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It's okay Oliver, you can handle it, it's just a job and a temporary test. In your life there have been more difficult difficulties and you ... damn it, who am I kidding? What is happening now is just a crazy idea and crazy experiment. I shouldn't have agreed to participate in this dubious event.

This is all too strange and wrong. You can handle it Oliver!


Oliver stood in front of a mirror in the staff room in a wealthy home. He was already in overalls to do the work of a waitress and servant for Thomas Feldman, one of the richest men in the world. Thomas liked to throw parties in which young girls in underwear were waitresses and servants. No decent girl would agree to this, but he paid enough and knew how to persuade if he liked someone very much.

Before participating in the experiment, Oliver was a successful 35-year-old man. He had a very good business, which he inherited from his parents and brought in a lot of money. By his age, he experienced a lot in life and at some point realized that he was bored. He understood that he could get almost everything in this life. This would have continued if one of his friends had not told him about the secret organization that rules the world and in which there is such technology that even seems impossible.

Oliver was skeptical about this and began to argue that it was impossible and that if it were so, he would know it. His friend said that Oliver was noticed in this organization and would like to be called into their ranks, but for this he must pass the test. This seemed interesting to Oliver, after all, he was not yet familiar with such organizations and trusted his friend.

The challenge was chosen at random from a variety of cards and Oliver got the challenge called "Mr. Thomas's servant." He had a chance to refuse even after that, but when Oliver read the purpose of the test, he could not believe that it was all real.

According to the test, he was to get a job as a servant of Mr. Thomas Feldman and play his role for 6 months. But most importantly, on this assignment, he received a female body. It all seemed impossible and Oliver until the last thought that this was all some kind of prank


The technologies of the organization were really skilled at all or nearly all. It seemed impossible. Until the last, he considered all this nonsense, even when naked entered the inside of some device. He came out of there already in this new body and immediately noticed the changes in his growth. He was a tall and slender man 182 cm, and now his height has become 155 cm and everything around him began to seem much larger. His new long hair touched his back and shoulders. He looked in surprise at the people who were nearby and wanted to joke something, because their looks were very serious, and at that moment he looked down. It was a huge shock in his life, he examined his body and could not believe his eyes and sensations. It was a small thin female body without hair and without any sign of masculinity, it was the exact opposite of his old body.

Without panic, he adequately assessed the situation and realized that everything that was told to him was true and that this organization could really be the most powerful in the world. If so, then he agreed to this test and if he passes this test, he will become one of them. Although Oliver wanted very much to get his body back, at that moment he decided that it was better not to do it. Moreover, he did not know what would happen if he said that he changed his mind. These people could really do anything.

He was given his new documents in the name of a young girl named Linda, 21, clothes and keys to the apartment in which he will temporarily live. Once again they told him the assignment and the plan according to which he should get a job with Mr. Thomas.

All this happened as if in a dream and Thomas acted as if in some kind of delirium, because it was all too unreal. He did not believe that he himself was wearing a bra, panties, short skirt, shirt and boots with heels. Then he was blindfolded and put in a car, and only closer to his new home was he able to remove the bandage.

All the way he thought about his situation. Even then, he regretted that he had agreed to this deal and did not understand why he had to join this organization at all. He did not understand why they had such strange tests and why they had to do it, but he knew for sure that there was no way out and he would have to pass this test. He realized even then that he did not even have access to his money and company, because he told everyone on their instructions that he was going on vacation for half a year to a monastery in China and that no one would bother him. His business already worked without him, but now he has officially warned everyone, so no one will be looking for him and he will definitely not be able to access his money in this body with these documents ... 

The driver in the car did not speak to Oliver, and even when Oliver wanted to ask something, the driver did not answer. He brought him to the house, which was Oliver's new apartment and did not even say goodbye. Oliver got out of the car and immediately felt the discomfort of his new shoes with heels again, it is good that they were not high heels and Oliver coped with it.

He stood on the sidelines in a short skirt and shirt, his long hair flowing in the wind and he wanted to put it somewhere. Some passing man passing by looked at him strangely and Oliver did not like it terribly, but he had to do something. He made his way to the entrance of the house and began to climb to his floor. He was told the apartment number in advance, so it was not difficult.

When he opened the door, he could not believe his eyes. It was a small one-room apartment that had both a kitchen and a bed. He did not even think that such apartments existed until he came here. For a few seconds he looked around the room and thought about the situation. It was all too strange and too real to be true.

For a few seconds Oliver simply stood in a stupor, and then turned his attention to the mirror. He first saw himself in the reflection and appreciated the beauty of the girl who was in the reflection. He made movements with his hand, straightened his hair, touched his cheeks, lips and the girl in the reflection repeated all these movements.

Frightened, he turned away, took a few quick steps and jumped onto the sofa. He could already calmly and adequately contemplate, but nevertheless he looked at himself once again, grabbed his knees below the short skirt and stared at them.


Damn, how is this all possible. This is ... this is me, I can feel it all, I see it all, but I don’t understand. They really did it and I agreed to it all myself, but ... damn, I already thought about it while in the car, but now I'm alone and I need to ... damn, damn, damn! I don’t want to, I won’t, but ... I need time to think it over and they gave me this time, according to the instructions I only have to call this company tomorrow and schedule an interview. They even prepared me a resume and told me what to say to get a job in this house for this rich pervert. I know who this person is, but I have never communicated with him personally. I wonder if this person is also from the gang or ... damn what I'm thinking, I can't accept this job and ... But I already agreed and I'm still Oliver McAllister and I always got everything I want, even if it's seemed impossible. This is just a test and I will complete it! But still, this is somehow too ... I don't know ...


For a long time I could not fall asleep that day, but all the fatigue and stress did their job, or maybe the pills they gave me helped. They said that I should drink them every day before going to bed. The devil knows what these pills are, but if I don't drink them, then I could die. I don't know if this is true or not, but I decided that they should be believed.

In the morning I woke up from an alarm clock. It was an unpleasant tune for this cheap phone. For a few moments, when I was lying in bed, it seemed to me that it was all just a bad dream, but then I returned to reality and saw my body under the covers. I took a shower and started getting ready for an interview. Here, besides my clothes, in which I came, there was only a dress that I had to wear for this interview. It was a must, and I myself understood that it would help to get this job. I put on my underwear without any problems, except that I had never done it in my life and it seemed to me something wrong, but it looked good on this body. Having put on the dress, I looked in the mirror and realized that I did not want to go anywhere in this form, but the girl in the mirror looked very appetizing and I knew that I would definitely like her.

Putting on these high-heeled boots again, I stood at the exit, collected my thoughts and went out into the street towards the building of the business center, in which the interview was supposed to be. By the end of the journey, I still could not get rid of the feeling that I was in my male body and walking down the street in this dress. It seemed to me that everyone sees the real me and laughs or considers me some kind of pervert, but in fact, all passers-by saw in me just a little weak girl in a tight-fitting dress.


- Hi, I'm

- Oh, you must be Linda?

- I ... yes, I ... My name is Linda and I came for an interview with Mr. Feldman about a job

- Yes, yes, yes, girl, come in, we are waiting for you. Mr. Thomson himself decided to conduct an interview and I think you have great chances

Oliver looked up at this woman secretary. On the way, he noticed that almost all people are now taller than him, but this woman seemed very tall to him, although she was only 10 cm taller, but she wore high-heeled shoes. She ushered Oliver into Thomas Feldman's office. There was another man and Thomas himself. Thomas turned out to be a man of about 60 years old. He looked at Oliver seriously and waved his hand to his assistant. It was some kind of sign, a sign that the first impression was good, but you have to make sure.

- Take off this dress dear

It was the voice of the secretary next to Oliver. Oliver looked surprised at the secretary's serious face. And the secretary silently looked at Oliver, which meant "you knew what kind of job you were getting, so don't be silly or leave"

Oliver slowly reached out with his little hands to the clasp of the dress on the back, which he had recently fastened with such difficulty.


While Oliver was taking off his dress, he noticed with peripheral vision Thomas and another man looking at him. These were not the looks of men who want to drag the girl into bed, but at the same time they were watching and evaluating him. He felt like some kind of thing that they want to buy in the bazaar. Oliver tried to take off his clothes as long as possible in order to delay this moment further, but in the end he ended up in this room without a dress, only in his underwear

- Okay, now let's go here.

The woman took Oliver by the hand and led the office to the center. At that moment, another man approached him and began to examine Oliver's body. He checked every part of his body, and Oliver stood and felt himself trembling. He is white unselfish from all this, he felt that he was cold and at the same time scared. He felt the bra pressed tightly against his chest and pressed against his shoulders, felt his long hair and small panties that hugged his great ass. He literally felt his small stature and weakness in front of all these people and wanted to scream out of despair and his stupidity. At that moment, very clearly, he felt that he should not have done all this.

Oliver looked at Thomas, who stood in front of his office desk and silently looked at Oliver's body and appraised it while other people examined Oliver's body.

- All is well, Mr. Feldman, as a doctor, I declare that this girl is perfectly healthy

Thomas paused for a few seconds, then nodded his head.

- Congratulations dear, you are accepted.

The girl said and quickly began to take Oliver out of the room, so that he barely had time to grab the dress. 

For the first time in his life, Oliver was able to try on his new uniform, which consisted of white underwear with nylon stockings with suspenders and high-heeled shoes, the very next day after the interview. He came to this wealthy house by public transport and had to undergo staff training.

The staff consisted of the same girls and their clothes were even less modest than Oliver's clothes, which were bought for him, especially for him by order of Mr. Thomas. It was not easy and it took quite a long time for Oliver to change into these clothes. He stood and did not want to go to this job and learn something, but he had already decided that he would go to the end and not break, so he did not look for a way to get his body and life back.

“Linda, you're finally ready. I'll tell you right away what you did wrong

- What?

Oliver hated his high-pitched squeaky voice, but there was no other option for communication and therefore he just wanted to speak as little as possible

- Your bra, you must open your chest

- Yes?

- Yes dear, this is our rule, look at us

This was said by one of the girls who worked here. She told Oliver the main responsibilities and everything he would have to do. 

- Here, take this paper, all our rules are written there

- But I have nowhere to put it

- Well, put it somewhere, then take it away, you need it if you want to stay here for more than a month

Oliver had to hold out for half a year and make sure that he was not fired, so he had to use everything to achieve this goal.

- The most important thing is to learn how to correctly and beautifully serve dishes, wine and be responsive to everything that gentlemen say. In other words, you are here almost like a prostitute, but not a prostitute, although it may come to that

Oliver's eyes widened and he looked at this woman in surprise. He had not yet thought that he would have to make love with a man in this body and was not going to do this, but this woman was clearly hinting at it. And in general it suddenly became very logical for him. All these clothes, meetings, why else would they dress like that ?! But this was already beyond his decision and he did not even think about it

- Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think that you would just show everyone your body and work here? We are paid good money, so we have to be prepared for anything. Although, of course, this is not in our agreement, but you are not a stupid girl

Oliver had a lot of thoughts in his head at that moment. He just wanted to get out of here. For some reason, he immediately remembered his yacht and how a few weeks ago he was there with a bunch of girls who did whatever he wanted for him, and now he was among this servant and ... and in this body, in this clothes! He broke down and went into the room where his clothes were. 

Oliver hasn't gone anywhere. It was like a surge of some female hormones and hysteria, but it ended quickly and Oliver returned to training and to the girl who was about to leave. She smiled and grinned when she saw Oliver come back to her and ask to continue the lesson.


A few days later, Oliver was ready for his first normal workday. He learned the rules and stood at a general meeting with other girls

- Here, meet, this is Linda, she is now working

- It would be better to leave Suzy, why was she fired?

One of the girls said and did not even look up, she was still looking at the phone

“Samantha, that's enough. Don't scare Linda, you see she's already nervous here. It's still her first day at work, so you need to hold her

Oliver stood and looked at these girls in silence. Strange, but she was right, Oliver was really worried. He didn't know, but the pills he was taking made him more and more another person. Inside, he was and always will be Oliver, a rich, confident, strong man, but over time from the pills he will get the traits of a weak little girl who is insecure and will always seek help from some man. Now it was still weak, but there were already the first symptoms and Oliver was really worried, although he did not understand why. He was confident that everything would be fine. He has already given himself the instruction that this is temporary and just work. 

The party was very strange. There were a bunch of different old men in jackets in the house who discussed business problems and sometimes glanced at the girls who brought them wine or food.

But then, when they drank, Thomas ordered something and something completely incomprehensible began. Other women appeared who were completely naked. They depicted some figures, walked around the men and complete chaos began. Oliver had done something similar when he was in his old body, but there was something very strange about it.

Thomas sat in his chair and watched. It was unclear whether he liked it or not, but sometimes he glanced at Oliver with a strange, appraising look. Oliver did not know whether to smile at him or not and what to do better, so he just did his job and tried not to pay all attention to it.

Sida in his chair, surrounded by girls, Thomas finally became more talkative

- Linda, is that your name?

Oliver was pouring wine to someone and heard Thomas's voice. He did not understand that I was addressing him, so one of the girls pinched him and pointed at Thomas. Oliver walked slowly to the chair. This nasty old man was surrounded by beautiful ladies and looked greedily at Oliver. It was only his first day here and he was not yet mentally prepared for everything, so he lowered his head and said "yes"

- Beautiful and healthy, pour me this drink

Oliver took out a decanter and a glass. All the girls and Thomas looked at him strangely with a smile and giggled, as if they knew something that Oliver did not know. 

- Well, you did it, congratulations

Oliver stood in the dressing room after that strange evening and silently watched the girl who taught him dress. He didn't really want to change into this dress again and go to that cheap and small apartment, he generally wanted to forget everything faster, but now there was something strange.

The whole evening was strange and this behavior of Thomas. Oliver was not ready for all this and was not ready for Thomas to start feeling him. He wanted to push each time and take his hands away, but he held back. It was only the first week here. He stood and thought how he could live 6 months like this and what would happen if he said that he had not passed the test. He didn't want to be stuck like this forever. He thought about his reserve place in which there is money, but this place will also open only by the fingerprint of his old body, and if they do not return his old body to him, then he can get stuck forever, and this is a disaster

- What are you standing for?

- I .. I just, something is not good for me

- Oh, Linda! Ha, I get it

- What did you understand...

Oliver turned and leaned back on the table. In his eyes, the image began to float and he did not understand what it was. Some of the servants, on the orders of Thomas, poured something into Oliver's glass of wine, which he drank near the chair, and probably it was some kind of sleeping pill 

- Hey, help her

- Who, what .. what are you talking about ...

Oliver slowly fell asleep and heard some people walking around him and suddenly passed out into sleep.

Oliver didn't hush up how he had been stripped. He did not notice how he was brought to bed on the second floor of this house, and of course he did not notice the presence of Thomas. Thomas is a very strange man with a lot of money. He realized long ago in his life that he loves and realized this and he did not care what they thought of him. He wanted and he got it and every girl in this house went through it. Now it was a test for Linda. She slept and Thomas was turned on, he immediately liked her body and now he will get what he pays for.


Oliver opened his eyes. His head ached and he felt that it was not only his head that hurt him, but my entire lower body and even his butt. He lay in a rich bed in a rich house and again for a moment thought that it was all just some kind of long and strange dream. But then he felt the almost familiar touch of his long hair and saw his hand, which lay next to him.


What the hell happened here? Why did I pass out yesterday and why does my head and my ass hurt so much? Why am I in this bed ?! Did this old goat do this to me in a dream ?! No no no! That's it, I don't play these games anymore!


Oliver got out of bed and started looking for at least some clothes, but there was nothing here, so he covered himself with a blanket and walked towards the dressing room where he had changed yesterday. He decided that he didn't care, he was not going to be here anymore, especially for half a year! Everything is too wrong and too weird! He was not ready for this and did not want to live like that for half a year, even if it was worth it that he did not get into this stupid club of the rulers of the world. He thought about why he needed it at all? He already lived well and had everything.

- Linda ?! Where are you going?! Thomas told me to tell you to wait for him!

Some of the girls screamed

- Heck! I'm not Linda! Go away! I want to leave!

- What are you dear ?!

- Enough! Not!

- But you will be fired, you knew what kind of work you were doing, why are you behaving like that ?!

But Oliver had already fled to the dressing room. He didn't care, it was the last straw of this shit. 

Oliver quickly found that black dress in which he came and put it on. As usual, it didn't work the first time. He tried to do everything as quickly as possible to get out of this damned house. He did not think what would happen and how. He had a lot of emotions and he was tired of all this.

- Linda! Enough hysterics! Don't do anything stupid!

- Don't do anything stupid ?! He me ... damn it, I don't even want to say that! This is all terrible!

- I understand, but

- No buts!

Oliver walked quickly to the exit and went home

The girl looked after him and waited a few minutes. Then she took out her mobile phone and sent an SMS

"Oliver failed"


When Oliver finally got to his house, the first thing he did was open a bottle of beer that he bought on the way and drank almost a gulp while lying on the couch. He could not believe that it all really happened to him. How he dreamed then to be back in his rich home and get his life back. He needed to get in touch with his friend, who told him about all this and because of whom he was now here. Oliver was about to call, but suddenly realized that he did not know his friend's number. Thank goodness his phone had internet and he was able to find the office number of his friend's company. However, there were not enough funds on his account for a call. On the way, Oliver saw a telephone on the street and was about to go there, but saw a note on the table. This note was definitely not there yesterday. He walked slowly over, sat down on the sofa, took the note with his little palms and began to read

"Mr. Oliver McAllister. Unfortunately you have not passed our test and we will not be able to accept you into our organization. We are very sorry about this, but our rules are binding on everyone. I have to inform you that we cannot return your body back to you in order to avoid disclosing information about our organization We inform you that the pills we have given you must continue to drink. Do not try to find us and contact us otherwise we will have to take other measures. Do not try to tell anyone about us. Accept this life and live happily ever after. Compensation for your past life lies on your desk in an envelope, this money is enough for you to somehow build a new life and find a job. This letter will be destroyed after reading in 1 minute. Good luck Miss Linda Dallas "

Oliver just had time to read to the end and the letter in his hands suddenly caught fire and just as quickly went out, leaving only ashes. 

- So, miss, once again we summarize what you said.

- I'm not a miss, I've already told you that

- But by all the documents and in appearance you are a miss. I don't know who you think you are, but that's a different story. So you say that some secret organization that rules the world has changed your body. Are you claiming that you are actually Oliver McAlister, a 35-year-old millionaire, and not Linda Dallas, unemployed for 21 years?

- Yes! I know how it sounds, but it's true. I can prove, I know everything, ask anything and I will tell you. Passwords, secret vaults with money, I can tell you my whole life

- I don't even know what to tell you. Honestly, you are lucky that of all the police officers you speak to me, because others would either put you in jail or send you to an insane asylum. I think you are just kidding.

- I am not kidding

- How are you not kidding? I checked it out on purpose. Mr. Oliver McAlister just attended the premiere of a new film, here are the pictures. He has not disappeared.

Oliver looked at the monitor screen in shock and immediately answered

- It's them! They somehow changed me and created a new body so that no one would recognize, but ..

Then he realized how crazy it all sounds and decided to shut up.

- Miss Donovan, please stop this circus and do not interfere with my work, otherwise I will have to ..

- Yes, officer, I understand ... sorry


Oliver left the police station in utter despair. He did not know how he would live now and what to do. He knew how to live the life of a wealthy man who has no worries about looking for money and he knew it very well. But now everything was completely different and he did not want to accept this new reality at all. Why didn't they give him at least a male body and why they have such stupid tasks? Oliver walked slowly and thought about all this. He saw the telephone on the way to the house and an idea came to his beautiful little head. He had thought about it before, but for some reason he had already forgotten it.

He went to the phone and started dialing the phone of a friend's company, who told him about all this. It was a long process, he had to explain to the secretaries why he should talk to him, but in the end he was able to come up with a reason and he was connected to him

- Hello, you have a question for me ...

- Hello Friend! Believe it or not, it's me, Oliver McAllister!

- Oliver ?! .. Judging by the voice, this is some kind of prank. Miss i don't

- Yes I know! These are all these people about whom you told me, they gave me a test and now I am in this body! Help me friend!

- I don't understand what. What people? What test? And why are you talking to me as if we are friends!

- Because I'm Oliver!

- Don't be silly! I just drank coffee with Oliver and

- They replaced me! Isn't it noticeable !? There is another person! Help me!

- Miss! This stupid joke is wasting my time! Farewell!

And Oliver heard the dial tone. It was the end. It was goodbye to his past carefree life. He did not think and did not know what would happen now. He needed to somehow find a job and now live in this body and .... damn it, it was too difficult for him and he just went back to his little apartment. 



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