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Mason's dreams that he will be able to get a real live photo of an American who would fit all his parameters tended to zero every day. Although he knew the spell and had this chance, he didn't want to waste it. Harumi's life was filled with deeds. And in part, Mason was even glad about it. He did not have to play the role of a sex slave for his boss here. And these other worries ... not so unacceptable. In addition, Harumi, although she was a secretary, was not an easy dummy position, sometimes there were even really difficult and interesting tasks.

But still he was not satisfied with this life. In part, he could already come to terms with the fact that he would have to be a woman, but staying here ... in a foreign country and pretending to be someone else's wife feeding other people's children ... it was too much for his mind.

The way out was found. At least he decided for himself that he wanted to try it. In his spare time, which he almost did not have, he found Miki, a Japanese woman who lived in the United States and even had a residence permit.

Why did he choose her? All because this time he decided to act for sure. He understood why he turned out to be like Harumi the last time, or rather guessed about it when he found out that before their exchange, Harumi was in the United States. And he guessed that she was in that photo, which means that you can't risk it like that next time. Besides, he felt sorry for the real Harumi. He understood and pitied her knowing perfectly well what she was experiencing in Natasha's body. Mason literally pulled her out of the arms of her beloved husband, depriving her of her family, work and even country.

Feeling pangs of conscience this time he decided to act correctly and find the person who would really want a voluntary exchange with him.

Despite the seeming improbability of this, Miki agreed to exchange with Harumi. Mason did not tell her the whole story and introduced himself only as Harumi. Mika's life seemed to Mason better than Harumi's. The fact that she was lonely and lived in America already meant a lot to him. The fact that she was a secretary and an Asian woman no longer embarrassed him. The choice was not so big, and having excluded from the list a fat, ugly man and an old woman, he chose Miki, who, against their background, seemed just perfect.

After completing the necessary steps for the spell, he looked at Harumi's apartment for the last time and even thought that he would miss this place a little. Opening his eyes, he saw that he was really in Mika's apartment and a smile appeared on his face. It worked!

Mickey was lying during the riutal and Mason found himself in her body in exactly this position. Something lower was added to the already habitual sensations of light weight on the chest. As if some huge cat or some other weight was lying on it now. Getting out of bed, he noticed that this weight did not go anywhere and it seemed as if it were the opposite ... as if something huge had been stuffed into his stomach and in shock he saw that under Mika's dress in the abdomen there really was something big and round. 


Carefully touching this bulge with his little fingers, Mason hoped that it was just some kind of farewell joke of Mickey. He hoped it was some kind of dummy, and not a real pregnant belly. However, he felt with his skin the touch he was making with his hand. And there was a really big belly under the dress.

At that moment, he realized that he was wrong. He doubted the choice to the last, Miki seemed to him too perfect for her to want to change bodies. But he explained this by the fact that she really wants to go home to her homeland. And she said that she wanted a family and a normal job, especially considering that she was an orphan all her life and is now disillusioned with America. Her story was very similar to the truth.

But she was never shown below the waist in a webcam lens. And now he understood why. Although I did not even think about it before.

Standing in his underwear in front of the mirror Mason had mixed feelings. He was angry with Miki for hiding the truth from him and not telling him everything. On the other hand, he was struck by the realization of the fact that he had completely forgotten the spell. Which means he was stuck like Miki for the rest of his life. It could be otherwise, only if he found the same spell somewhere else, but the probability of this was extremely small.

The belly was pulling on his skin as if he had eaten some watermelons and was now experiencing a heaviness in his belly. But this is just a comparison. In fact, it was much worse. In addition to a huge heavy belly with which it was completely uncomfortable to walk, he experienced almost instant fatigue in the back and legs. It seemed that even a few meters it was simply impossible to walk. And sleep ... earlier it seemed to him that Natasha's boobs were the main problem for sleep. But now he would give everything to exchange this belly for Natasha's boobs. It is no exaggeration to say that from that day on, Mason could forget about normal sleep.

Although he learned a lot about Mika's life, the fact of her pregnancy ruined everything. Everything suited him, even the fact that she also works as a secretary. But that ... that would really stop him from looking for another candidate.

He had no idea whose child it was. Attempts to contact the real Mika, who was in Harumi's body, were unsuccessful. Together with the spell, he even forgot what Harumi and even Natasha looked like. It was all due to a mistake in the ritual and a rush due to lack of time for preparation. In the end, the memories of Harumi and Natasha were the same as his memories of himself during the days when he was Mason - a successful construction project manager.

The memory that he was once a big and influential person washed over him along with a despair that he had not experienced in a long time. All the advantages of Mika seemed to him at that moment only a humiliating crap. He had a chance to start all over again and become anyone if he were not such a right and good person! But instead, he became a pregnant Asian secretary living in a cheap apartment ... who also deceived him by not revealing her pregnancy. 




Soon she will be able to feed and take care of her own children, so what’s the problem?