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In our small town there are not many events, and when this amusement park came to us, it was an event and the whole city was in the evening next to this small place, which was temporarily occupied by this park. I was no exception, together with my friends we also decided to explore this place, although I was not a fan of all sorts of strange places.

The container called "Into someone else's skin" was not open, it was standing somewhere under a canopy and we just walked past this container and only because of the hole in the canopy we saw this wonderful name. I don’t know how it started, but someone joked that this is the best attraction here and we started a conversation on this topic, which for some reason suddenly turned into an argument that I’m a coward if I don’t prove that this is just an old container ... Of course it hurt me, I was always confident in my abilities, and even more so Monica was here. I didn't want to lose my face and decided to prove that this is just a van and there is nothing mystical about it.

When I got inside, then as I thought, everything was dark. My phone lit up old metal walls with a bunch of buttons on them.

- There is nothing here, as I said! This is bullshit

I shouted to my friends, but suddenly I stopped hearing their voices. The light turned on abruptly and a loud voice spoke.

- Welcome to someone else's skin! Choose!

- What!? Who are you?! It's not funny! Where is the exit ?!

I turned in the direction of the door, but there was already a wall, and next to it the buttons that I had seen before, but now they were of a bright color, lit up.

- Choose!

A voice loudly ordered, I felt a build-up of fear and at the same time realized that it was just some kind of voice of the person who was controlling this. Realizing that this is just a joke and nothing bad will happen, I decided to play by their rules, if only it would end faster. I was really getting scared, although I tried not to show it. I pressed one of the buttons and suddenly some kind of smoke or fog appeared out of nowhere, but all the walls disappeared from sight. I heard only a voice, which suddenly began to speak very very quickly, as if the voice recording was accelerated

- Thailand. Pattaya. Solada Khali. Escort. Without education. 28 years. 2011. Nymfo. Thai native. One son is 3 years old.

The smoke gradually dissipated and I finally began to make out the outlines of the room in which I was. It was not like the place I had just been - rustic walls, inexpensive furniture and ... a mirror in the reflection of which a busty, dark Asian beauty was looking at me. She wrinkled her face as if she was trying to see me as I did her. I raised my hand to say something to her when suddenly it hit me! She did the same.

At one point, I felt a number of new sensations. First, I saw my hand - my skin was no longer white and my hands were clearly smaller than usual. Long dark hair touched my shoulders and at the same time my shoulders were experiencing the pressure of some straps, it was a swimsuit that was on me and which held my new large chest, the weight of which I felt at the same time as everything else.

I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes - where there should have been a flat male hairy chest and a bulging beer belly, there were now obviously female boobs with a slit in the chest in an orange swimsuit.

- มัน คือ อะไร!? ห่า ?! (Mạn khụ̄x xarị !? H̄̀ā ?! - WHAT IS THIS !? WHAT THE FUCK ?!)

I screamed and realized that my voice was obviously in another language and obviously too high to be mine.

I heard the door open and a girl was looking at me in surprise and not understanding, just like I did, absolutely nothing. She was saying something to me, but there was a noise in my head from the shock that I experienced. 




You chose someone else’s skin so what is the problem?