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Object number 23

Research Objective:

To study the adaptive ability and behavior in unfamiliar stressful situations of the human mind with great influence on others around. It is necessary to create conditions in which such a person could never find himself in his usual life. Study behavior, reactions and ways of adapting.


Gender - male

Age - 52 years old

Social Status - Executive Director, Finance Tycoon

Marital status - married, has a lover

Life was chosen for the object with the following characteristics

Female gender

Age - 42 years

Social status - servant

Marital status - married, lover of her boss


Howard was in the middle of a press conference with reporters about his corporation's purchase of a new firm and was preparing to answer reporters' questions when he suddenly saw the electricity start to flicker. He did not have time to notice anything as everything around him became for a moment dark and the next moment he was already in another place. He stood on high-heeled shoes in the living room of a cheap apartment. Instead of a jacket, he was wearing a transparent sexy nightgown through which his new huge boobs were very clearly visible, and instead of journalists, a 50-year-old man without clothes looked at him

- What? What? What the?

Howard did not immediately understand all the changes. At first he noticed only that he was not at the press conference and that this old man was looking at him with a smile, but literally in a few seconds he noticed the main changes. First of all, this was the heavy weight on his chest, which pulled his skin down, and then everything else. He grabbed his chest with one of his hands and felt the soft flesh of his boobs pass through his fingers.

- What the heck? What have you done to me ... wow

Howard took a step and it was unnecessary. He did not expect that, along with the new weight of his chest and center of gravity, that along with this he was now wearing high-heeled shoes, and he stumbled. Even at that moment, he felt his chest dangle with this movement. The fall was fortunate because there was a bed in front of him with this man. Of course, Howard stood up instantly and tried to remove the heels, but the straps held them tight. His chest dangled from side to side as he tried to remove his shoes and pull back his hair, which he thought was a wig.

- What happened?

The man looked worried and surprised at Howard's efforts and did not understand anything, just like Howard


Day 1-3

Subject was extremely stressed on the first day, but was able to retain reason and logic. The moment the subject appeared in the new body was chosen to create the most difficult situation from the first minutes. The subject did not behave with restraint and demanded an explanation; by the evening of the first day, the subject was in his new home with his family.

 First of all, the subject began to call all the phone numbers he knew and told everyone who he was before the exchange. Subject used different ways of connecting with his old life with enviable tenacity. It is worth noting that the subject quickly understood the new reality in which his former personality did not exist and began to think according to the new rules only by the end of the third day.

The subject tried to find a logical excuse for what happened to him, but did not find anything logical. The subject refused to accept his body and new role, so he behaved as before the exchange, but consciously lived in a new house with a new family because of the understanding that this was the best decision at that time.

Day 4-6

Subject first responded to Gloria's name and donned Gloria's clothes for the first time. The object refused to do the work of Gloria, contemplating options for making money on a large scale.

Subject tried to behave like Gloria so as not to arouse suspicion and go to a mental hospital. This happened after meeting with the doctor. At the time of the meeting, the subject for the first time tried to behave like Gloria.


After a conversation with the doctor, in which Howard realized that an insane asylum was shining for him if he said that he was not Gloria, after the conversation he went on trying to remain calm and to think soberly, but during this time he had already tried almost everything ...

Walking down the street to the house of Gloria, which he already hated, he could not help but notice how others were watching him. Although he was wearing a jacket, it still seemed to him that everyone could see his prominent chest, which, with every step, even in a bra, treacherously jumped and shook. Howard could not get used to these sensations, although it had already been 5 days.

Returning home, he stood for a long time in front of the mirror alone in the room, touching his chest, hair and whispering something under his breath.

The only thing that he could explain logically was that he was always Gloria and something just broke in his mind. But he could not remember anything from Gloria's life, he did not even know Gloria's children, let alone how to do basic things for feminine hygiene and so on. But it was the most logical thing and in his brain there were processes of struggle between the present, what he feels and sees, with what he thought was real, namely his life as Howard


Day 7-15

Subject showed no negative emotions and reacted calmly to the name Gloria. Subject began to explore ways to adapt to a new life such as: makeup, choosing comfortable appropriate clothing and underwear, communicating with Gloria's acquaintances and finding out all the details of Gloria's life.

Subject entered Gloria's work for the first time, trying not to arouse suspicion. If you appear in the house in which you appeared on the first day and after seeing that man, the subject experienced a stress comparable to going to the doctor before. The subject quickly realized that this man is a lover and that the work would not only consist of cleaning the house and refused to love this person in the first days of work.

By the 14th day, the subject had adapted to the new role by 90% without fully accepting all the social positions of the new role and stopped looking for ways to return the old life.

On day 15, the subject first made love to Gloria's boss, after the threat of dismissal and the risk of not finding a job.


Gloria took a shower at home after a working day and tried not to think about what had happened, but a stream of water hit her between her legs and she remembered all her feelings during sex with her boss ... She almost dropped the shower can, but held on her. She leaned against the wall of the shower stall and slowly sat down on the floor, feeling her breasts touch her body in habitual movements, and long wet hair covers her face and shoulders.

"Gloria .. Gloria .. How did I come to such a life. With this body I could get a better life ... a cleaning lady and a mistress ... It's all so alien to me and this body ... how I used to live with it , I still can't get used to this breast normally, God, it's just a huge weight and it always hangs like that ... And why does it seem to me that I have been a different person all my life? But I definitely remember everything, everything in the smallest details. I .. I don’t know, apparently something is wrong with me. There is no such thing that a person suddenly becomes a different person. Perhaps it’s a flash in the sun or I hit my head and I have false memories ... But damn take it, it was all so real. "

Gloria's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the bathroom of her son, who was not particularly worried about his mother's behavior, and when she began to try to behave as before, he completely forgot about it

"Mom, what's up with dinner ?! You haven't cooked anything again ?!"

Gloria remembered that she again forgot to cook dinner for the family, but she was too deep in her thoughts and again began to think that she was a millionaire man. From the thought that a man is a millionaire who is used to luxury, a rich life, expensive deals, who has never cooked in his life, that he is now forced to get out of the shower, close his incredibly feminine body with huge tits with a robe and start cooking dinner for some poor ragamuffin and at the same time feeling guilty for this, the thought caused her to smile hysterically and laugh at the absurdity of the situation.



The adaptation took place in 15 days. The subject's extensive life experience and education helped him quickly adapt. The subject is used to making difficult decisions in his old life. The Principal Investigator's Conclusion is Correct 



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