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Sitting in a cheap motel room in front of the TV on, Gloria received another flashback from the past and was upset.

A deal was shown on TV between Hendrick & Partners and Junior Steel. Journalists were discussing something and arguing about whether it was good or bad. But that didn't bother Gloria. She stared at the familiar faces of the shareholders and owner of Hendrik & Partners, her little fists clenched together.

The noise from the water in the shower room of the motel finishes and she heard her customer close the door to the shower. Of course, she was ready for what would happen next and knew how to do her job. But at that moment she again, as once, felt all the wrongness of her life and wanted to run away from here.

She remembered that fateful meeting with this prostitute a few months ago while still being Hendrik Berg and whose life she was now living. Yes, Hendrik loved visiting cheap whores in secret - it was dangerous to his image, but he knew that cheap whores did whatever he asked and it was also very confidential. Especially considering his passion for beating women and getting sexually aroused from it.

How could he know that the slut had found or stolen a body-swap spell from one of her clients? Everything was as usual that night, including beatings and sex. Hendrik was about to leave her, but he heard these words. These were words that were unintelligible to him, after which he suddenly found himself in her body, feeling pain from his own blows and seeing his smiling face and body, in which Gloria was now.

Now, sitting in front of the TV, all these memories were again in her head. She recalled how she later tried to tell the truth to her friends, colleagues and coworkers. She recalled how no one believed her and her fits of despair. She remembered how she tried to repeat this spell and find something on the Internet, but it was all in vain. As she realized that she would have to continue working as a whore because of her financial situation and pimp's asshole. Finally, the first time she picked up lipstick and put on a tight dress. How humiliating it all was, and especially her first sex. It all flashed through her head in seconds.

- News? Do you like to watch the news?

The man's surprised voice interrupted her memories and returned her to a reality from which she could not escape. She just smiled wryly, nodded her head and began to do her job. 



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