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After Alt Shift passed a month, but it seemed to me that it was a whole year ... I hated

While undressing to take a bath, I looked at my breasts again ... yes, these are my breasts, but I cannot get used to it, although I have to ... all these changes and adaptation to this new life were not easy for me, although I was already I had to accept, but every day I hoped that everything would be the same or at least the government would repeal this stupid law ...

I have to accept this body, this life and live as this girl lived before the change, but ... damn, this is all too complicated. When I was a guy, I would give everything just to sleep with a girl with a body like mine - everything was perfect here, she is young, slim with a pretty face and excellent natural big breasts, what else is needed for happiness to a 17-year-old guy from an ordinary families? When I found myself in her body, after the shock, on the contrary, I was even glad to have such an opportunity to touch it all, and even more so to feel new sensations myself. It all seemed to me temporary or just a hallucination, but soon everything gradually changed.

I could not find my parents, and now there were other people in their bodies. In the beginning, I returned to our house and lived alone, because these people left for their old families, but after the bill came out, the special department for changes found me ... Although, it was simple, because I first found them myself, because as a law-abiding citizen on demand, I was registered before the release of this law.

They brought me here ... To this apartment where Scott was waiting for me ... Sarah's husband ... my husband. Damn, it's still strange from all these thoughts, although in this body all this should seem natural, but still ... Until the last I thought that all this was a big joke or a mistake, I believed that there would be sane people who would change it ... However, such sane people were outlawed, and those who were against were sent to brainwashing in conversion camps ...

I had to pretend to be Sarah - a 20-year-old married waitress from an inexpensive cafe on the outskirts of the city ... I'm not talking about life with Scott, even the job was difficult for me, although what could be difficult in being a waitress? But this is not the case in my case! I needed to match Sarah as much as possible. What was easy for her and natural for me was a living hell. Not only did this huge chest constantly remind of itself even before these changes, but now I could not even hide it under large clothes. Sarah always dressed as openly as possible - short skirts, tight tops ... stockings, thongs and ... heels! Damn heels, I hate them. Why do girls wear them at all? These are the most uncomfortable shoes! Especially when you are on your feet every day in this damn cafe and deliver food to all sorts of assholes long-haul-off and other rabble ?! I hate these people, every day I get at least once in the butt and I can't do anything about it, everyone just doesn't care! When I said that I wanted to dress the way I want and change jobs, they told me that if I behaved like that, I would receive a warning, and after the second I would go to camp ...

And this Scott ... At first he treated me strangely, yet he knew that inside his wife now the guy's mind and we even slept in different beds, but over time he changed. He read various articles on this topic, in which various charlatans wrote that this is not an exchange of minds - this is just a temporary obscuration and that everyone will soon become what he was before. All this convinced him that I was his wife and the same girl as before. He supported my "return" as a good man and loving husband should. The articles said that you need to restore as many situations from your old life as possible, including sex, preferably regular, because this is a big surge in hormones and it will most likely return the person who was before. In addition, new instructions soon came out for those responsible for the "return" - such as Scott, people who knew well those who underwent Alt Shift and who knew them well.

And then things only got worse. Scott was officially responsible for my recovery. And I had to write reports every week about how the process of "return" is going, including about my actions. Now I had to always try to behave like Sarah, even at home ... Only in the bathroom could I be normally alone with myself and therefore I just sat as long as possible, looking at one point on the wall and imagining that all this just a big and long dream. 



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