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- Why did they take so long ...

I was impatient and anticipating when finally the agents of the special department, which was formed after Alt Shift, would leave the office of Richard, my boss. I hated Alt Shift and what he did to my life and especially hated the government for this terrible law. Before being in the body of 40-year-old married secretary Tiffany, I had a great life as an ordinary American and family man with the usual job of a middle manager. They deprived me of everything, I was forbidden to see my family and friends and even mention my old name, according to the new law, I had to fully accept Tiffany's life and live as she lived before Alt Shift.

To say that it was difficult for me is to say nothing. It was a complete nightmare that only got worse every day. Not only did I have to accept Tiffany's job and do her stupid secretarial duties, smile at every visitor, and do the simple dumb tasks her boss gave me. I also had to follow this goofy dress code with a tight skirt and a white blouse with high heels, which I only recently learned to balance on. I hated this body from the very beginning - everything here was strange and different from my previous male body, although there were advantages in terms of new sensations from orgm, but I experienced all this at the very beginning, when I lived with my family before how I was forced to leave my home and move in with Jeremy ... Oh ... Jeremy, this is a good guy, I thought so from the very beginning and was not mistaken about him, but he also sometimes behaved strangely. He did not threaten me that I should sleep with him, but his hints that he wants sex with his wife were already bothering me. As for my boss, everything was fine until this week. More precisely, it was not normal, because it all pissed me off, but he did not pester me and I thought that both Jeremy and Richard would be stopped by the fact that I was a man before this exchange. Moreover, everyone understood the absurdity of this situation.

Finally they left the chief's office and asked me to enter

- Mrs Denver

I flinched at the word "Mrs." I still can't get used to all this, it's all too strange. I looked up at them inquiringly

- We spoke to your boss and your husband. We have to write you a warning

- What?! For what?!

I squeaked in a high voice. I always tried to speak less .. it was a sound ... it seemed to me that now I sound like some kind of slutty girl, but I think it seemed not only to me

- You do not comply with the requirements of the law

- What?! I do everything! Your stupid law ... what is this ?!

They gave me pictures of Tiffany and Richard together ... naked

- Why are you giving it to me?

I looked at the serious faces of the men and at the embarrassed face of Richard

- Missis Denver. To return to the old life according to the law means to return to the old life completely. Before Alt Shift, you cheated on your husband with this person, and although we do not greet this, for full acceptance and in order for us to stop following you, you need to completely live as before. Your husband also complained to us that you are not having sex and that is also wrong. Understand that the law is harsh, and although it seems strange to you, you must completely do everything as before, and then you will stop thinking that you are someone else. This is not my opinion - this is the law and the opinion of the scientists Mrs. Denver. This warning is only because you are trying to do everything right, in other cases we immediately send you for compulsory treatment. Trust me, it's better for you to voluntarily accept all the rules.

I looked at them in shock and at the embarrassed boss, not understanding what kind of nonsense. They can't force me to do this - this is too much, we have a free country ... and ... and ... God, what the hell is going on in our country ... 



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