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In a state of shock and prostration, Stephen took several steps in this new, unfamiliar place. Everything seemed unreal and impossible, but his new sensations from a heavy large chest and a new center of gravity made him believe that it was real. He was trained not to panic in difficult situations, it is not for nothing that he trained for a long time in order to serve in the US Army. At 23, he was in excellent physical shape and dreamed of serving his homeland. He hated Muslims and really wanted to get into some kind of conflict in the Middle East, but his leadership decided that he would better serve on a base in America.

- سميرة! سميرة! سأل ساميد منذ متى وانت؟ (samira! samira! samid mundh mataa want? - Samira! Samira! Samid asks you! Go quickly to him!)

A woman's voice was heard from outside the door. Stephen did not understand that the woman was speaking in Arabic, but he perfectly understood what she was talking about and did not like it at all


That evening he was in a bar with his other comrades in the army and got drunk. He was very upset by the decision of the command and thought only about this all evening. When one of his friends took out this strange coin, Stephen did not even pay attention and did not listen to what his friend was saying. He only heard that the coin grants a wish. He took this coin by force. His friend said it was all serious, but Stephen did not listen.

- If this coin grants a wish, then I would like to be in Iraq among all these fucking Muslims and fuck some big terrorist !!!

The coin lit up right in Stephen's hand and this is the last thing he remembered. The coin literally took Stephen's wish and changed reality so that he became one of the Iraqi women named Samira in the harem.


Only now Stephen realized that all alcohol and intoxication had disappeared from his body along with his body and now he was completely sober. The new sensations of the heaviness of his breasts and the uncontrolled swinging of big boobs distracted him no less than the weight of his big ass and the strange feeling of emptiness between his legs. But he tried to think logically and tried to understand his situation. Very little time has passed since the moment he made a wish and was here.

Loud footsteps were heard outside the door, as if an elephant were stomping. Suddenly the door flew open and a large fat Arab woman appeared in the door.

- سميرة! لماذا علي أن أتبعك! صرخت لك وأنت واقف هنا! يجب أن تكون المحظيات أكثر طاعة! (samir! limadha ealay 'an' atbek! sarikhat lak wa'ant waqif huna! yjb 'an takun almuhziaat' akthar taea! "Samira! Why should I follow you! I shouted at you while you were standing here! The concubines must be more obedient!" )

- لما؟ من أنت ، إنت مين؟ انا لست سميرة! هذا كله خطأ! (lama? min 'anta,' iint mayna? 'iinaa last samiratan! hdha klh khataan! - What? Who are you, who are you? I'm not Samira! It's all wrong!)

Stephen heard his new voice for the first time. It was definitely a female voice with a slight hoarseness. The woman began to look around the room with her eyes and then quickly took some kind of fabric and put it on Stephen's shoulders.

- سعيد يحب عندما تكون فيه (saeid yuhibu eindama takun fih - Saeid loves when you're in it)

Stephen brushed his clothes off his shoulders and tried to push the woman away. His chest swayed uncomfortably with every movement and pulled downward, stretching the skin and causing pain.

- ابتعد عني! انا لست سميرة! أنا جندي في الجيش الأمريكي! ماذا فعلت بي؟! (aibtaead eany! 'iinaa last smyr!' ana jundiun fi aljaysh al'amriki! madha faealt bi ?! - Get away from me! I am not Samira! I am a military American army! What have you done to me ?!)

Zulfiya, the eldest in this Muslim brothel with concubines, was unhappy with Samira's behavior and was very surprised at this. But she didn’t want to anger Sayid, one of the most influential people in Iraq, who often came to their establishment and precisely for the sake of Samira. Despite the fact that Samira resisted, she decided that she would force her to do her job. She was stronger and larger than Samira, so it was not difficult.

Despite all his special training in the army, Stephen could not resist the formidable woman. His new body was too weak for this and his knowledge of martial arts with a new body with new proportions definitely did not help him, and Zulfiya nevertheless put this fabric on him and led him to a drunken Said, who did not care how one of his favorite concubines behaved ...


That first day, and especially the first hour of his new life as Samira, Stephen will never forget in his new life. But then there was still the belief that this was all just a dream, a fantasy, a curse, some kind of conspiracy of Muslims against the US army and many, many other reasons that he thought about in the following days. It was a strange first sex, the first of many and many that will be in Samira's life, but certainly it was the most unpleasant, humiliating and unwanted. That evening Stephen, for the first time in his life, felt his new weakness and inability to resist strong people, first this big woman, then this terrorist, who now literally fucked him. Stephen's wish was fully fulfilled and he could fuck these Muslim terrorists, but not in the way he dreamed.

Later, over time, he found out a lot. His new name was already clear from the very beginning, as was his new job, although it was difficult to call it work, here he did not have the right to get a job and was an ordinary concubine in the harem of one of the leaders of the Muslim world, a man he hated ... There was no American embassy in Baghdad, because America broke off diplomatic relations with this country and he could not even come and tell the truth, which no one would have believed, and he was also convinced of this. When he looked through American websites, he realized that he only knew Arabic and English was just a set of symbols for him that he could not even pronounce and did not know how to read them.

He quickly realized in the very first hours that he should behave like Samira in order for him to look for a way out of the situation, but the further he lived like this, the more he realized that there was no way out. He even found his friends and parents on the Internet, but all information about his old life disappeared, now Stephen did not exist. The only thing that remained of Stephen was in his head and the only thing he remembered was a coin, which he devoted almost all of the next time to find, but it was incredibly difficult to do. Living in a different country, in a different culture and as a busty woman concubine was just a humiliating hell for Stephen, especially considering that he was a racist and hated everything that was now part of his life. He had to not only come to terms with the idea that sex with the Arab leaders of the organization would be constant and this could not be avoided due to his new position, but also with the fact that now, even to go out into the street, he would have to put a headscarf on his head and still understand that everyone around does not take him seriously, not only because women have few rights here, but also because of his status as a concubine. Everyone was afraid of the people with whom Stephen / Samira had sexual intercourse and did not even want to just help with the Internet. The question of escaping to America was closed almost immediately. Concubines could not leave the country, and concubines of rich people could end up badly (die) if they abandoned their master.




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