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- As of today, Mrs. Conor, we'll just write you a warning. But if I were you, I would be more serious about the law and would follow the rules

- What? I follow your damn rules! I go to this stupid job and follow the law

- Your husband told us ...

- What? That I am not sleeping with him ?! I am not obliged to do this, we are in a free country and ..

- Please listen to me. By law, you must live the same way you did before the alt shift. We must control this. It's just my job. Your husband said that you do not behave like you did before the alt shift and I even see it myself, you don’t even do makeup or dress like you used to and, sorry, but you have a terrible hairstyle. Your colleagues also noticed that you are behaving differently. All of them and your husband said that they are ready to help you return to your old life, and therefore we are writing out just a warning. If at least one complaint comes, then we will have to send you to the conversion camp. Do you understand?

Greg just silently looked at the man in a business suit and said nothing, waiting for him to finally leave and leave him.

After the viola shift, Greg ended up in the body of a married young woman, Margarita Conor, who worked as a secretary in a low-paid job. The law ordered all people who were under the influence of alt shift to return to their lives and live as they did before, otherwise they were sent to conversion camps, about which there were terrible rumors.

Gregory has lost his wealth. He no longer lived in expensive apartments. He couldn't drive his expensive car and shoot beautiful chicks. He had to pretend to be Margarita and live as she did. His attempts to prove to everyone that he really is Greg did not lead to success as well as many other people. No one could definitely identify the people who really changed bodies and distinguish them from those who simply cheat, and then this law came out from the government. 


Greg hated his new life, especially because it only got worse for him every day. He didn't want to go to the conversion camp, especially after he found out what terrible things were happening there. This happened immediately after he was issued a warning. One more warning and he could already say goodbye for sure even with such a life. Margarita's husband turned out to be a huge scoundrel. Gregory knew that he was taking advantage of the situation and could not do anything about it. Mark, Margarita's husband, turned out to be incredibly horny, he literally wanted to make love every day.

But from this process you could at least enjoy and over time Greg adapted to this. What he hated more than his new female body was his new job and the life of Margarita. Margarita worked as a secretary and always dressed very sexy before alt shift, short skirts, tights, high-heeled shoes and always did bright makeup. She loved the attention, and Greg hated it. He hated that every day he had to get up early to go to the mirror, see the reflection of this face and make this face even more beautiful, so that at work everyone would understand that he was the real Maragrita and no one had any doubts about it. Colleagues of the man approvingly supported Greg and he had to smile and accept their compliments.

When he thought it was the worst thing that happened to him, then one day his boss broke the news to him. Mark did not know whether his boss was cheating or not, but he knew that if he was not his mistress, he could lose his job. His boss directly threatened him that he would tell the government agents everything and even showed the evidence. The photo showed Margarita and her boss in an obscene state with his cock in their hands, and this obviously proved that before the alt shift, Margarita really was his mistress. 



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