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I was looking into the window display reflection of the shops I was about to enter to buy some things for the house I was now living in. A woman dressed in accordance with all the rules of clothing of the 19th century was looking at me. God, it's only been a month since I got here and got this body, but my face was the same, just a little feminine. I still do not like to wear these strange, ridiculous clothes, but here it is customary and otherwise it is simply impossible to dress as a "young lady" as they call me now.

I still could not believe that this whole story happened to me and that I am now stuck like this for the rest of my life. If someone told me that at the age of 33 my life would change dramatically, then I would probably agree, but I would not believe that so dramatically.

I guess I'll never get used to it. These uncomfortable large dresses, under which there are a lot of other women's clothing of this century, with uncomfortable tight corsets. And every day I have to even just go outside to some local store to spend a lot of time getting dressed. Nobody takes me seriously and no one really believes me that I am actually not Lady Elizabeth 19 years old, but 33 year old Mark from the 21st century. Everything that I said people understood as nonsense or just jokes of a young girl who is bored with life.

If somehow it was possible to do so that I had a different face, then perhaps I would be easier and faster to adapt to this new strange life and to this body, but every time I saw my reflection, I saw my face attached to this female body in these ridiculous outfits did not immediately remember my old life.

It all started when my wife and I found some antique items at a garage sale and bought them. We were very surprised when we found that one amulet could grant wishes. When I was holding the amulet in my hands, I said that I wanted a beer and I instantly had a bottle of beer in my hands, which I dropped out of surprise. Then I experimented a couple more times, making stupid wishes, but the amulet suddenly stopped chewing. We found information on the Internet about this amulet that it can fulfill desires, but only no more than three desires for a person.

We only had my wife's wishes


I knew that my wife was very fond of TV shows and books about the 19th century and yesterday dreamed of living in the past like some noble woman, but I did not think that it was so serious.

When she took the amulet and began to speak her desires, I wanted her to shut up. At first she wished that we lived in the 19th century and I noticed how everything changed almost instantly around us. We were still ourselves, but everything around us and our clothes changed. Our apartment has changed. There was no longer any sign of modern progress and there was antique furniture around us. She instantly looked at the situation and realized that this was not exactly what she wanted, because the furniture and the room clearly looked cheap and she said that she wanted to live in a rich house. Our room has changed instantly. This was already the second desire and I realized that if I did not stop her, then we could get stuck like this forever.

She is of course egosite, but I did not think that to such an extent, because she did not even consult with me when she spoke about her desires. Maybe this was also due to the fact that we were a little drunk, or maybe that something did not suit her, I will never know it. At that moment, I began to scream and grab this amulet from her.

- God, Sarah! Enough! We have only one wish left!

- Not with us! And I have! You spent yours on all sorts of nonsense, and I always dreamed of living like a noblewoman in the 19th century. This is what I need and I am very happy now

- But think of me! I do not want it! Everything suited me in our life! We could order other wishes

I tried to take the amulet and at the same time argued with Sarah, but I did not succeed

- Oh, Mark! You just don't understand how cool it is to be a young lady in the 19th century. I've read so many books and stories! I dreamed about it for a long time and now ...

- Just give me the amulet before you make it worse!

- Enough! Mark! Leave me alone! I won't change anything back! I want you to understand this too and stay away from me!

At that moment Sarah disappeared and the room disappeared. Or rather, I disappeared from the room Sarah was in.

I found myself in another part of the earth, still in the 19th century, but then I did not understand it yet. There was a beautiful garden around me and I was clearly outside. Everything was wrong, my clothes changed and now instead of men's clothes of the 19th century, which I was wearing after the first two wishes of Sarah, I was wearing a huge uncomfortable green dress, I had white tight gloves made of light fabric on my hands, and on my head was what something strange hat.

- Elizabeth, dear, why are you stopping?

I turned around, feeling discomfort from the hat and saw some girl who looked at me in surprise and as if this question had been asked to me.


- But, but ... I'm not Elizabeth! I told you that!

- What nonsense, young lady! I don't want to hear this in my house anymore! You already scared all our servants and I don't understand these games! You are my daughter and you have always been her and you will be her!

- But, but ..

I have been standing in the room talking to this old man for several minutes now. My shock that I suddenly lost everything in my life and ended up here had already passed a little and I could talk more calmly, but all the same it all seemed wild, asurdous and wrong to me. I thought it was all some kind of big imagination, but it was very real.

When I found myself on the threshold of this large house and the servant started to tell me something, I did not know what to do. I just started to take off all this clothes and, first of all, this uncomfortable hat and some kind of cape. I felt that there was long hair under the hat, which was styled in a neat feminine hairstyle, but some curls touched my face. I felt how my new breasts now had a certain weight and especially how the corset that was under my dress was pressing on me.

I did not have time to take everything off, the servant stopped me and brought me into the house. It was very difficult and uncomfortable to walk in all these clothes and the dress constantly interfered with my steps. I had shoes with small heels on my feet and this also caused certain difficulties in movement. I said that this was all unreal, that I was a man named Mark from the 21st century, but they just looked at me in surprise and pity and reassured me. Some other people came and reassured me and now I found myself here in front of this man who thought I was Elizabeth, his 21 year old daughter

-Tell me, is this all about your engagement to Charles?

- What?! Engagement!? Not! I say, I don’t ..

- Stop! If you say that again, then I will have to call a doctor. It's all too stupid dear


I was taken to my room and for the first time I saw myself in the reflection. It was wild and weird. My own face was looking at me, but as if it were my young twin sister. I was wearing a beautiful light green dress and nothing reminded of my former masculinity. It was a reflection of a beautiful young lady from the 19th century and everything seemed normal. But the problem was that it wasn't normal and it was my reflection. I felt all these clothes, my long hair, shoes, which I was already rather tired of. I needed to think and decide what to do next. It’s absolutely certain that the amulet remained with Sarah and it’s certain that I have no idea where Sarah might be right now. Precisely, that I ended up here in a different body and everyone considers me to be a different person named Elizabeth and ... Elizabeth, or rather, now I am engaged ?! But this was the last thing I wanted to think about. Now I just wanted to take it off and put on normal clothes. But at the same time, I did not want to do this, because then I would definitely see this new body and this would mean that I had already lost all my masculine. So I just came and sat on this bed, which was obviously mine now.


Several days have passed since I ended up in this body. I did not want to accept this new reality and tried to find out first of all how to get my old life back. I found out that now is 1854 and I am in some noble mansion in some settlement somewhere in Europe, the name of which I hear for the first time. I didn't want to wear dresses or anything else, the best I was going to wear was just the nightgown I was wearing. I did not leave my room and food was brought to me here. My new father turned out to be very strict, he did not allow me to go around the house in my nightgown, and so I ended up locked in a room. As he said, until you dress properly, you'll sit in your room, young lady.

Young lady, damn it, I'll never get used to it. Why should I, a normal adult man 33 years old from the 21st century, accept this life as some kind of uneducated, even rich, devshuk from 185 years old ?! This is all bullshit! But this was all my new reality. Even by this nightgown, I understood that I had a female body. My breasts, which were loose without a bra, now dangled with every movement were definitely there and causing discomfort. My long hair, which I did not intend to and did not allow anyone to suck, was now a part of me. I wanted to cut them, but as soon as I was going to do it, the scissors were taken away from me. Now the doctor examined me. He ... heck, he was looking between my legs and beyond. It was part of his examination and it was so humiliating!

- Tell me, is everything all right with her?

- Yes, she's definitely healthy.

- But why is she behaving like that?

- I think it's just feminine features due to engagement or menstruation. I think it will soon pass

I looked at them without trying to hide the fact that I was unhappy. But it still looks like I will have to temporarily accept these rules of the game. Because soon after the doctor left, my "father" threatened me that if I ruined my engagement, he would send me to a monastery or come up with something worse. He said that I must do this and that my fiance should not know about this melancholy of mine.


I can't believe I'm doing all this. I hope that no one will ever know about this when I return my old life and body.

I stood in front of the mirror in the room, preparing to go out to the guests for the first time. A week has passed and there have been many different conversations with the doctor, servants and, most importantly, with my father, who demanded of me to be a good girl. I resisted, but over time I realized that I had nowhere to go and I had to accept this life before I found Sarah. I didn't know how I would do it, but I decided that I would devote my whole life to it.

Everything was different here. If we forget about my new position, then I realized a long time ago that there is nothing good here in this time. I don't know why Sarah loved this century so much and why she wanted to be here, but for me it was a nightmare. There were no computers, there were no electronics, and even the light here was only from candles, I could not even take a shower normally.

I stood in front of the mirror, feeling how tightly this corset squeezes my stomach and how my breasts in this corset seem a little larger than they are. I would never wear it, but living here as a "young lady" who is engaged and must be beautiful in society demanded it.

The maid in the house helped me with the clothes. She also noticed that I was different before and this was noticeable in their manner of speaking and behavior, but they never directly told me this. Of course, "I" was different, I never lived here at all and did not know anything how to live correctly for a girl in this 19th century! 


The preparations for my exit were very long. When I scolded my wife for dressing for a long time, I did not know that at this time the chewing gum took even longer to get dressed. It seemed to me that it lasted an eternity and I did not want to think that now it will be the rest of my life. From this thought, I just got scared once again and drove her away.

They made me a beautiful hairstyle and it was good, because, although I felt that there was something on my head, something completely unusual and superfluous, something that I wanted to remove, but now my hair did not bother me when every move. There were some earrings in my ears that I didn't even bother to consider, but they definitely gave weight on my lobes. I chose this green dress myself from all the options. Even though it was an open dress, the others weren't better.

I didn't want to leave my room, especially when I saw myself in the mirror. A very pretty young lady, ready for the ball, was looking at me. I only saw such people in movies or in pictures, but now I myself was her. But my face ... shit, I just turned around and closed my eyes. Until now and even now, it seemed to me all the time that this was some kind of practical joke or a computer simulation with very real sensations, but it was only hope.

I took neat steps, trying to balance on my little feet in these shoes with a scablock. I walked holding my big skirt and heard my heels knocking on the wooden floor. My chest, even in this outfit, swayed and it was very noticeable. I walked in the direction of the sound and when I entered the door, I heard how quiet it became. I literally heard this silence, everyone looked at me

- And here is my beautiful daughter! Well, Charles, you finally got it.

I looked down and did not want to raise my head. This was all too much. I want to get out, get out of here. Close my eyes and be back in my house, but nothing happened.

- Honey, what are you, look at us and your fiance, do not hide your beautiful look

The words of my "father" today sounded differently than usual. He was not rude and these were some kind words. Apparently because he wanted to impress his dear guests and surprise everyone with my beauty, and especially this Charles, about whom he constantly spoke. As I understand it, Charles is a rich son of some people and this would help my "father" find money to continue a rich life.




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