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Mason experienced great stress when he ended up in a completely different body than he planned to be. Instead of the body of that bad guy, he again received a female body. Compounded by the fact that during the exchange, Harumi was spending her free evening with her husband. Although he had already gone through all the stages of denial and the masculine tongue was not the worst thing in his mouth. However, this was not at all what he wanted to feel after casting the spell.

That evening, Harumi's husband was left without a second round and without continuing their such a beautiful evening. At first, Makato was completely confused by the sudden change in his wife's behavior, and then he became angry. After all, this evening was so long-awaited for both of them. They were able to leave all their children for this evening and night with their friends. I plan to devote this night only to each other.

Mason, having stuck in the bathroom, did not know whether he made it worse or better. On the one hand, he finally got rid of this life of Natasha, in which he had to overrule himself and humiliate himself. On the other hand, he saw in the reflection a woman 20 years older than Natasha. Her breasts were not as big as Natasha's and it was better. But he did not plan to breastfeed at all. He was going to start from scratch as a man, because he was still internally disgusted with what he had to do with other men in Natasha's body.

However, at that moment he was not ready to re-cast the spell. Firstly, this required preparation, appropriate ingredients and, of course, photography. Secondly, Mason was not sure that the spell would work again. And finally, thirdly, he did not yet understand why he received Harumi's body instead of that guy's body. All this had to be sorted out.

However, along the way, Mason found out many shocking details that were new to him, which baffled his logical research. The fact that he now spoke Japanese did not embarrass him as much as the fact that he was in Japan! This discovery was incredible, but it was just like the grass is green. 


The fact that Harumi also worked as a secretary was ironic. But Mason was not at all up to this irony. He had already said goodbye to this position when he was casting a spell while still being Natasha. And now he had to do this female work again.

Yes. He decided it would take time to think things over and decided that he should accept Harumi's life for a while. In addition, it was no longer as shocking as the day he woke up in Natasha's body. He already knew the rules of the game and knew that magic exists. In addition, he remembered the spell and everything that he had done once in his past life and in the life of Natasha.

Just like the first time, he received Harumi's knowledge and skills that touched her life - her language, her knowledge necessary for work, and others, besides the details of her past. The only difference was that he now remembered how he looked when he was Natasha ... Unfortunately, when he was himself, he still did not remember.

Life in Japan was different from life in the United States. And this applies not only to some external signs in the city. The Japanese are very hardworking people. And even working as a secretary demanded perseverance, attention and great efficiency. Harumi didn't work as a sex toy for her boss, she really was a great worker. On the one hand, Stephen liked this, on the other, he was still not at ease and could not accept himself as a woman secretary. This was clearly not enough for him and he dreamed of getting the same status again as before.

There was a strict dress code at the company where Harumi worked officially. No pants and no men's clothing could be used. Therefore, as before, Mason received all the same not very pleasant looks of men and their "compliments".

The Japanese hieroglyphs still looked like scribbles to him. However, he somehow understood them and could even write in Japanese. Perhaps it was the strangest of all. Although ... he was no longer surprised by anything. 


Makato could be understood on that first day. He was very upset with his wife's behavior and was angry, although in fact he is a good man and loved his wife. This was understandable and Mason soon understood why.

That evening was truly unique for Harumi and Makato. Their usual days were spent in constant employment and they did not have enough time to love each other.

Mason was at work during the day and even got tired of it. And in the evening, coming home, he had to do all the household chores - cleaning, cooking and raising children. It seemed that it was impossible to combine, but it is not true. This is possible, only this requires tremendous efforts. And Mason understood this. All his strength went to Harumi's work and household chores as housewives and mothers.

You could not give a damn about everything and find some suitable man to make an exchange with him. But after analyzing everything, Mason did not want to risk his only chance to return at least a semblance of his former life. He still didn't know that he got Harumi's body only because in the photo she also got into the photo frame along with that spoiled rich young guy and her children, with whom she was on a tourist trip to the United States. Only she was looking directly into the lens and therefore the spell worked incorrectly. Harumi was just heading to the airport after her trip to the USA, and while Mason was thinking and choosing a "victim", she was already in Japan.

Apart from the fact that he had no idea why he was Harumi and was afraid to risk a "second chance", he didn't want to stay in Japan. It turned out to be a completely alien and unpleasant country for him. Everything here was not the way he wanted their culture to be for him the one in which he would like to live.

The chances of meeting a decent American here were very small, so it was necessary to fly to the USA. However, even planning this was difficult and even impossible. All his time was occupied by Harumi's work, her household chores and children. 




She needs to learn to accept her life as a wife and mother. It really is the best.