his cock somewhere in myself drove me crazy. Especially the first time ... Damn it. Every time was terrible. I was reassured and forced to do this only by the thought that the month would soon end and I would again regain my body, my life and get this fucking money.

If I knew all this, I would never agree to participate in this for any money. I will never tell anyone about this! This secret will die with me after I get my body back. And then I'll come back here to beat this freak!

- Are you going somewhere? I mean, standing here .. combing your hair?

“Um ... yes. I have some business to do.

- Well, you are a free man. Of course. Nobody made you stay home this month. I was just surprised. Of course. Until the evening

Heck. Fuck you! In the evening I will come and beat you. Finally this nightmare will end!


Standing at the door, I looked pitifully at the employee of the "body shop". This was another way to help. The threats have already made things worse. I couldn't go back to that house

- Please. Maybe something can be done? I cannot go back there

- Hmm ... I understand you ... But there is nothing we can do. Mr. Donovan, or rather Gloria, grossly violated the contract and disappeared with your body. We understand that this is our mistake too. You will receive your money, although it would be legally wrong under the contract. But we understand you and in spite of this you will receive your money.

- But I'm not Gloria! I'm Mark Donovan! You have no idea what I had to go through for this money! I want my body back!

- No. Here you are wrong. By contract and officially, as soon as you came out a month ago, everyone became Gloria Smith. Therefore, formally, we don’t owe you anything at all. You see. In fact, we are only intermediaries. The contract was concluded between Gloria Smith and Mark Donovan. If any of you violate the agreement, then this is your problem. However, from our side, we decided to compensate for these problems and give you your money.

- But she ... or he ... planned it from the very beginning!

- Apparently, yes. And so I said that this is partly our mistake. We lost sight of the fact that Gloria, or rather earlier Frank Gambell, already used the technology of the "body shop" and discovered it too late, when Frank or Gloria disappeared into your body.


I was simply deceived. Only now I realized that this body is a huge trap. Who knows who else was in it. That is why Ben was not even surprised at my male face on this figure. And ... I think he knew that. He knew that earlier this body was owned by some Frank, and even before him by someone else! All this was now clear after the "body shop" told me about it.

In the same way, the "body shop" told me that the exchange limit for this body had been reached before me and Frank was in the same trap. But he somehow managed to trick the system! Although it was very risky. The limit is indicated for a reason, but because it is associated with a risk to life.

It was a miracle that my head took root on this body and it was exactly 100% that I would not survive a transplant to another body. This was especially true when, after a while, they found Frank and my body already dead in some garbage ditch and found out that he could not even reach my house that day. 



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