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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-new-life-as-1-55294446

Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-new-life-as-2-55340226

Part 3.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-new-life-as-3-55412812


- İngiltere'deki dairemde olmayı ne kadar isterdim ... (How I wish to be in my apartment in England ...)

This object, after I recited, for some reason suddenly began to glow and I dropped it squeaking like a hysterical girl who saw a cockroach.

Everything for a moment became first bright white, then dark, and then I could see again ... Finally I could see a familiar place. I was at home! This was my apartment! Damn it, is it finally over!

I looked around ... But something was wrong. Probably, I got used to this big breast a little while still in that poor house, because now I did not immediately pay attention to it. At first I realized that my headscarf was still tied on my head. The headscarf still covered my face, and this was the first sign, because then I looked down and saw all the same familiar hills that were under brown dense clothing. Immediately I felt the pressure of the bra straps and tight jeans.

- Kahretsin! Numara! (Oh shit! No!)

I screamed in the same screeching female voice and already knew for sure that I did not speak English

- What?!

It was a man's voice behind me. I turned my head abruptly and ... It was me! More precisely, I saw someone in my body talking to me. What the heck? Why was I still in the body of this Arab woman and why my old body was sitting at the writing table and pretending that everything was in order. I looked at him dumbfounded, unable to say anything, because there were no logical thoughts in my head. I could only mumble something.

- Sit down here and say what you wanted.

He pointed to a chair for me. I understood only a few words from what he said. It was so weird. I understood that he spoke English, but at the same time I could not understand the main meaning. I took a few steps to the chair and stared at this man, who now thought that he was me.

- What are you looking at like that? Tell me.

I took a sip and realized that I had something to tell, but I had no idea where to start. There was only one thought in my head - what the fuck ?! However, my mouth opened and I began to speak with a huge accent.

- I need money. My child needs money. I need to pay my rent.

My hand reached out to the leg of this man and I uttered with a smile, and my glance hinted at something that I had never planned to do in my life. He looked at me in confusion and surprise, and instead of removing his hand and starting to tell the truth, I just showed with a glance at the place between his legs and said

- Pleasure. I'm professional.


After half an hour, I left my old apartment. The door slammed shut behind me and I was finally able to counter myself. In my left hand was a purse, and in my right paper for credit. I could still feel this awful taste in my mouth and I still remembered all my movements and sensations during those half an hour ...

What the fuck was that now !? Why the hell did I act like some kind of whore ?! Why couldn't I control myself and why did this person behave like I did before ?! This is some kind of nightmare! 



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