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- Don't act like a hysteric!

- What!? I?! Am I acting like a hysterical ?! Heck! It's all your fault!

"Is it my fault that we were both in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Well, no, it was you who decided to go to that bar in the evening and called me

- Yes it is! But when we were offered new lives under the witness protection program, you chose that!

- You were in a coma! What was I supposed to do? It was better than anything else! What is it that you got a female body !? You think it's easier for me to accept that I'm an old man now

- It would be better to be an old man!

- Yes?! Seriously? You just have no idea what new difficulties I have in life now, and I don't even want to talk about it. Age and old age sucks, at least you look young.

- Fuck you Charlie! I can not go on. This ... this body and this life, it just sucks. When will they trade us back ?! I just can't pretend that everything is okay anymore. No one here knows us, but it's still difficult. I hate waking up every day and seeing that I still have these boobs, then go to this fucking bathroom and do this fucking makeup so I can put on these stupid clothes! The damn dress code in this company ... I have to stand all day in heels and smile at every incoming visitor, but each of the men, believe me, everyone, is not looking at my face! Do you know how many dirty jokes I listen to in a day and how many times I have to pretend it's funny?

- Come on ... I'm sure it's not all that bad ... I also have to work

- What? Work? You call this work ?! You sit at home all day and play video games! Your life has hardly changed. Your pension would be enough for the two of us to live, but no, they made me go to work! What for? Why the hell ?!

- God Jess ..

- I'm not Jess, my name is Frank!

- Hush! You know we can't say our real names on the street!

- Yes, I shit on that! God. Everything was better than that ... What the hell is Charlie?

- I've already told you a million times ...

- Yes, yes .. I see. It's just that today this ... my boss ... he pestered me. He knows that I have to keep this job .. damn, if I knew, I would not tell him that this job is so important ... now he has already openly said that he wants to sleep with me! Charlie! You understand?! I can’t sleep with a man, I don’t ..

- Well, theoretically you can ... you're not married, and in fact, I would be in your place ...

- What would you? ... Oh shit! I realized you wanted this body for yourself! You fucking pervert! Heck! My brother is a pervert! What the heck!? I knew, I always knew that it was all your fault! 



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