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I can't believe I am doing all this of my own free will. It’s all wrong and terrible, I don’t want any of this, why didn’t they just let people like me continue their old life?

- Honey, is something wrong?

It's not like that, damn it! You know that I am not your wife. Damn it, you even know that I was a guy before Alt Shift, why are you acting like a freak

- No, everything ... (gulp) everything is fine

- But I don't think you want to make love to me?

Damn it, it's not enough for him that I agreed to pretend that I was his wife and even put on this humiliating outfit, but he still wants me to like it all ?! The sight of this person does not cause any sexual arousal in me at all. It seems to me that even if there was a girl in my place, she would not want to make love to him, but this damn government law just forces me to do it.

- We have already discussed with you several times that if you do not try to behave as before, before this strange incident, then I will have to call the government service. This is the law, honey, I will have to do it. I think you should try to remember everything, but I will help you and for this we need to start living as before. And before you always liked to put on very sexy underwear for me and usually we started with you satisfying me orally. Do you remember?

Fucking son of a bitch! He hadn't said that before! This is too much! I will not do this, this ... this ... damn, I already have one warning for breaking the law after which I was forcibly brought here. In these conversion camps, terrible things are happening, I saw it with my own eyes when I was there. I don't want to go back to this place anymore

- Maybe another time? ... Dear? I ... I don't ...

- Well, no, you are forcing me to call in ...

- Okay! Stop! Don't pick up your phone!


Before Alt Shift, I was a manager in one of the companies. I remember the evening when I suddenly found myself here on my way home from my car. I was wearing some kind of clothes of Gloria in whose body I ended up and apparently she had just come from work. Her husband was not here and I just ran away to my house in another part of the city. Soon I found out that not only I fell under the Alt Shift, but the worst thing is that Gloria crashed in my car and that was a fatal problem.

I couldn't prove that I was actually John Wolfe and not Gloria when the checks began. Until that time, I lived in my old house with my wife, who believed me. But the department had a different opinion about people like me. They just followed the law and made me pretend to be Gloria and accept her life. I was forbidden to communicate with someone from my old life and I had to accept the role of Gloria, otherwise they would have sent me to a conversion camp for compulsory treatment. I do not know anyone who would return from there and I know that this is a terrible place.

Besides getting this awful husband to take advantage of this situation, I also got a job for Gloria. She worked as a saleswoman in a cosmetics store. I didn't know anything about this and it was a big problem. I couldn't even wear what I wanted, I had to act like Gloria as much as possible, which means wearing her clothes, doing her makeup every day and going to her fucking job! 


- Hello

- Hello, Tony ?! It's you?

- Yes, mommy, it's me!

“Tony honey, I miss you so much.

- Yes, me too. Help me please, I want to go home, I am afraid of this man, he ... he ...

- What he?! What did he do to you !? Have you done this?

- (Gulp) Yes ... I ... it's just so weird and ... I think he was without a condom ...

“Oh, my poor little boy! Please bear with me, Tony, I'm trying to fix everything! I'll get you out of here soon!

- I want now! You are welcome! I don’t want to stay here anymore ... shit, he’s coming here until ...

Tony ended the conversation quickly and tried not to show that he had just called his mom. It was forbidden and he perfectly understood it, but he was very afraid.

Before Alt Shift, Tony was an ordinary 12-year-old schoolboy in Detroit and when he first appeared here in the body of a 28-year-old Latin woman Gabriela in San Antonio, he understood absolutely nothing.

Tony was lucky that Gabriela's husband was also influenced by Alt Shift, and his mom and dad remained unchanged. He immediately called them and although they did not believe him at first, but then he realized that there was some other person in the body of their real son, and later, when they saw that this had happened to a lot of people, they themselves came for Tony and took him away. here. Poor Tony was all these days alone in this house and was even afraid to go out.

When the law came out that everyone should accept their new lives, then of course Tony's parents did not let him in and Tony himself did not want this, but when they found out about the conversion camps and what they were doing with people there, they were forced to pass a new law. although they still went wherever they could to get their son back home.

Tony only dreamed of getting his old life back. He wanted to be at home and play computer games, but instead, under the new law, he had to accept Gabriela's life. Gabriela before Alt Shift worked as a waitress in one of the cafes, and her husband Diego was a bouncer at a bar. Diego now had a former bandit in his body, who was actually happy with the exchange, he was not in prison and even got younger, so he liked the new law, and he was also given constant access to a beautiful Latin wife and he planned to use it. 


- What? What you said? Say it again!

- I said that you have to be my girlfriend completely, which means ...

- What? It's not enough for you that I wear these stupid clothes and show these stupid boobs to the whole world ?! It's not enough for you that I go to this college and sit there a lot of time ?! Damn it, dude, just go to hell! You know that I am not your girlfriend and that this is only temporary! Trust me, it's hard for me to do all this, especially this stupid makeup and wear all this stuff, damn, I hate it, but I do it because it's the law!

- Samantha, I have to call the bureau!

- You won't call anywhere! You know you won't do it, because otherwise I'll just cut your balls off and I don't give a damn about going to jail or to this conversion camp! I warn you one last time, don't play these games with me! I only pretend that I am your girlfriend so that no other people think that I am breaking the law, but you will not make me do what you want!

Jake before Alt Shift was a military man and had a very strong character. He knew what the law was and what the rules were, and he knew that they had to be followed. But he knew what honor was and his honor did not allow him to go beyond the bounds of what was permitted.

With difficulty, but he agreed with this law, realizing that the government knows better, but he was not going to fulfill this role completely. He was not going to sleep with this guy, much less act like Samantha with him, he decided that the method of threats that he used from the very beginning would do. Of course he didn't want to go to jail or to a conversion camp, so he would never have done what he said, but he was very convincing and so far limited himself only to pretending to continue living like Samantha and studying her life on his own through facebook and other data. Therefore, after the threats, he simply calmly continued to sit at the computer and study information about Samantha. 


For Charlie, life after Alt Shift seemed like a nightmare. He not only got a female body, but also had to pretend that he liked it all. He hated his reflection in the mirror. Before Alt Shift, Charlie was an ordinary office clerk for 35 years, he had no luck with girls and he lived alone, he disdained girls, especially such as Antonia. He did not understand why girls enlarge their breasts, make themselves huge lips, as if they were bitten by bees, but most of all he hated the fact that such girls get everything just like that, just because they are who they are.

During Alt Shift, Antonia had sex and Charlie exchanged bodies with her just at that moment. He did not understand what had happened, but a surge of new emotions made him not think about it at that moment. Charlie did not yet know that his life as a 35 year old virgin was over forever, from that moment he had regular sex, but absolutely not in the role in which he expected.

Antonia's husband was a Mexican businessman, Rodrigo, who sold equipment, but his main money came from selling drugs. During Alt Shift, they were on his yacht and Rodrigo did not understand why his stupid wife began to behave strangely and suddenly spoke in English, although before that she spoke very badly in this language. She behaved strangely and after sex, surprised to touch her tits, face and other parts of her body. He even had to hit her to calm her down, although he did not like such methods. Soon he found out about Alt Shift and the new law, but it was not so important to him, because by that moment he had already made his wife calm down and behave the same way as before.

Charlie hated his new life and this body. Rodrigo was a terrible person and he did not understand how this woman had married him at all. Kissing this man and doing other things in bed soon proved to be not that difficult, although it was still disgusting and disgusting, but Charlie was able to get used to it. It was harder to be Antonia. He became the one he hated the most.

Every morning he woke up with the hope that all this would pass, but the weight of his boobs and the snoring of this man next to him immediately forced him to return to reality. Every time in front of the mirror, he wanted to turn away and not look there. This face with huge plump soft lips, the weight of which he literally felt on his face, this face was now his and he had to make this face beautiful every day with the help of lipstick and other cosmetics. He needed to wear this demeaning skin-tight outfit and look like a sex doll. He hated the way everyone looked at him, and most importantly, everyone knew that he was not Antonia, but everyone pretended not to know this.

Today was another terrible day in Charlie's new life, but the only thing that could make this day worse was the news that Rodrigo had agreed on an operation to augment Antonia's already not small breasts, that is, now Charlie. He looked with horror at how happy Rodrigo was and hoped it was just a joke. 


- It is necessary?...

- Of course, sure! What a stupid question, let's take off this jacket and put it away.

- But then ... then

- Then everyone will see that you have gorgeous boobs and want to sleep with you. Yes, this is your job and I, as your Alt Shift curator, must make sure that you have become yourself again and live your old life again.

- But ... but, Olivia ... or rather, I worked as a waitress and you are her ... or rather, you are my husband, why did you make me dress like that and brought me here?

- God, you already understood everything. Let's be honest now. I know that you are not Olivia, but the law is the law and I will use it. For everyone, you are officially my wife. Olvia and I were only formally married to ... it doesn't matter what, what matters is that I'm actually Olivia's pimp and she was one of my best girls. You know that if I tell the police that you are not obeying the law, you will go to a conversion camp, so just do what I tell you. I don't care who you were before Alt Shift, but now you are Olivia and so quickly take off this jacket and go to the point. You just have to stand, the cost of the services ...

Ricardo began to say some numbers, but for Timothy it all sounded awful, he didn't want to know or hear it, so he didn't even remember anything.

He slowly unbuttoned his dark jacket, feeling how now his chest was loose without a bra, dangling under the blue blouse and how his nipples were hardened from the cold, but that did not matter. He stood swaying on the heels that Ricardo had given him instead of with these clothes and looked with a pleading look

- Please do not. I do not want it

- Olivia. I just explained everything in a good way. So let's not quarrel and complicate things. 



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