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- Do not turn your eyes away and look at me, you asshole! This is not the norm at all! I got fucking huge tits and cunt!

- Please put your T-shirt back on ... we're in a cafe and there are people here, that's not what I meant ..

- I said look! I saw you staring at them all this time while we were sitting here!

Brian slowly turned his head and immediately turned back when he saw these breasts, which in this form, not covered by a T-shirt seemed to him just huge and ... sexy ... the fact that inside this girl was his neighbor Kevin, who was earlier and stronger than him.

- Please ... cover up and we'll talk calmly ...

- Fuck you! I spoke to you calmly and said that all this fucking shit and I don't like it!

- Ke ... Kelly (Brian said with difficulty, although he wanted to say Kevin, but it was part of the curse and saw how Kevin was even more angry, but nevertheless he put the T-shirt back on with awkward movements) Sorry ... I wanted to say something else, but it is difficult, I don’t know. You can see that I have nothing to do with it, I am also a hostage of this situation .. And I meant that everything is generally normal and could be worse

- Worse ?! What the hell could be worse than that ?! I lost my masculine strong body and got it in return! You are the only one who remembers the real me and you have always been a nerd, so you have to find a way out, and not say that everything is fine! Although it probably suits you. Who are you now? Banker? Or something like that? Judging by your jacket and appearance, you now have money and you got a great body, almost like I did before.

- Look, I didn't ask for this! I myself am still in the same shock as you and do not understand how this is possible at all and how we can return everything back.

- Oh, don’t lie! Judging by your stories, you now have an apartment in the center of New York overlooking Central Park and, apparently, a lot of money. If I were you, I would not want to change anything, but you will have to, because otherwise I will force you. Even in this body I can do it, be sure of it. And I'm not going to go back to that cheap apartment today in which I woke up today.


- Well, yes, you are partly right, but do not invent ... I will look for a way out ... Do you think I know how to live in this body and do you think I can do the work of this man, in whose body I found myself? Damn, Kelly ... fuck, I'm sorry, damn, why can't I say your name? ... Anyway, I mean, I already realized that somehow our old lives were gone. I checked this and even called everyone. I don't want to stay like that either. If we don't find a way out, then I won't see my family and friends anymore ...

- Kelly ... What the hell Brandon! ... Fuck! Brandon ... Brandon ... I can't say your name either, it's so weird even though those boobs are a lot stranger. This is shit! They are constantly hanging out and their weight! I can't stop feeling them and thinking about it. What the hell happened?

- It's strange, but why exactly the two of us ... So you found me in your notebook and realized that it was me, although something else was written there?

- Yes!

- And what was there?

- Nothing! What's the difference ?! The main thing is that we found each other and now we need to look for a way out

- Yes ... Let's think logically and calmly and discuss everything again


Brian and Kevin continued to reason already in a more relaxed atmosphere, although Kevin often glared at Brian, but realized that they needed to be together now in order to find a way out and get their bodies back. Until today, they were housemates. Brian was in high school and Kevin was in high school and getting ready for graduation, they both lived with their parents, but Kevin didn't like his neighbor and was often bullied for being such a weak freak and looking like a stereotypical nerd and disgusted the fact that he had to live next to him, especially since their parents were friends.

This was watched for a long time by one witch who also lived nearby and once again, when she saw Kevin's bullying of Brian, she decided to change their lives, because she hated people like Kevin and even though it was a difficult spell and required a lot of magical powers, she nevertheless fulfilled this and gave them new lives. Now Brian was a successful businessman with the right knowledge and a great male body, and Kevin became a poor girl, who in this reality was one of Brian's lovers, combining the work of his maid and cleaning lady, but so far they both did not know this, although Kevin is still also guessed about something, because Brian was recorded on his phone as "Brandon Boss"

With the help of this spell, they both received all the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully live in these bodies. One of the effects of the spell, for better adaptation, was their new desires and actions, which they now wanted to do, even if internally they did not want it or simply did not know what to do. For example, Brian was surprised on his first day at work when he told someone about complicated financial schemes and it seemed so easy to him, although he did not know it at all in his old life. 


When this message came from Kevin from their meeting, several hours had passed and Brian was in his new expensive apartment and looked at the beautiful view from the window, pondering everything that had happened to him and Kevin today. Besides the fact that they could not call themselves by their real names, there was another oddity today. Kevin planned that he would not return to his cheap apartment and said this several times, but when they left the cafe, Kevin suddenly said that he went to his house. It was surprisingly even for Kevin, but instead of yelling at Brian and behaving like a typical Kevin, he gently ran his hand over Brian's shoulder, smiled with the words "see you tomorrow" and left without understanding why he was doing it and why it was so strange said goodbye.

Brian looked strangely and surprised at the photo he saw on the phone from the Kelly subscriber. On it, Kevin took a sexy photo in only one bra short shorts with loose long hair. The photo was of poor quality due to the poor camera of a cheap smartphone, but still Brian did not understand why Kevin suddenly sent him this. Suddenly he got a phone call from "Kelly"

- Hello ...

- What the hell is going on, Brandon ?!

- What do you mean?

- You haven't seen the photo ?! Don't look! Remove him to hell! I don't know why I did it! This is just some bullshit! Why am I doing all this ?!

- Kelly ... um, I'm sorry. I do not understand you, I saw the photo and also nothing ...

- Heck! I said don't look! I do not know what is happening to me! I wanted to go with you to your expensive apartment, but for some reason I left and came back here! You did something to me! Confess you fucking pervert nerd! You came up with some kind of spell and now you want to fuck me ?!

- Damn ... Ke ... baby (Brian wanted to say "buddy") ... fuck

- What?! What did you call me! (Kevin didn't want to admit it and say it, but the word "baby" made him feel warm between his legs and got a little horny)

“Damn it! I don’t know anything, and even more so I didn’t do anything, I told you so! And you yourself sent me this photo!

- I didn't want that. I don’t know, Brandon, it’s itself. I just came here and for some reason I wanted to wear these clothes, and then I decided to take some photos. It's fucking weird, but then I just lay on the bed and chose the best one, and then ... fuck ... then I wanted to send it to you! I'm scared, sweetie ...

The last word gave Brian and Kevin goosebumps and they were silent for a few seconds, and then Kevin ended the call and stared fearfully at the wall of this small cheap apartment and sat there for several minutes examining this apartment again and looking in the direction of the photograph he put it face down when I saw on her a girl in whose body he was and some unfamiliar guy. This time he already looked with different eyes, not being angry, but fearing that it might be his roommate, because when he was looking for things for photography, he also found men's clothes here. 


Brian went to bed in strange thoughts, he understood that he saw everything around for the first time, but for some reason he knew this apartment very well and everything seemed to be very familiar to him, he did not even consciously set the alarm to wake up and go to work , and in the morning he easily got himself together, took a shower and put on the appropriate clothes, simply allowing his intuition to act, besides, for some reason he wanted to do this and it seemed to him interesting everything that was happening to him.

At work, everything worked out the same way as in the morning in his apartment, all conversations with colleagues whom he saw for the first time in his life were at a high professional level, and every minute he learned more and more that he knew all these people and knew very much good at how to do your job. In addition, he stopped worrying a lot about his changes - he got older, yes, but his parents were the same, he found out when he called them via video that evening. They lived in much better conditions and everything was the same, except for his name.

In the afternoon, after a productive day at work, he sat down at the computer in his large office on the top of the building with a great view and decided to check his e-mail. He forgot about Kevin at that moment, but saw this letter in an e-mail from the addressee "Kelly Swenson" immediately realizing that it was Kevin.

The letter contained this photo. It showed Kelly (Kevin) topless in the bathroom of her apartment. She took a photo with her camera. All this was atypical for Kevin and of course Brian already began to understand everything, especially when he saw this bright makeup on Kevin's face and for some reason, instead of pity, he had a smile on his face as he imagined that Kevin was standing in front of the mirror and applying makeup with a displeased face, cursing his body and his huge tits, as he did in a cafe. It was evident that although Kevin was smiling and trying to look as cute and sexy as possible, but still his eyes betrayed him, it was a look of discontent and humiliation. Brian remembered all the ridicule and mockery of Kevin and did not regret what happened, although he did not know why it happened.

There was only a short message in the letter from the text:

"See you tomorrow

P.S. Have a good working day" 


This nightmare for Kevin turned into a living hell for these days. When Kevin ended up in this body, he did not suspect that a cheap apartment and big tits would not be his main problem in the near future, and when he met in Brian on the first day, he thought he was in control of the situation, but that was not at all the case with every minute in this body he was convinced of this.

That evening, after hanging up and ending the conversation with Brian, he tried to figure out and resist his new desires. Frightened by all this, he wanted to leave the house, but first cut this stupid hair, which he hated almost as much as his boobs, and at least give himself a more masculine look. However, in the bathroom, instead of taking scissors, he suddenly felt a strong desire to comb them, and then he saw lipstick and mascara. The idea of ​​taking a photo and sending it to Brian to work did not seem strange to him at that moment and Kevin carefully applied makeup to his pretty face, feeling his chest hanging and dangling even with simple hand movements. Only at the moment when he began to take a photo in the bathroom the thought that this nonsense again appeared in his head, but nevertheless he continued to take a photo and tried to look the most appetizing in different poses.

Needless to say, when Kelly's boyfriend came, Kevin behaved like Kelly and, as usual, regained control only in situations where nothing threatened Kelly's reputation. Kevin was at least glad that by then he was able to dress in some kind of unfeminine clothes and wash this horrible makeup off his face. The whole evening was strange and every minute Kevin was surprised by everything that was happening, but he had this stupid smile on his face, every time he looked at this guy and he could not get it off his face. It even got to the point that Kevin just remained alone in the room, realizing that he just had to leave this damn apartment, but as soon as this guy entered it, Kevin changed his thoughts and wanted to stay here, not even understanding why he was thinking about to escape from here. All his thoughts focused on this person and he listened attentively to his stories about how his day went and about what a goat his boss was, however, his thoughts were already in the future and imagined his meeting with Brian for some reason feeling how horny he was from this thought.

It was strange to fall asleep in the same bed with a man, but Kevin was glad at least that they did not have sex and he was really looking forward to meeting Brian the next day. For some reason, he knew that in the evening he would see him. 


Kevin fell asleep with the thought that he would see Brian tomorrow and for some reason it gave him hope that this nerd had all found a way to return his life back to him, or at least control over this one, because all this terrified Kevin and was too wrong. On the inside, he was still the same Kevin - a 17-year-old beefy high school guy who was popular with girls and was generally happy with life.

They met with Kevin, but it was in the evening, and in the morning Kevin woke up from a vile alarm clock forgetting about everything and thinking that it was just a dream. However, the weight of his chest that pulled his skin down when he pulled himself out of bed and his long hair convinced him otherwise, especially after he saw the man, Kelly's boyfriend, lying on the bed. A little angry, Kevin made breakfast for himself and for this person doing everything as if automatically, realizing, as always, that all this is not necessary, but having a strict desire to do it with the thoughts that if he did not do this, then a catastrophe of a universal scale would have happened.

Finally, when this guy left, Kevin regained conditional control over his desires and spent all his free time on the Internet looking for at least some explanation. At exactly 13 in the afternoon, Kevin turned off this old slow computer, the thought in his head was that he needed to go somewhere faster. He did not know where, but he knew that there he would meet with Brian. Quickly throwing things into his bag, he threw on something the least feminine and left, for the hundredth time cursing everything in the world.

Kevin was shocked by the size and expensiveness of the apartment in which he was doing the cleaning and the feeling that he had to go faster was correct, because it took a very long time, finally everything was completed and Kevin was finally able to get the clothes that he took with him , then not yet understanding why, but already understanding now. Grimacing his face again, he pulled on this sexy underwear, a little surprised at the relief of weight and discomfort from the chest from wearing a bra. Then, for the first time in my life, I took tights, a short skirt and a tight top with a large neckline. Already this look frightened Kevin, but after looking at himself in the mirror for a few seconds, he picked up lipstick and began to slowly but surely paint his lips again like yesterday. It no longer seemed so abnormal and humiliating as yesterday, but still he did not understand why he was doing this at all and drove away the already obvious thoughts that he was craving sex with the landlord and it was just preparation, after which he went to room and waited for the door to open. 


Kevin silently looked at Brian with his hands on his chest and prayed that this was just a nightmare. He had not yet reconciled himself and was not going to put up with the fact that he could not control the situation, but at that moment his thoughts were very clear and understandable - everything that just happened is a terrible humiliating mistake that no one should ever know about after they will take their bodies and lives back. Kevin finally got control of his thoughts and began to think as before, thinking with disgust that just an hour ago he really wanted to fuck Brian and do it as pleasantly as possible so that Brian was happy. Meanwhile, Brian dressed silently and looked like everything was fine.

- Why are you so calm? (Kevin said quietly and viciously)

- Why should I worry? Did you not like it? (Brian turned around and replied with a smile only by annoying Kevin, who already felt rage and anger at his helplessness to change something)

- What?! Are you fucking kidding ?!

- Kelly! Stop swearing in front of me, it doesn't suit you.

- What?! What the f ... Why can't I say f .. Why can't I swear ?!

- And don't raise your voice! (Brian suddenly shouted, surprised himself at how scary it sounded and saw the fear on Kevin's face, regretting that he had shouted so loudly)

- What? (Kevin said gently and meekly, suddenly realizing that he shouldn't have screamed so much and was afraid to make Brian angry) It's all just awful ... Brandon, this is all wrong, you know everything, you know who I am and that I am not a girl

- Yes? Who are you then? Tell me

Brian spoke with a smile, who had understood everything for a long time and was not surprised when he saw Kevin in his house, who was sitting on his couch in beautiful underwear and smiling, although it was clear from his eyes that he did not want to do any of this. Brian did not resist his desires and realized that Kevin in Kelly's body also wanted it. And now he just wanted to make fun of Kevin as he once did on him.

- I'm Kelly Swenson, your maid and lover!

Kevin said it and didn't believe that he said it himself and just covered his mouth with his hand. Now he was no longer angry, he was just afraid and did not understand what he was more afraid of - that he was stuck as a submissive poor girl who was cheating on her boyfriend with her boss or that he was afraid to ruin his relationship with Brian and never again see, because that thought made Kevin unconscious.

- You see. I don't understand why I should be worried. I'm fine, and you were fine too, I know that. Thank you for cleaning, you will receive money as usual, and for this great sex, your was just divine


- You see. I don't understand why I should be worried. I'm fine, and you were fine too, I know that. Thank you for cleaning, you will receive money as usual, and for this great sex, your was just divine

Kevin's heart pounded wildly. From these words, he again recalled these sensations and tried to forget this experience and taste.

- Thank you (once again, unexpectedly for himself, Kevin said and blushed with embarrassment and all these thoughts)

Brian had just finished dressing and saw that Kelly (Kevin) was sad to straighten her bra straps and stick from the chair on which they had recently had their very first sex for Brian and in which he was surprisingly very good. He came closer and sat down next to him.

- Oh, what are you? All right. I will not let anyone offend my girl. Sorry to be so rude to you today. I really felt good.

He stroked Kelly's cheek with a smile and tenderness, saying these words

- I have to go ... they are waiting for me ... my boyfriend ... he may suspect me and ... (Kevin wanted to spit in Brian's face or hit him, but again lost control of the situation and said what came to mind and it seemed the most correct at this moment)

Brian looked at Kelly in surprise, who seemed surprised at what she was saying and at first did not understand what it was about, but suddenly, as usual, having learned from somewhere intuitively, she remembered everything about Kelly's boyfriend. He calmly looked at it and said

- I understand. Moreover, I myself have a lot of work. All right

Kelly just looked in amazement at everything that was happening with the same set of sensations that she experienced throughout this evening and especially now. When Brian came out, Kelly started looking for her clothes, which were lying around the room and at the same time decided that she needed to clean up here, after all, it was her job and there was a little mess after sex.

Standing at the door, she just wanted to sink through the ground from her behavior and the inability to resist her feelings. She smiled sweetly and waited for Brian to come up and kiss her goodbye, so that after that she could sit in a taxi and go home and have time to cook dinner for her boyfriend before his arrival and realizing that she was not yet ready to admit to herself that she loved Brian / Brandon. 



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