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Many will consider us insane, but this train to Eastern Europe was planned with my girlfriend a long time ago and we were finally able to implement it. I don't know why, but it was always interesting for us to look at all these countries, which once had communism and which were now one of the poorest countries in the world. It was May outside and the weather should have been good, but we were not very lucky with the weather throughout the trip and we rarely saw the sun.

Everything was excellent and informative, but I did not know one important fact. My girlfriend somehow found out that I cheated on her several times during the time we met. Hell, if I knew she knew, then maybe all of this wouldn't have happened.

We were in Poland and this was the last country from our euro tour. We decided to drive through several cities in a rented car and when we were passing through one small town Jennifer suddenly became kind of unusually cheerful and I liked it.

It was not an attractive city and especially the area we were staying in, rather it looked like some kind of industrial zone with small five-story residential buildings nearby.

- Close your eyes, honey, please

- Oh, what else do you have. Okay

I closed my eyes in anticipation of something interesting and some kind of surprise. I thought she decided to do something cool on the last day. As I stood with my eyes closed, I felt the long hair touching my cheeks and shoulders. The thought that she somehow turned out to be taller than me and lowered her head with her hair was the first.

- Co ty robisz? (What are you doing?)

I said, trying to speak as sweetly as possible, but there was something strange in my voice. He was completely different, as if something squeezed my ligaments and began to speak like a child. At the same moment, I felt a cool breeze touching my legs and it was strange, because I was wearing jeans. I hadn’t noticed then that I spoke Polish. I opened my eyes and saw in front of me my girlfriend who was smiling maliciously and holding some strange thing in her hands, which I did not have time to see, because she quickly removed it.

- Jennifer co ... co ?! Co to jest ?! (Jennifer what ... what the ?! What is this ?!)

- You are such a change! I don’t understand you anyway

She laughed and watched as I examined my body in shock, although I was not at all laughing. When I opened my eyes and noticed something strange in Jennifer's smile and in my voice, I decided to check why I suddenly feel this cool air around my legs and was shocked when I saw that instead of my denim jacket with a T-shirt and jeans I was wearing a pink short dress, and on my feet instead of my sneakers I was wearing small women's ballet flats. Feeling my hair falling down from the fact that I was looking down, I pulled it back and began to unbutton this dress with buttons, realizing that, judging by the new sensations of heaviness on my chest, I’m feeling better, but hoping that it will not be so.

Quickly stretching the dress, I saw two bumps that exactly looked like a woman's breasts, which were now part of my body. I was shocked and it seemed to me that time had stopped when I reached out with my hand to check if my penis was in place, but I couldn't reach it when I heard Gloria speak to me in English, which I now understood very badly, but understood what she meant

- Goodbye cheater.

Seeing how she gets into the car and closes the door, I tried to catch up with her, but she was too far away and was left only to look at the car driving away into the distance. 


The car I rented with my girlfriend, or rather now a former girlfriend, was driving less and less and finally disappeared around a bend. I stood in complete prostration, not understanding absolutely nothing, and only her words in my head "cheater" sounded loud as if she was still here.

Slowly, awareness of the situation appeared in my head. First of all, it was from the same feeling of coolness from a small breeze, which now touched not only my legs, but also my open chest, which now every passer-by could see. People passed by in surprise and for them it was a strange picture that one girl was standing here in such an immodest form and showing everyone her breasts.

I instantly realized my situation only when an old passenger car stopped next to me from the windows of which strange Polish loud music was playing and a young guy in a leather jacket was looking at me, and next to him in the passenger seat was another. They stopped next to me and looked at me questioningly

- Pracujesz? (Do you work?)

He looked into my eyes and alternately his eyes dropped lower on my chest, and the second simply stared blankly at my boobs, which I myself saw for the first time in my life. I did not want to answer them anything and began to quickly cover my chest, which was still a stranger to me and at the same time tried to cover my legs, which looked even more ridiculous. At that moment, I realized that there was no underwear on and a blush appeared on my cheeks with shame and humiliation.

- Daj spokój. Nie zamykaj tego. W porządku. Chodźmy z nami. Wyjeżdżamy za miasto, jest piękny las, będzie grill. (Come on. Don't close it. Everything is fine. Let's go with us. We're going out of town, it's beautiful there, the forest, there will be barbecue)

- Nie, ja ... nie tak myślałeś ... (No, I ... that's not what you thought ...)

I quietly spoke with my new weak female voice and with my eyes tried to find a place to hide from them, and at that moment for the first time I did not think about what my ex had done to me, but thought about how to get out of this situation. At that moment, I clearly realized that I was in a country unfamiliar to me, in some small town, most likely in a bad area. I realized that I now have exactly a female body, although it seems incredible, but it was so. I was only wearing one short dress and there were no documents or money, not even just a passport or some kind of identification card to prove who I was, everything was in the car with Jennifer. I was scared that I understand these guys and now I absolutely understood that I speak like they do in Polish, but most of all I was frightened by these guys who suddenly rode up and looked at me like wolves who unexpectedly found a piece of meat near forest 


It may seem impossible, but it turned out to be not so bad, although every day I hated my ex more and more for doing this to me and cursed her for all the difficulties that I courageously overcame. More precisely, of course, accepting this body, another country and a complete change in status is a big shock and test, maybe I was just lucky, but I believe that everything could be worse. In the end, I could be one of the street workers, but the thought of sleeping with a man was unpleasant for me and of course I did not let anyone near me.

On that first day, I managed to get rid of these guys who wanted to take me somewhere and I guessed what they wanted to do. At that moment, a police car was passing mime and I ran in its direction, thereby getting rid of those annoying guys and when I was with the police, I pretended to have lost my memory. It was easy to do because I really didn't know anything. The police took me to the station and began to find out my identity. I understood that telling them the truth is complete stupidity, and even more so I was in such a state that they might think that I was really some kind of prostitute or even worse. Thank goodness I got some good cops and even left me to spend the night in some cheap flophouse. But it was better than spending the night on the street and hiding from the people I saw at that moment.

A few days later, they still did not find out my identity, and I continued to pretend that I did not remember anything. But the fact that I spoke Polish very well still hinted that my personality had to be from Poland, although in fact it was not.

After some time, when they tried all the ways to identify me, they offered me to choose a name for myself in order to live under this name and these documents until the moment the real identity was determined. It was strange to hear in my address "she", "girl" and so on, but with my new body and situation, it was still the most correct thing and I had to accept it. It was the right and only possible step to return my old life to me.

But I took the wrong step. I decided to write to my ex-girlfriend on Facebook, who was actually already waiting for my call. I did not beg her to return me back, but simply asked, and when she refused, I embellished my life a little and threw my naked photo to her, saying that I was even happy and this was completely new and interesting for me.


The mistake was that I told her that everything was not as bad as she thought, but on the contrary. I said that they gave me a new name and settled in a nice apartment, although in fact I lived in a hostel. Although all this was unusual and strange, but I still lived normally and even got a job and this was enough to pay for housing, food, and I even had money left that I wanted to spend on a visa and a trip to America (I deceived her and did not said that this is not so and in fact I just worked at a cheap job as a cleaner and only had enough money for food). I dressed in modest clothes and, in general, did not notice any big differences from the life that was before that, except for bad conditions and the fact that I was a girl, but I had a goal - I wanted to get my old life back and I slowly walked towards it ... She blocked me on Facebook and it was even pleasant for me, I was glad that her revenge plan did not work and at the same time I was thinking about ways to get back by studying various sources on the Internet.

However, literally after talking with her, the police called me. It was the joyful voice of the policeman who helped me. He said he was just talking to my ... husband! I didn't even have time to get dressed after taking pictures for my ex-girlfriend. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. I did not understand how this was possible, although I guessed that this was the work of my ex-girlfriend. I naively believed that she would not be able to do anything to me being so far away, because when she turned me into a Polish girl, she had something in her hand and I thought it was something that turned me, not knowing that then she just had a phone in her hand, with which she took pictures of me and filmed a video of my reaction.

At that time it was a shock, probably the second in degree, as soon as I was in this body. I did not plan this at all and could not even think that suddenly there would be some kind of husband. I didn't even have time to think about anything normally when I saw this man. He was about 40 years old, although I stayed at my 24 years old even in this body. Evidently, he was an unpleasant person, dressed in much the same way as the guys from the car I met on the first day. He looked down at me and seemed to me just a giant with an unshaven face.

In front of the surprised policemen, he cawifme up to me and uttered something unintelligible, took my hand and led me to the door. I tried to resist and the police saw it, but he somehow unexpectedly for me and for them turned sharply to me with the words that he was very bored, as if he realized that he had forgotten to do it and kissed me. I kissed a man for the first time and I didn't like it at all, but it was difficult to resist and do something against such a huge man. 


Here the nightmare began. How I regretted taking that selfie and texting my ex. This was the main mistake, I did not underestimate its capabilities and did not think that it could make it even worse.

Jacob, the man who was now officially my husband, took me out of this already small town to some village in his old car. All the way he was silent and did not answer my questions, which I rarely, but still asked. Nevertheless, I pretended that I had amnesia and I needed to regain my memory. All the way my heart beat fast with excitement and I still felt his stubble and unpleasant tongue in my mouth, hoping that this would never happen again.

I didn't want to go, but a passionate kiss and documents convinced the police that they had identified my identity. Yakov brought a passport, a marriage certificate and even photographs from a wedding, in which there was a girl with the same appearance as I have now. At that moment I was in a panic and could not think normally, so everything happened quickly and did not notice how I ended up in the car with him on the way to the village. According to this story, now officially I was Zlata Bozhych, 24 years old, married to Yakov Bozhych for 6 months. For the police, Jacob pretended to understand my amnesia and would report to them on the status, but for me everything was different.

When we arrived, I immediately suspected something strange, especially when Yakov said at the entrance that I could no longer pretend that I didn’t remember anything and did not answer my surprise and the story that I really didn’t remember anything. It was a remote village in some kind of forest with 5 houses, which actually looked more like a bunch of some sectarians. These people lived here secluded with their households and completely independent of the outside world, there even had its own small power plant and a water tower. Jacob was one of the main here.

As it turned out, everyone thought that the girl they thought I was dead, or rather, she just disappeared, and when the messenger to the city, who visits there once every half a year, saw me, he immediately transferred the information here. They thought I had escaped. The first days I was forced to do hard household work, but I was more afraid of the nights. This Jacob ... I tried to resist, but it was useless, he said that even if I do not remember anything, then this is the best medicine.

I felt safe only in the shower stall, in which hot water was constantly disappearing due to the fact that we lived in this wilderness.

There was no internet, no TV, even cell phones were not kept here. I was literally captured by these people, and judging by the distance, I understood that it was not easy for me to escape through this dense forest, besides, I did not even know which direction to run in if I suddenly decided to do it. 


I hated this fucking life. Jessica got her way. Here everything was repeated every day over and over again. I was treated like some kind of fallen being and no one believed me that I had lost my memory ... How can people be so cruel. Although I partly understand them, judging by the stories, the girl they thought I was was not distinguished by exemplary behavior and was born in this commune. There were strict rules here that no one, except for a select few, should be allowed to travel outside, and this was the most important rule for which there was a great punishment, which I had already fulfilled ... undeservedly.

In order to at least somehow live normally without punishment, which here were some sort of middle-aged, I had to accept and live as a submissive wife of this man. Cleaning the house, wearing only classic dresses and fulfilling all the whims of her husband. Here all the wives were like that. I don’t know why they chose such a strange life, but I’m sick of it all!

I was especially fed up with the fact that they think that I betrayed them and for this they treat me like a thing. I do not only Jacob's whims, but other work as well.

This tyrant Jacob, otherwise I cannot name him, is also not distinguished by courtesy. Not a day goes by that he does not remind me of the betrayal and takes every opportunity to scold me. Once I walked for almost a week with a metal rim on my mouth, because I said that I wanted to leave here and that was more than once. I was afraid to even just look the wrong way.

I tried to escape ... what happened after that ... I don’t want this to happen and I don’t even want to remember it. I hate Jessica! I didn't deserve this kind of life! I have been thinking for so long that my betrayal to her has long been worked out and that now this is all too much. 



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