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Standing against the wall in front of the police camera Charlie continued to resist

- Mas por que você não acredita em mim ?! Eu estou dizendo a verdade! Meu nome é Charlie Manson, 20 anos, estudante universitário! (But why don't you believe me ?! I'm telling the truth! My name is Charlie Manson, 20 years old, college student!)

The two policemen only once again looked at each other without asking the translator to translate the speech from Portuguese into English. They had already heard enough of this, even checked that Charlie Manson was not listed in their database and did not want to listen to this nonsense again.

- Turn sideways

- Não entendi ... (I don't understand ...)

- Oh ... translate it to her

- Senhorita, vire de lado para tirar uma foto (Miss, turn sideways for a photo)

- Eu não sou uma senhorita! Estou te dizendo isso! (I'm not a miss! I'm telling you this!)

Nevertheless, Charlie obediently followed their instructions, balancing on heels and straightening an uncomfortable short tight dress, feeling his breasts swaying without a bra and continuing to talk

- Este homem me mudou ... Você tem que acreditar em mim, encontre-o! (This man changed me ... You have to believe me, find him!)

The translator looked inquiringly at the police and asked

- She’s talking about this guy she attacked at the bar again, can we tell her?”

- What shall we say? That he was hit by a car and now died? I think it’s worth not talking about it for now. By the way, did you tell her that her husband called and he would be coming soon?

- No, I haven't translated it yet. I'm worried about her behavior. I don’t understand if she’s on drugs or she’s just crazy.

- Look, it doesn't matter. Her husband is Rodrigo Juanez.

- What?! Damn it! This same Juanez ?!

- Yes Yes Yes. It was he. The same one ... Someday we will jail him for all his crimes, but for now the law and money ... (the policeman frowned) is on his side. Therefore, he will most likely pay bail for her and we will let her go. This is Sofia Juanez, a 33 year old Portuguese citizen. And it smells like an international scandal .... The chief may even make her let go like this (the policeman spat and scowled at Charlie)

The translator took a deep breath and looked into Charlie's hopeful eyes, which widened even more after the first two words, began

- Senhorita Juanes seu marido ...


4 hours ago


Charlie was in this bar for the first time and if not for his friends, he would never have come here. He didn't have much fun and didn't like all these establishments. Despite the noise of music around him, attention was drawn to him as two people were arguing about something at one of the tables. They shouted loudly and everyone wanted to prove something to the other, and a fight was about to begin. It was curious, although Charlie did not like fights.

Suddenly one of them, instead of hitting the opponent, shouted some incomprehensible words and put forward his index finger, which suddenly lit up. The opponent was very surprised by this, but did not hesitate and hit his opponent's hand so that his index finger was directed towards Charlie.

A flash of light from that finger blinded Charlie and for a moment he had to squint his eyes. When he opened them, he saw that both of these people had stopped arguing and suddenly looked closely at Charlie, who did not understand anything. In ignorance, Charlie decided to examine himself and bowed his head down. Suddenly a lock of long hair from his head blocked part of his vision and he felt earrings dangling in his earlobes. Instead of his clothes, he was now wearing a tight blue dress, and underneath he clearly felt a strange new weight on his chest and the pressure of the thongs of his legs. He grabbed his left chest with a hand that was much smaller and with long makeup and felt soft flesh in his hand.

- Que diabos ...? (What the heck...?)

Charlie grabbed his mouth in shock from his new voice, but more from the fact that he speaks in some other language, most likely in Spanish, as he thought.

In fright, he raised his head up and led away that one of these two people was running away, and the one who did this to him stood in a stupor. He quickly got up and almost immediately lost his balance due to his heels, but nevertheless he walked with an absurd gait towards this man, demanding an explanation, feeling his chest shaking and straightening his new long hair, speaking in an unfamiliar language various incomprehensible to him words but understanding their meaning 



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