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- Do you think this is funny !? Is this (Jack grabbed his chest, feeling a strange sensation from all this) ?! This is funny?! I'm a fucking chick! This is real! I got boobs and a fucking vagina, Stacy!

- Haha. Yes, and you're in Asia and Asian Jack! God, I can't, this is so funny!

- What the fuck is funny ?!

- As they say ... this is the irony of fate, humble yourself, Jack, although perhaps a different name suits you now ...

- Go to hell! Help me! Tell those donkeys from the institute to get me out of here! They say they don't have permission to trade! I don’t know how, but they sent me papers on which I signed and where it says that I agree to exchange with this woman, although I signed another contract!

- Yes? You think they forged documents. HM. In any case, it's not all that simple. I think you'd better think about exchanging a language with some Asian at this time. Where are you there now?

- What are you talking about ?! I'm in Japan!

- Yes, yes, find some Japanese and exchange your knowledge of English with him.

- Stacy!

- What?! Do you think I can somehow influence the swap institut?

- YES! Do you work there!

- I work there, yes. But I don't have that kind of power. God, haha, I'm sorry but I can't, it's funny.

- Enough already

- It's just that you always hated Asians and were so macho, and now you are stuck in the body of this busty Asian. So I can imagine how you will do makeup and put on her clothes

- No! I will not do it!

“But you have to, Jack. You know the terms of the contract

- It's their mistake! I shouldn't have gotten this body! They have to fix everything!

- Okay, okay, I'll try to talk to them (Stacey continued with a smile, looking at Jack's angry face in the phone's webcam and at these breasts, realizing what Jack is experiencing now)

- Now!

- It's too late now, they don't work

- But we must now! I cannot stay in this body tomorrow!

- Why? Oh yeah ... tomorrow is Monday, do you want to go to her work?

- No, she's not working tomorrow

- Then you have nothing to worry about. Just stay at home, and tomorrow we will try to find out about you in the exchange intit ...


Jack did not tell Stacy that, judging by the instructions he received at the swap institut in Tokyo from the staff, Akio, the husband of Fumiko, the girl in whose body Jack was now by an absurd accident and mistake of the exchange institute, was due to arrive tomorrow.

Akio knew very well that Fumiko went to the swap institut and that it was their joint decision. Their marriage was bursting at the seams and they decided to use the services of an exchange institution. Fumiko agreed to provide her body only under certain conditions - the new owner should not say who he really is and fulfill all Akio's wishes. Fumiko specially took a vacation from work for this time and just wanted to relax somewhere in another part of the world and be one in a different body, pretending to be a different person no matter what gender, and Akio received a nameless girl for a week who had to do everything that he wants to.

Fumiko's body was supposed to be received by Bianca, a 40-year-old Polish housewife who used this service to realize her secret fantasies and when she found out that there was an option to visit Japan and at the same time it suited her conditions, she immediately agreed already anticipating a sexual trip and exploring a new country. However, when she came to the exchange, it was revealed that someone had already occupied Fumiko's body.

Due to a mistake, instead of Bianca, Fumiko's body was received by Jack, and Fumiko's body was received by Jack. Although she was surprised by the male body, it was not so important to her, but for Jack it was all critical. He knew the terms of the contract and knew that it should not be violated - in this case, he could have very serious problems with the law, because the operation of the swap institut was very closely monitored by the police and other authorities so that terrorists and other enemies of the state did not use it. However, this observation of the police went beyond and they took advantage of it by imprisoning innocent people just because they did not fulfill the contract with the swap institut. 




Better fulfill the contract to the letter if you do not want the swap to be permanent.