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- You fucking cunt! Quickly change me back! What have you done to me ?!

Charlie was holding a phone with video conferencing turned on with Jessica - his ex-girlfriend, who, so unexpectedly for him, suddenly decided to call him

- Oh no, Charlie, or rather Goldie, it's irreversible

- What do you mean irreversibly ?! Are you stupid ?! I'll kill you!

- Oh no, I thought about that too. You will forget my name and how I look as soon as I finish the video conference with you fucking lover of other people's moms!

- I said! Change me ...

- Goodbye, Goldie!

- ... Back!

When Charlie finished, he saw only that the conversation was over. He quickly began to press the redial, despite the fact that it was difficult to do with his new long nails and was surprised when, instead of the phone calling his ex-girlfriend, the phone began to dial a completely different subscriber, which was recorded on the phone as "sweet" with hearts, which matched his new pink phone. Instead of his ex-girlfriend, the face of a man of about 40 appeared on the phone screen - unshaven stubble, a denim cap, in the background it was clear that a man was sitting in a car.

- Something happened?

Instead of sending this man to hell, Charlie smiled unexpectedly, straightened his long hair, and said

- No, I just missed you, I wanted to see your face

“Oh shit, Goldie, what the hell ?! I'm at work! You know I don't like being distracted

- But .. I just (just as unexpectedly for myself, Charlie reached for his plump lips and then slowly let go of his hands to his chest to open it a little) ... I miss you so much

- Oh, you dirty bitch, you know how to make me come home faster, but I have to take this load ...

- Come back soon...

When the conversation was finally over, Charlie felt both surprise and excitement from this conversation, combined with a sense of humiliation and helplessness. He threw the phone down and got up, straightening his nightgown made of delicate fabric, trying to forget everything that had just happened and think about how to get everything back.


Meanwhile, Charlie's ex-girlfriend was happy that the spell worked. She herself did not know whether it would work or not, when she first found it in one of her grandmother's old books. Charlie did very badly to her, not only did he cheat on her, but he cheated on her with a married adult woman and this very very upset her.

She herself did not know how the spell worked, but she really wanted to take revenge on Charlie. The spell changed Charlie's life beyond recognition, just as his ex had wanted. Finishing the ritual, she wanted to see for herself that everything had happened and sounded Charlie via videoconference and tried not to be surprised when, instead of the face of her ex-boyfriend, a 23-year-old bodybuilder, a sweet blonde face of a 32-year-old woman with long hair, plump lips and appropriate makeup appeared.

She very much regretted that she could not personally watch Charlie suffer and that she could not do anything against her new desires and instincts to be the obedient wife of the trucker's husband. 



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