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Nothing could convince Karl that there is a lot of injustice in this world. He especially did not understand why women in the modern world are still fighting for rights and there is still a feminist movement. It didn’t fit in his head.

Having a constant and uncomplicated office job, he nevertheless was always unhappy with this. And when talking with friends about work, he often liked to joke about the fact that you need to go to work in striptease or webcams. And often this joke continued with the story that this is the easiest job and for which they pay much more money. He used to say: "If I were a girl, I would only do this."

Of course it looked like a joke to everyone. But there is some truth in every joke. Karl really believed what he was saying.


Francesca was born into a poor family on the outskirts of Mexico City and has spent her entire life trying to get out of poverty. She went to work early and never finished high school as a result. The harsh realities of life forced her to do this.

The work at the factory was difficult and low-paid, and when she found out that she could earn more money in a strip club, she did not think about it for a long time and changed her job.

But it was not at all what she expected. She often thought about the first time she was in a strip club and looked at the strippers, thinking that this is a simple dream job - to dance and get paid.

Now she regretted her decision. Yes, at first she really started to make a little more money, but communication with clients was not so cool. She thought she would just dance and get paid for it, but the owner of the strip club thought otherwise. She had to take lapdance lapdance ... and soon more than that.

Of course she tried to quit this job, but it was too late. The club was owned by decent criminal people. With threats, she forced her to continue working, but on their terms.

She lived in the same poor apartment and received even less money in her hands than before in the factory, after her attempt to leave this business. She was on the verge of despair. Thank God she once found out about the webcam service and at least earned some money there, which barely covered her small expenses for rent and food.


On Friday night, Karl once again proved to everyone that striptease and webcam work is the best job in the world, often saying that he would choose this instead of his job if he could. He already openly told everyone this, especially when he drank a lot.

Arriving home in his small neat apartment, he sighed, looked around his apartment, regretting that these were not huge expensive apartments like those of famous webcam girls and went to bed thinking about all the same

Francesca came home that very night after a hard day at work. She once again had to serve a client during a private dance. She hated that. Although she was not a prostitute, she also had to do this job when she danced for some criminal asshole who knew the owner of the club.

Returning to her poor apartment with old, worn furniture and bare brick walls, she lay down on the bed in frustration. All her thoughts were only that she hated her life and what she had become.

She often thought of these American tourists. Men who can afford a lot and who were free. Just like Karl, she was often visited by the idea that if she were a man, then everything would be different. She would work a simple office job and everything would be better

No wonder they say that the universe hears us and make our dreams come true, you just have to think about it. The Universe heard Francesca and Karl exchanging their bodies while they slept ... 



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