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Charlie was not happy with the fact that he agreed to participate in the wife swap show. When the show was just beginning, he did not think that this would not be a fake wife exchange, but a real exchange of bodies between unfamiliar families. It turned out to be not the same popular TV show, but something completely different.

It came as no surprise to Charlie when he woke up in an unfamiliar body. Under the terms of the contract, one of the family members received the body of a stranger from another family. But Charlie was very shocked when he woke up in the body of Maria, a woman from a family in another part of the country who also participated in this show.

According to the terms of the show, they had to live one week in new conditions for them and in new families. Hidden video cameras were installed everywhere in the house, broadcasting live on the Internet, and on the street, each of them was discreetly watched by operators. The spouses who did not exchange and remained in their original bodies did not know anything about who ended up in the bodies of their wives and husbands. Those who received other people's bodies were not supposed to talk about who they really are. This was kept secret to all participants except the audience. Speaking of viewers, they were rich people from all over the world who paid for this show. They also chose the winners.

The stakes on this show were very high. The amount that could have been won by Charlie and Maria would never have been able to earn in his life. The winners were determined by the voting of the audience, so no one could predict the result.

The week was already drawing to a close and Charlie knew nothing at all about his position, let alone his rating. The vote was supposed to take place only tomorrow. He tried to get used to the role of Mary as much as possible, following all the instructions that were given to him before the start of the show. Mary's life, according to Charlie, was boring - he did not do anything special in her body, if you do not take into account the fact that all this was on the contrary special for him because of a strange and strange body and situation for him. But I tried to be the most ideal wife for all the instructions. And judging by the reaction of Maria's husband, Fernando, he did it. Fernando's behavior, by the way, was also surprising for Charlie, he perfectly pretended not to know that he was participating in the show, and this even sometimes frightened Charlie.

Although it was already difficult for him to pretend to be someone's wife, realizing that in fact he is a heterosexual man. But today, the day before the end, he understood that he needed to do something extravagant, otherwise all his efforts could be in vain. He needed to come up with something.

Realizing that the audience needed the show, he bought sexy underwear suitable for Maria's body and he himself appreciated with his masculine look that it should be very cool. Waiting in the evening from work for her husband, he was already mentally ready for sex ...

However, having seen his reflection, he once again became unselfish during this week. He could not believe that he had done all this to himself. Nobody forced him, except for the desire to get a lot of money. His appearance made him sick as in the first days, when he was just trying on Marie's clothes and suffered from unusual movements of his chest and tight-fitting women's clothing ... He thought that he was just about to sleep with a man. All his life principles were crumbling right before his eyes. 


Sitting in a chair in front of a gentleman in a black suit, who, in Charlie's opinion, was saying some nonsense, he looked at him in bewilderment.

- Is there something you don't understand Miss Hernandez?

- Um ... what? Are you fucking kidding me?

- No. You can read the terms of the contract yourself.

- That was not in the contract that I signed!

- It was. This is exactly the contract that you signed. Therefore, from this day on, you must continue your life as Miss Hernandez

- Fuck you! I'm not going to live like this! I'll tell everyone about your kinky show and ...

- No. You don’t tell. Otherwise, we'll have to find a replacement for you. You lost. Mix yourself. By contract, each loser remains in the chosen body. Did you think that someone would pay such a huge amount of money just like that? Do you think body swap is cheap? No, disappointing you.

Charlie couldn't believe what he was hearing. Coming here, he thought that this hellish week in this strange body would finally end. Even if he does not win, he will at least return to his family. But he hoped to the last for a victory, or at least a consolation prize. He still remembered that evening and the awkward sex with Fernando. Dressing today in Mary's clothes, he did it with difficulty and believing that this was the last time

- But you can't just take and leave me. Fernando will find out everything

- No, he won't. You haven't read the contract carefully. Apparently, you lost on this ... Well ... Now, of course, it doesn't matter, but you need to know this in order not to do stupid things

- What do you mean?

- Here. Clause 14.5. It says that the second family member doesn't even know about the experiment. There was no show for him

-... what? Ah ... but what about the cameras?

- Cameras? Well, we have already removed the cameras from the apartment while your husband is at work, and you are here

- He's not my husband!

- Miss ...

- I'm not a miss!

- Oh .. Yes, I understand that it is not easy for you. But I'm just an ordinary worker. Understand that there is nothing I can do for you. I don't even know what your name was

- My name is...

- Stop! No need! I don't need to know this! I've already heard a lot about you. Just go back to your house and continue living like this week.

- This is some kind of nightmare. I'll go to the police and tell everything or find my wife. You can't stop me

- I warn you that for your own good, you should not do this. I gave you instructions to help you move on with your life. Believe me, it's best for everyone

- But she, too, will be looking for me!

- No. She's all right. You don't have to worry. We took care of everything.

- But ... but ... Damn!

Charlie got up from the table with his head up. His chest swayed, straining his bra straps, and his long hair dangled from his head. He took a few deep breaths, but could not calm down and continued to breathe intermittently loudly through his nose, clenching his little fists and imagining what would happen as soon as he agreed and left here. 


No one at Maria's work could understand what was happening to her lately. From an ordinary calm girl who smiled affably at everyone at the reception, she first turned into an incredibly sweet and charming, but a little awkward girl. But everyone didn't even like it much, and many were happy whatever the reasons for such a change were. She did not do her job so skillfully, but she seemed happy and kind. Therefore, no one scolded her for poor performance, because they understood that something good had happened to her.

But a week later, she suddenly changed dramatically. She stopped taking care of her appearance, coming in more untidy and snapping at everyone. Also, not doing their job very well as before. The boss even suggested that she go to a psychologist, but she sharply refused and almost sent him to hell. It was evident from her face and behavior that she was very angry, but no one understood why.

Fernando, Maria's husband, was also taken aback by the sudden change. It was especially strange after this gorgeous week. They had been married for a long time and Fernando was not very happy about her going to a psychotherapist. She told him that she would return as a completely different person, and only then he thought that perhaps she was speaking literally. Although these were only his assumptions.

The first week he was happy. Maria seemed to be born again. Instead of swearing with him, she suddenly started doing all the chores, cleaning, cooking and they even had sex at the end of this week, which made Fernando very, very happy. Still, it was a little weird, like she was a virgin.

However, literally a couple of days later, it changed. Instead of a kind, sweet, courteous wife, she became even worse than before. She said some nonsense about some show a couple of times, looked around the apartment for some kind of video cameras and said something about body exchange. It all stopped after calling her on her cell phone and she never spoke on this topic again. However, she was no longer that sweet and kind as this week. They even began to sleep in different beds and Fernando tried to somehow understand all this, but received only negative screams from her. 



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