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Stone on the table near Barry started to shine, When Barry said his wish, that he would like to be a woman for a day or a week in order to understand women.

This shine become brighter and brighter. All the apartment shine with a white light. Barry didnt know what was happening with his stone, his computer start blinking, and began changing between dating pages that he had explore trying to find someone to hang out.


Barry lay on the floor. Squeezing his eyes closed, as he tried to process what had just happened. The blinding light from the rock.

Nah! That had to be his imagination. Surely it was a power surge and he'd caught a bad reflection right into his eyes. He snorted at his casual wish, wondering what it'd truly be like to be a woman for a day, or a week.

Planting his elbows on the floor. Barry started to ease himself back upright. But as he did that, he started to feel a number of things were ... off.

His clothes feeling looser, and more extensive. His eyes still stung and refused to focus. He got to his feet looking around his room. The sense of wrongness was still there, intensifying if nothing else.

It wasn't just his clothes that felt wrong. Wondering if he'd banged his head harder than he realised, he got to his feet. Swaying slightly as he did. Balancing was harder with his vision still blurry. Scrunching and unscrunching his eyes, he fought to clear away the tears and the bring the world back into focus.

And it did. With a surge everything fell into place. It was a hideous revelation. Barry saw the woman reflected back from his mirror, as he felt the sway of his bust, the confinement of his bra, the width of his hips, the weight of his ass.

Barry wasn't a he anymore. Fingers cautiously confirming he was fully a woman, her hands recoiled in shock from the discovery. Barry could only take in the fear-widened eyes in the mirror. She'd gotten her wish.

Fighting the idea of fainting once more, (s)he clung to the edge of the desk until the world stopped spinning. Barry struggled to recall the details of his vague wish. His gaze suddenly shifting to the floor, hunting for the stone. It was behind this... (S)he was stuck as a woman.

"Oh, God, am I a woman?", she muttered. Her soft new voice sounding wrong in her ears....

"Yes" a source-less voice told her.

Whipping around, Barry pressed her fuller rump against the wall, as s(he) hunted for the speaker.

"You wished for this body for a day or a week, and I granted that wish."

"This body." Barry's hands moved down and pulled the dress so that he could now clearly see the outline of the breast in the bra under the dress. 

"That is how women dressed in my country" The voice paused, "At least, decent women... are you saying you wish to be indecent?"

"I want to be me again... The male me!" Barry voice rising in panic, as he continue talking.

"You made a wish, and I granted it. It must be granted. You wanted to try being a woman, I made you one."


Terrified in case Barry discovered as a woman in this world, s(he) run to lock the front door. Barry certainly don't want any unexpected visitors discovering you. Alone as a vulnerable woman, s(he) don't want to explore this wider world... at all!

Panic grips Barry. Being stuck as a woman here is a nightmare. "Genie, make me a man..."

Looking over, s(he) see she's not even attempting any magic.

"Genie, make me a man!" s(he) command, in her new voice, it sounds petulant and whiny.

"Make me a man!" s(he) demand.

She just shakes her head, 'No'.

"Why...." this time s(he) are whining. There's genuine fear in Barry voice.

"You wished to be a woman, for a day or a week." She answers disinterestedly.

"That wish hasn't been fulfilled yet... A second wish can't be granted until the first has run its course."

Clenching her hands into tiny, futile fists s(he) want to, need to punch someone, to punish someone. 


Out of despair, Barry decided that, first, he should change his clothes. With awkward movements, finding the hem of a long dress, Barry tried to pull it over his head. Long hair interfered with this, but in the end he succeeded and for the first time he saw a beautiful pink bra in which there really was a woman's breasts. It was as real as his new dark skin and the sensation of the pressure of the bra straps on his shoulders.

Suddenly realizing that his window was open and someone could see him, he ran to the window to shade the curtains. He already hated the new parts of his body and felt discomfort from wearing tight tight panties and a bra.

Finally, having dealt with the underwear and standing completely naked in front of the closet with things, he realized that all his men's things had disappeared.

The wardrobe itself, is depressingly bland, with everything being discreet and modest. Some items finer than others, a couple trimmed with gold piping, and a couple with pretty designs.

Retreating to the drawers Barry expect more of the same. S(he) open, and close the top drawer quickly as soon as s(he) see the contents. The selection of underwear is schizophrenic. With lewd lingerie designed only for the bedroom, to tease and please that special man in her life. Others are tailored to minimise a womans' appeal. The sturdy underwear, s(he) pull out, hold up and in a few seconds put back.

Finally, he managed to find something simpler and more suitable, so as not to be completely naked and calmly ponder his new position. 


As soon as Barry put on a long white T-shirt, (s)he could barely find among all these women's clothes and heard someone enter his house. (S)he understood that he lived alone and did not expect anyone today. Moreover, no one could open the door if this person did not have a key.

"Genie. Is that you?" Barry's voice wasn't as scared anymore, but it started to scare him again.

"Genie? Tell me, is it you?" Barry said in a trembling voice

The door to his room opened and a stranger entered

"Who are you talking to? And why in Hindi?"

Barry looked at the man in horror, realizing that he had to translate the words of this man in his head.

In those seconds of stupor and gaze at this stranger, Barry realized several things that he had not thought about until this moment.

Firstly, (s)he became not only an Indian woman, but now even thought and spoke in Hindi. English was now a foreign language to him. Secondly, this man, apparently, was not just some kind of stranger, but Barry's husband.

(S)he did not know what scared him more - to be an Indian woman, a stranger in his own country, or to be married to the man he saw for the first time. 


Three days later


Barry sat at home, like the days before, hoping every day that this nightmare would end. He hated this stone, the genie and himself for his ridiculous desire.

According to the Jinn, being a woman means staying at home, cooking, doing all the housework, and pleasing your man / husband. Barry realized this on the first day, but could not come to terms with his new role.

He turned out to be an immigrant in his own country, married to some conservative man who saw nothing in Barry but a servant and a sex toy.

On the first day when they first saw each other, Barry's husband forced Barry to change his clothes and put on something "more feminine" and it has always been that way. With makeup, underwear and especially on the first night, when Barry was still trying to resist, but doomed to do whatever was required.

The fact is that Barry quickly realized that this man now had complete power over him and could send him to India at any moment. It was even written into their marriage contract, which Barry read thanks to Genie while standing in the bathroom trying to put on a bra. Quietly summoning the genie and demanding an explanation, after which he realized that he was in a desperate situation

Sitting on the chair, Barry heard the apartment door open. He hated these moments. His heart was pounding once again because of the understanding of the inevitability of what will happen again this evening.

"Oh. Damn, I'm so tired. Show me your boobs."

Even knowing this person already, Barry did not expect such a quick turn of events right away.

"Well, I'm waiting!"

With trembling hands, grabbing the edge of his top, he slowly lifted it, trying to make a smile so as not to anger this man, counting the days, minutes and hours until the end of this week.

"Excellent ... By the way ... What kind of stone do you have that you cherish so much?"

From these words, Barry's pupils dilated and he realized that this could be his end if this man took the stone for himself. 




Will there be more? The husbands wishes could be very interesting, maybe he could wish for his wife to know her place or maybe he wishes his wife would never leave him or maybe he wishes his wife only existed to please him


Well ... I thought I'd leave it as it is. I mean the open ending =) Therefore, I added at the end that the husband noticed how strangely his wife protects this stone.


Very good story waiting for you to put more endings to this story